Content Posted in 2023
1997 Conference Program Highlights, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
1998 Conference Program Highlights, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
1999 MWER Reviewers, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
2008 Conference Program October 15-16, 2008, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Tim Murnen
2009 Conference Program October 14-17, 2009
2010 Conference Program October 13-16, 2010
2011 Conference Program October 12-15, 2011
2012 Conference Program Chair’s Reflections, David A. Walker
2019-2022 Call for Editors, Kate Akers
35th Annual Meeting Call For Proposals, David Walker
Academic Careers in the Twenty First Century: New Options for Faculty, Judith M. Gappa
Academic Integrity at the United States Air Force Academy, LeAnn Derby
Academic Service-Learning: Current Findings and Future Directions, Niall Hegarty and John Angelidis
Accessibility of On-Campus Food Pantries: A Comparative Review, Jayden Parrott
A Change of Art: Learning Research Strategies in a New Subject Area Through a LibGuide Redesign, Laura Sheets
Achievement Goal Orientation as a Predictor of High-Impact Practice Participation for Postsecondary Students, Angie L. Miller
A Comparative Analysis of the Academic Performances of Elementary Education Preprofessionals, as Disclosed by Four Methods of Assessment, Edwin Christmann and John Badgett
A Comparative Study of the Angoff and Nedelsky Methods: Implications for Validity, Michael J. Subkoviak, Michael T. Kane, and Patrick H. Duncan
A Comparison of Facilitated and Unfacilitated Administration of the Beliefs about Learning Environments (BALE) Instrument, Eric A. Worch, Emilio Duran, Lena Ballone Duran, and Jacob N. Burgoon
A Comparison of Paper-based and Computer-based Formats for Assessing Student Achievement, Meghan B. Scrimgeour and Haigen H. Huang
A Comparison of Skill Retention from Two Instructor-Led BLS CPR Courses, Michelle R. Wilson and Christine Liebrecht
Addressing Christianity in American History: Are Textbooks Improving?, Michael H. Romanowski
Addressing Conflicting Reviewer Feedback, Natasha Gerstenschlager and J. Vince Kirwan
Addressing Disciplinary Literacy: An Examination of Teachers’ Instruction in First Grade, Nicole M. Martin, Angela J. Stefanski, and Linda E. Martin
Addressing Swim Safety in Autistic Children: A Pilot Feasibility Study Using Aquatic Occupational Therapy, Erika Kemp, Rebecca Woodson, and Maria Baldino
Adolescent Girl Writers: "I can be good at it, if I like it", Hannah H. Chai
Adopting the edTPA as a High-Stakes Assessment: Resistance, Advocacy, and Reflection in Illinois, Jennifer D. Olson and Arthi B. Rao
Advanced Thermoluminescence Spectroscopy as a Research Tool for Semiconductor and Photonic Materials: A Review and Perspective, Farida Selim
Advocating for African American Students: Cultural Perspectives on Best Practices, Adrienne D. Dixson and Jeannine E. Dingus
A Field-Based Introduction to Urban Education at the Middle School, Susan M. Brookhart
A Forest in the City: Contemplative Practice for Difficult Times, David Chang
African American New Teachers’ Critical Stories: Learning to Teach, Becoming Certified, and Teaching, Lichelle Beeler, Christina Hayes, Felicia Lewis, Alicia Russell, and Glenda Moss
Agile Engineering: Managing Change to Unleash Innovation, Brandon Q. Rogers
Agile XP, Stress, Trust and Empowerment in Distributed Workforce Environments, Brandon Q. Rogers
“A Joyous and Frightening Shock”, David W. Jardine
A Leisure Model: Barriers and Black Womxn Collegiate Swimmers, Tiffany Monique Quash
A Letter From the Editors, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
All Clear: A workbook for sexually active Accutane users who can become pregnant, Taylor Petersen
All Means All … Maybe: MTSS Policy and Practice Across States in the United States, Aimee Howley, Darcey M. Allan, Nora L. Howley, and Tanis Furst
All Money Ain’t Good Money: The Interest Convergence Principle, White Philanthropy, and Black Education of the Past and Present, ArCasia D. James-Gallaway
A longitudinal investigation of the Kaleidoscope Career Model, networking behaviors, and career success, John Simmons, Hans-Georg Wolff, Monica L. Forret, and Sherry E. Sullivan
A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Factors and Scenarios Influencing College Students’ Decision to Complete Surveys at Five Mid-Western Universities, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Bryce Cain, Toni A. Sondergeld, Henrique G. Alvim, and Emily M. Slager
Analytical Collaboration for Student Graduation Success: Relevance of Analytics to Student Success in Higher Education, Mark A. Byrd, Laura S. Woodward, Song Yan, and Naida Simon
Analyzing the Efficacy of COVID-19 Travel Bans: A Regression Analysis Approach, Mallory Kochanek
An Analysis of Academic Dishonesty in Online Classes, Jennifer Peterson
An Argument for Re-positioning the Social Foundations, Joseph Watras
An Evaluation Using Universal Design for Learning, Lilah Nye
An Evidence-Based Approach to Improving the Quality of Sex Education in Ohio, Alyssa Buschur
A New Era for MWERA Proposal Submission and Review, Doug Feldmann
An Examination of Collaborative Learning Assessment through Dialogue (CLAD) in Traditional and Hybrid Human Development Courses, Wanda C. McCarthy, Peter J. Green, and Trey Fitch
An Examination of Food Insecurity at BGSU: Recommendations to Fill the Gaps, Kayla Commings
An Examination of the Impact of Local Government Service Factors on Public Trust, Jordan D. Daugherty
An Exploration of Best Practices for Personal Branding on Social Media in the Fashion Industry, Danielle Brickner
An Exploration of Change or Stability Over Time (2005-2018) in the Number and Likelihood of Police Officers Arrested, Dismissed, and Convicted for On- and Off-Duty Misconduct, Adam Watkins, Eric M. Cooke, Philip M. Stinson, and John Liederbach
An Exploratory, Descriptive Study of the Attitudes of Instructors and Students toward the Use of Asynchronous Online Discussion at a Female University in Saudi Arabia, Hamed A. Alshahrani and David A. Walker
An Exploratory Study of Aquatic Walking on Symptoms and Functional Limitations in Persons with Knee Osteoarthritis: Part 1, John M. Coons, Brandon Grubbs, Vaughn W. Barry, Ryan T. Conners, and Sandra Stevens
An Exploratory Study of Police Officers Arrested for Sex-Related Crimes, 2005-2017, Leah M. Jolliffe, Chloe A. Wentzlof, and Philip M. Stinson
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Aquatic Walking on Function and Muscle Activity in Knee Osteoarthritis: Part 2, John M. Coons, brandon grubbs, Conor Theiss, Vaughn W. Barry, and Sandra Stevens
An Exploratory Study of the Level of Reflection Attained by Preservice Teachers, Maria Elena Galvez-Martin, Connie L. Bowman, and Margaret A. Morrison
An Exploratory Survey of Participants in Urban and Suburban Teacher Academy Programs, Leah Wasburn-Moses and Molly Kelly-Elliott
An Investigation of Students' Perceptions of Doing Mathematics, Corrinne Sullivan, Gabriel T. Matney, and Jack Jackson II
An Investigation of the Impact of Work Factors and Trauma Exposure on Burnout in Housing and Residence Life Professionals, Jody A. Kunk-Czaplicki and Maureen E. Wilson
An Investigation of Three Approaches to Vocabulary Learning in High School Spanish Classes, Kathleen A. M. Jester, Rebecca M. Giles, and Susan N. Ferguson
Annual Meeting: Making a Difference in the 21st Century, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
An Observation of Transcultural Healthcare Communication in Cusco, Peru, Alexander Johnson
Another Woody: J. S. Bach in Dixieland, Per F. Broman
A Novel Approach to Social Justice Education, Jennifer Banas and Sara Gershon
A novel Home Exercise Assessment Tool (HEAT) to assess recall and performance: A reliability study, Joshua Halfpap, Christopher Allen, and Daniel I. Rhon
Antiracist Teaching, Jan L. H. Frank
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Understanding our Students' Mathematical Experiences through Drawing, Gabriel T. Matney, Corrinne Fischer, and Jack L. Jackson II
A Poetry Reading with Marilene Phipps and Loma Goodison, ICS Bowling State University and Ethnic Studies
Applied Use of a Health Communications Model to Generate Interest in Learning, Jennifer Rebecca Banas
Appropriate Educational Applications of the World Wide Web Today, Loren D. Malm, Bobby G. Malone, Fred W. Nay, Brad E. Oliver, Nancy G. Saunders, and Jay C. Thompson Jr.
A Practical Proposal for Special Education Teacher Induction, Leah Wasburn-Moses
Aquatics for Individuals with Disabilities: An Analysis of Publication Trends, Susan J. Grosse
Archie Bunker: Television’s Red, White, and Blue-Collar Hero, Charles Coletta
A Reader of Narrative and Critical Lenses on Intercultural Teaching and Learning, Nicole R. Rivera
Are Midwestern School Administrators Prepared to Provide Leadership in Special Education?, Michael Schaaf, Robert Williamson, and Jeanne Novak
Are more corporate social investments better? Evidence of non-linearity effect on costs of U.S. Bank loans, Sung C. Bae, Kiyoung Chang, and Ha-Chin Yi
A Resource Inputs Model Examining NAEP Reading Score Change from 1994-1998: State Median Household Income and Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Percentages Matter, David A. Walker and Shereeza F. Mohammed
A Ruff Day on the Road: How Relocation Affects Children Pre-k Through Third Grade and How a Picture Book Can Help, Bryant Miller
Assessing Faculty Salary Compression: An Application of Two Methods, John W. Fraas
Assessing Understanding in School-aged Children, Lori Clancy McKinney and Buford E. Wilson
Assessment in Finland: A Scholarly Reflection on One Country’s Use of Formative, Summative, and Evaluative Practices, Katie A. Hendrickson
Assessment Systems and Data Management in Colleges of Education: An Examination of Systems and Infrastructure, Noela A. Haughton and Virginia L. Keil
A Student Learning Model for Community Service Field Placements, Laura Dreuth and Martha Dreuth-Few
A Swimming Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessing Critical Parameters from Caregivers’ Perspectives, Abir K. Bekhet, Norah Johnson, Tana Karenke, and Amy Van Hecke
A Systematic Approach to Transforming the Art of Teaching Into the Science of Teaching: Developing a D-DIDM Mindset, Craig A. Mertler
A "Tale of Two Cities:" A Comparative Case Study of Community Engagement and Costs in Two Levy Campaigns, W. Kyle Ingle, Paul A. Johnson, and Ruth Ann Petroff
Athletic Trainers Knowledge and Practices for Sudden Cardiac Death, Brent McClure, Chyrsten Gessel, and Brittany Peppel
"At This Age, This Is Who I Am": CeCe Winans, Exilic Consciousness, and the American Popular Music Star System, Angela Nelson
Attrition and Retention Factors of Dual-Appointment Athletic Trainers, Elizabeth A. Starns and Mackenzie Starns
Autistic Gender & Sexuality in Everything's Gonna Be Okay, Jinx Mylo
Autopsy V. Virtopsy: A new approach for postmortem forensic examination, Nicole Elaine Lawson
A Vision of MWERA's Past: Thirty Years with MWERA and a View of the Future, Jean Pierce
“A Word for Nature”: A Reflection on a Contemplative Teacher-Training Course in the Desert, Netta Baryosef-Paz and Nirit Assaf
AYP Accountability Policy and Assessment Theory Conflicts, Randall S. Davies
Back Matter, Sharon McNeely
Back Matter, Sharon McNeely
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Back Matter, Sharon McNeely
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Back Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Back Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Back Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Back Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Back Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Back Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Tim Murnen
Be An American Reconstructioneer Of Culture, John Sikula
Becoming the Imperfect Friend: Sḵwx̱wú7mesh and Contemplative Pathways to Healing and Reconciliation in Higher Education, Denise Marie Findlay
Behaviors, Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge Critical to Effective Senior Student Affairs Officers, Jo Campbell and Maureen E. Wilson
Behaviors for Which Deinonychosaurs Used Their Feet, Alexander King
Beliefs about Mental Illness, Mental Health Treatment, and Anticipated Social Stigma: A Proposed Study of Air Force ROTC Cadets, Gabrielle N. Limes
Be Loud Behind Me, Show Me That You Care: Conducting Campus Climate Focus Groups with Undergraduates at a Predominantly White Institution, Nicole R. Rivera and Jennifer K. Shah
Between Bedrock and Shifting Sands: Faulty Class Structures within Mark Russel and Steve Pugh's The Flintstones, Alan Jozwiak
Beyond Body and Mind: Severance (2022) and Late Capitalism’s Wet Dream of an Ideal Laborer, Salman Rafique
Beyond Testing: 7 Assessments of Students & Schools More Effective Than Standardized Tests, Daniel J. Quinn
Beyond Words: Exploring History Through the Lens of Literary Theory and Research, Andrea Weaver
Bilingual Education in English-Only: A Qualitative Case Study of Language Policy in Practice at Lincoln Elementary School, Ingrid Colón and Amy J. Heineke
Black Female Leadership: Barriers To Ascension To Senior Leadership Positions In Corporations In America, Angelene Bonner
Blended Learning Environments in Higher Education: A Case Study of How Professors Make it Happen, Sarah E. King and Katie Cerrone Arnold
#Blessed: Collegiate Athletes’ Perceptions of Community Service, Amanda L. Paule-Koba and Rachel Wright
Blessing Box Plant, Lauren Dietz
Blessing Box Plant, Lauren Dietz
Blue-Mindfulness Training: A Story of Restorative Justice Decolonizing and Re-indigenizing Communal Relationships with Water, Thaddeus Gamory; Miriam Lynch Ph.D.; A. Udaya Thomas; and Angela K. Beale-Tawfeeq Ph.D., MPH
"Blue No Matter Who": Liberal’s Rhetoric of Fear, The Vampire Castle, and Abandoned Railway Workers, William Walton
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2022-09-23, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2022-12-09, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2023-02-24, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2023-05-05, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2023-06-22, Bowling Green State University
Bodily changes and performance effects in a transitioning transgender college athlete, Alexandra Klein, Vikki Krane, and Amanda L. Paule-Koba
Book Review: Kumar, Ashwani. (Ed.). (2022). Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Realizing Transformative Potentials in Diverse Contexts. New York, NY: Routledge., Giovanni Rossini PhD
Book Review: Love Letters to Play, Paul Kelba
Book Review: On Being Child Centered, Verity Downing
Book Review: Place, Pedagogy and Play: Participation, Design and Research with Children, Tim Thomas
Book Review: The British Betrayal of Childhood: Challenging Uncomfortable Truths and Bringing About Change, Helen Dee MSC
Boost the Lead Conversion Efficiency for the Synthesis of Colloidal 2D PbS Nanosheets, Tharaka MDS Weeraddana, Adam Roach, Shashini M. Premathilaka, Yiteng Tang, Jordan Fox, and Liangfeng Sun
Bouncing Back after Bullying: The Resiliency of Female Victims of Relational Aggression, Laura R. Hammel
Breakfast Talks, Gary Hess, Don Rowney, and Edward McClenne
Breaking Down the Administrative Barriers: Condom Availability in the School Setting, Lauren Maziarz
Bubbling Up from the Great Black Swamp, Katerina Ruedi Ray
Building a World That Includes Disability, Rose-Marie Garland-Thomson Dr.
Building Institutional Research Knowledge and Skills Through Communities of Practice Networks, Rebecca S. Sheppard and Monica Reid Kerrigan
Burakugaku (Buraku Study): A Paradigm Shift for Education, Yoshikazu Kawamoto and Hidetada Shimizu
Burnout and grit in student physical therapists before and after terminal clinical education experiences: a prospective longitudinal study of a single class-year cohort, Jennifer C. Kish, Jessica L. Dugan, and Peggy B. Gleeson
Burnout, Precarity, and the Illusions of Academic Life, Phil Dickinson
"But I'm a Language Teacher!" Dual Immersion Teacher Identities in a Complex Policy Context, Colleen Chesnut
Call for Manuscripts, Julia Matuga
Call for Papers: 2001 Theme Issue on Bilingual Education, Anne D'Antonio Stinson
Candidate Success and edTPA: Looking at the Data, Lesley A. Evans, Mary K. Kelly, Joni L. Baldwin, and Jackie M. Arnold
Can I teach that? Negotiating Taboo Language and Controversial Topics in the Language Arts Classroom, Timothy J. Duggan and Brian D. Schultz
Capitalism, Class, and the Fears of the Silent Generation in Halloween III: Season of the Witch, Shane Hesketh
Categorical or Continuous Interaction?, Keith McNeil and Isadore Newman
CeCe Winans, Black Gospel Music, and the Ambivalence of Stardom, Angela Nelson
Centroid and Theoretical Rotation: Justification for Their Use in Q Methodology Research, Sue Ramlo
Challenges and innovations in interprofessional education: Promoting a public health perspective, Shipra Singh, Nicole McKenzie, and Kerri L. Knippen
Challenging Dominant Ideologies in Order to Center Marginalized Voices and Enrich Learning: Theorizing Social Justice in English Studies Teaching, Heather Holliger
Changes in Attitudes and Functional Performance After an Educational Intervention and Participation in the DIME in Cadets, Emily Gabriel and Cameron Powden
Changes in the Personal and Teaching Efficacy Levels of Teachers Exposed to the FOCUS Model, Gary Russell, John W. Fraas, and Isadore Newman
Changing Banking Habits in Low-income Communities, Val A. Kaba
Changing the Doctoral Student-Dissertation Chair Relationship Through the Article Dissertation Format, Elizabeth W. Ferrell, David Ensminger, and Elizabeth Coleman
Changing the Story: Evaluation Results of an Opioid Awareness Teach-In, Kerri Lynn Knippen, Kristina N. LaVenia, and Melissa W. Burek
Charter Schools in an Arena of Competitive Educational Reforms: An Analysis of the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey, Zeng Lin, Dianne C. Gardner, and W. Paul Vogt
Cheating Perceptions and Prevalence Across Academic Settings, Kelly Honz, Kenneth A. Kiewra, and Ya-Shu Yang
Children Learn What They Live: Addressing Early Childhood Trauma Resulting in Toxic Stress in Schools, Kate McGruder
Choosing to Serve? An Exploration of Student Self-Selection of Service Learning Projects, Paula S. Weber, Kenneth R. Schneider, and James E. Weber
Classroom Assessment in Action, Christopher Deluca and Teresa Chavez
Closing Racial Disparity by Dismantling Constructs of Fear - A Practical Methodology for Learning to Swim, Dane W. Wolfrom, Christine L. Snellgrove, Marisol A. Rivera, Keisha Laguer Vandessppooll, and Emily D. Feliciano
Closing Remarks, Haley Shipley
Closing the Performance Gap in a 4th Wave and Post-Modern Society: Lessons from the Field, J. Q. Adams
Coaches' Perceptions of Adolescent Team Resilience: Examining Resilient Moments in Sporting Events Using the Critical Incident Technique, Meghan Michael
Coaching Conversations: Enacting Instructional Scaffolding, Sharan A. Gibson
Collaborative College Leadership, Maureen E. Wilson, Dawn M. Shinew, Brian M. Campbell, Trinka E. Messenheimer, Mary M. Murray, Patrick D. Pauken, Mark A. Seals, and Deborah G. Wooldridge
Collaborative Leadership, Maureen E. Wilson, Maureen E. Wilson, Brian M. Campbell, and Trinka E. Messenheimer
Collective Genius: Bridging the Gaps Among Research, Innovation and Practice, Mary John O'Hair
College and University Archivists: Doing It All for Less, Michelle Sweetser, Tamar Chute, Elizabeth James, Jane LaBarbara, and Krista Oldham
College Athletics as a Model for Promoting Academic Integrity in Higher Education, Bernard Franklin
College Reconfiguration: Building Faculty Support, Maureen E. Wilson, Dawn M. Shinew, Tracy L. Huziak-Clark, and Deborah Wooldridge
Collegiate Connection: A Program to Encourage the Success of Student Participation in High School/University Dual Enrollment, Beverly Parke, Joe Nichols, and Ann Souligny Brown
Combining Forces: Collaboration between Bilingual/ESL Teachers and the Regular Classroom Using an A Priori Approach, Lori Petrie and Rebecca Sukanen
Comics for the Gum-Chewers: Class Representations in Ernie Bushmiller’s Nancy, Tyne Lowe
Communicating Privilege and Faculty Allyship, Lisa Hanasono, Hyun Kyoung Ro, Deborah A. O'Neil, Ellen M. Broido, Margaret M. Yacobucci, Susana Peña, and Karen V. Root
Communication for Development: Theory and Practice for Empowerment and Social Justice, Third Edition, Srinivas R. Melkote and H. Leslie Steeves
"Communication from Afar": The Role of Subversive Mail Art During the Argentine Dirty War, 1976-1983, Chloe S. Kozal
Communication Preferences of Young Adults During “Do Not Drink” Water Emergencies, Philip J. Welch, Phil Zitko, Chelsea Raker, and Rebecca Fallon
Community Awareness Project: A Tool for Preparing Culturally Sensitive Teachers, Barbara A. Rucker
Community, Collaboration, and Creativity: The Potential of Art Education to Create Change, Sandra Spickard Prettyman and Elisa B. Gargarella
Community Health Workers, Stress Reduction, and Racial Equity in Infant Vitality, Justin Rex
Community Schools as a Sustainable Comprehensive School Reform Strategy: A Transformative Mixed Methods Perspective, Kathleen T. Provinzano, Toni A. Sondergeld, and Christine M. Knaggs
Comparing 1st and 4th Grade Curriculum of the United States and Uruguay, Katelyn Monnin
Comparing Levels of Situational Empathy based on medium of exposure to Covid-19 Mortality Information: Does Political Affiliation Impact Levels of Situational Empathy?, Keira N. Mills, Kaylee Ries, Beth Durkin, Abby Braden, and Wesley Barnhart
Comparison of Body Composition Measurements in Lean Female Athletes, Carly L. Houska, Jessica D. Kemp, Jamal S. Niles, Amy L. Morgan, Robin M. Tucker, and Mary-Jon Ludy
Comparison of GlobalFiler PCR Amplification Inhibition due to Humic Acid and Canine DNA, McKinzie Bundy
Comparison of those with high versus low kinesiophobia on the lower body positive pressure treadmill, Rebecca Greenwood, Jennifer Ellison, Peggy Gleeson, and Katy Mitchell
Computer Proficiency for Online Learning: Factorial Invariance of Scores among Teachers, Amy L. Martin, Todd D. Reeves, Thomas J. Smith, and David A. Walker
Computer Simulation of the Light Absorption band of the Jumping Spider Isorhodopsin, Noah Zoldak
Concerns of Teacher Candidates in an Early Field Experience, Sau Hou Chang
Conditioning of human salivary flow using a visual cue for sour candy, Jonathan C. Kershaw and Cordelia A. Running
Conducting Survey Research in the Social Sciences, John M. Linacre
Conference Acknowledgments and Keynote Introduction, John King, Haley Shipley, Charles Coletta, and Adam Theron-Lee Rensch
Conference Debrief, Bowling Green State University
Conference Highlights Conference Highlights: The 2001 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Robert S. Barcikowski
Conference Highlights: Mid-Western Educational Research Association 1997 Conference, Thomas S. Parish
Conference Highlights: The 1999 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, E. Jane Williams
Conference Highlights: The 2000 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Carmen R. Giebelhaus
Conference Highlights: The 2002 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, A. William Place
Connected Representations of Knowledge: Do Undergraduate Students Relate Algebraic Rational Expressions to Rational Numbers?, Jennifer Yantz
Connecting Music to the Mathematics Classroom, Nicholas Parr
Consistent Federal Education Reform Failure: A Case Study of Nebraska from 2010-2019, Bert Peterson, Robert Bligh, and Daniel H. Robinson
Consumptive Habits in an All-Consuming Classist System: Close Reading Cuisine in Parasite, Jeffrey A. Schooley
Contemporary Treatment of Reliability and Validity in Educational Assessment, Dimiter M. Dimitrov
Contentious Spectacle: Negotiated Authenticity within Morocco's Gnawa Ritual, Christopher Witulski
Contents and Editor's Forward, Rachel A. Walsh
Contradictions of Adolescent Self-Construal: Examining the Interaction of Ethnic Identity, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement, Margaret Zoller Booth, Sara Abercrombie, and Christopher J. Frey
Conversations About Academic Success: Developing Supportive Context for High-Achieving Black Students, Infini Jemison-Ewing and Marlon I. Cummings
Cooperation: Key to Management Problems, Mel Byers and David L. Groves
Core Reflection as Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Implications for Teacher Education, Aaron Samuel Zimmerman
Corporatizing Public Education—Problems, Pitfalls, and Questions to Consider, Horace R. Hall
Correlations Between Test Question Formatting, Student Anxiety, and Student Performance, Amanda Ulery
Correspondence from MWERA's President, Carmen Giebelhaus
Courtesans and Streetwalkers: Sex, Class, and the Female Body in Pretty Woman and Moulin Rouge!, Taylor Bowles
COVID-19 and OD: Unplanned Disruption and the Opportunity for Planned Talent Development, Brandon Q. Rogers, Kelly I. O'Brien, David L. Harkins, Thomas G. Mitchell, and Deborah A. O'Neil
Creating a Better Funding System for Michigan, Daniel Quinn
Creating a Climate for Linguistically Responsive Instruction: The Case for Additive Models, Arthi B. Rao and P. Zitlali Morales
Creating Character, Alexa Tenney
Creating the Rosetta Stone: Deciphering the Language of Accountability to Improve Student Performance, Donna Snodgrass
Crisis Training, Maureen E. Wilson and Jody A. Kunk-Czaplicki
Critical Race Theory within Graduate Education: Connecting Theory with Practice, Melissa Yeung
Cross-informant Agreement on Bullying and Victimization of Middle School Students with and without Behavioral Disorders, Jeong-il Cho, Jo M. Hendrickson, and HyunSook Yi
Crossing the Boundaries: The Need to Integrate School Leadership and Early Childhood Education, Artin Göncü, Catherine Main, Anthony Perone, and Steve Tozer
Cultivating Music Educators for Engaging in Varied Pedagogy Within an Increasingly Pluralistic Society, Maggie Brown
Cultural Studies Symposium- ICS Writing Group, ICS Bowling State University
Culture and Strategy in Business Schools: Links to Organizational Effectiveness, Christopher Clott and Nancy Fjortoft
Cultures of Imperialism in US Democracy Promotion, Ben Arthur Thomason
Curriculum and Community Involvement, Doug Feldmann
Daily Oral Language: Is It Effective?, Jeff L. Whittingham
Dance and the Self: An analysis on the psychological impacts of dance, Morgan Etzinger
Data Literacy for Educators: Making it Count in Teacher Preparation and Practice, Todd Reeves
Dayaks in a Ledger: A Bornean Labor History and an Oil Town’s Indigenous Workers, Sridevi Menon
Deaf Accessibility in the Christian Church, Madison Finley
Decisions, Decisions: Analyzing College Choice Amongst NCAA Division II Transfer and Non-Transfer Athletes, Eric G. Kramer
Defending the Call to Preach in Shirley Caesar’s Gospel Autobiography, Angela Nelson
Delivering Standards-Based Professional Development Online, Evangeline Newton, Ruth Oswald, and Denise Stuart
Design Matters: How a Course Review Informed Online Teaching Best Practices, Laura Sheets, Maureen Barry, and Eileen K. Bosch
Detecting Low Incidents Effects: The Value of Mixed Methods Research Designs in Low-N Studies, Isadore Newman, Carolyn S. Ridenour, Carole Newman, Shannon Smith, and Russell C. Brown
Developing a Measure of Faculty Ally Behaviors, Ellen M. Broido
Developing Marketing Strategies to Enhance Students’ Perception of Service Within the Thompson Scholarship Program, Emileigh Kleps
Development of Attitude Toward Teaching Career, Fred L. Pigge and Ronald N. Marso
Development of Charter School Teacher Development Inventory, John M. Murray
Differences in Perceived Issues in Teacher Preparation Between First-Year Teachers and Their Principals, Ximena Uribe-Zarain, Jia "Grace" Liang, James Sottile, and George R. Watson
Digitized and Decoupled? Teacher Sensemaking around Educational Technology in a Model 1:1 Program, Stacy Gherardi
Disabled Sexual Assault Survivors on College Campuses, Val Erwin
Disciplinary Perspectives on Globalization, Ellen Berry
Discipline with Emotion: Exploring the Influence of Teacher Tone on Elementary Students’ Perceptions of and Responses to Teacher Authority, Sarah Cashdollar
Discovering the Aspects of Crises, the Environment, and Self That Inform Entry-Level Residence Life Crisis Managers, Joshua Alexander Maxwell
Dismantling Desegregation, Joseph Watras
Diversity Issues in Educational Research, James B. Boyer
Does oxybenzone affect the development of sea urchins up to the gastrula stage, and what do we do about it?, Claire Crozier
Does the Discourse of Employer Linked Charter Schools Signal a Commitment to Work Force Development or Transformational Learning?, Eric Freeman and Richard D. Lakes
Dolor y Angustia: Creative Practice and Arts-Based Advocacy and Activism, María G. López Davila
Don’t Forget Who Your Friends Are! A Foreign Language Teacher's View of Teacher Certification Standards for ESL/Bilingual Education, Wallace Sherlock
Do State Content Standards Make a Difference? An Illustration of the Difficulties of Addressing that Pressing Question, Elizabeth Dutro
Do We Need Paradigms? A Mixed Methods Perspective, R. Burke Johnson
Drumming Asian America: Taiko, Performance, and Cultural Politics, Angela K. Ahlgren
Drunchies Hangover: Heavy Episodic Drinking and Dietary Choices while Drinking and on the Following Day, Jessica Kruger, Jennifer Glassman, Kerry L. Knippen, Tavis Glassman, and Daniel J. Kruger
Dual Language Instruction and Achievement: A Need and a Void in the Midwest, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Erin Mackinney, and Alyson L. Lavigne
Eat Your Invasives: A Practical and Historical Analysis of Foraging for Invasive Foods, Grace Hartman
EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities, Steven Wade Mackie
EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION: Contemplative and Holistic Education as Inside-Out Work for Healing, Peace, Justice, and Equity, Heesoon Bai, Charles Scott, Cary L. Campbell, and Jwalin Patel
Editors’ Note, Anne D'Antonio Stinson, Wallace Sherlock, and Narciso Alemán
Editors' Notes, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, Marlise Lonn, Audrey Roberts, and Brooks Vostal
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Matthew R. Lavery, Jeanne Novak, and Nancy C. Patterson
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Matthew R. Lavery, Jeanne Novak, and Nancy C. Patterson
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, and Clinton Iadanza
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, and Clinton Iadanza
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, Kathryne Valentin, and Kimiko Marsi
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Alisha White, Lora Wolff, and Jessica Snowden
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Kristina LaVenia, and Jeanne Novak
Editors' Notes, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Matthew R. Lavery, Jeanne Novak, and Nancy C. Patterson
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Editors' Notes, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, and Van Ha
Editors' Notes, Christy Galletta Horner and Sherri L. Horner
Educational Reform Through the Implementation of National Standards: A Response, Richard J. Reynolds
Effectiveness Testing Practices: Educators' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Their Schools’ Standardized Testing Practices, Ronald N. Marso and Fred L. Pigge
Effective School Administration in an Age of Educational Reform, Theresa A. Quigney
Effect of Cupping Therapy on Muscle Tenderness in Collegiate Baseball Players Compared to Sham Treatment: A Randomized, Single-Blinded Trial, Andrew Cage; Laurel Trail, MPA, LAT, ATC; Robert M. Galbraith; Carson Cox; and Brandon J. Warner
Effect of Depression and Anxiety on Rehabilitation Adherence and Injury Recovery in Collegiate Athletes, Luis Torres, Shala E. Davis, Colleen A. Shotwell, and Frederick A. Gardin
Effects of Background Cues on Videoconference Interview Ratings, Deborah M. Powell, Maria V. Kavanagh, Bethany E. Wiseman, and Audrey Hodgins
Effects of State-Level Funding Systems on Rates of Students Identified as Other Health Impaired, Brad M. Uhing and Michelle Powers
Efficacy of Corrective Exercise on Improving Functional Movement within the Tactical Population: A Critically Appraised Topic, Sara Stiltner, Adam J. Thompson, and Andrea Cripps
Efforts Toward National Educational Reform: An Essentialist Political Agenda, Thomas A. Kessinger
Electronic or Paper? Comparing Submissions to MWERA–98, Jeffrey B. Hecht
Elementary Teacher Perceptions of Professional Development on the Neuroscience of Learning, Wendy Bana and Jeff Cranmore
Elementary Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Mathematics, Roberta A. Fuller
Emergent Design Thinking, Rigorous Research, and Perseverance: Comments from a Keynote Address, John H. Hitchcock
Emerging on the Other Side: The Teaching and Learning Enterprise after All Hell Broke Loose, Jeffrey L. Bernstein
Emotion and Meaning-Making: Affordances in the Classroom, Kathy L. Schuh and Julie Rea
Empathy and Unity in Exit West, Kelsey Madison Dietrich
Employee Voice Behavior and Perceived Control: Does Remote Work Environment Matter?, Kelly Irene O'Brien
Employee/Work Place Services: The Individual, Bryan Cavins, Bob D. Lee, and David L. Groves
Engaging College Communities in Collaborative Strategic Planning, Dawn M. Shinew, Brian M. Campbell, Tracy L. Huziak-Clark, Christina Lunceford, Trinka E. Messenheimer, Mary M. Murray, Patrick D. Pauken, Raymond Schneider, Mark A. Seals, Maureen E. Wilson, and Deborah G. Wooldridge
Engaging High-Ability Students in Literacy: A University and Elementary School Transformational Partnership, Denise K. Frazier
English Learning and Learning Disabilities: Has Research Made Its Way into Practice?, Solange A. Lopes-Murphy and Christopher G. Murphy
Enhancing Classroom Interaction in Distance Education Utilizing the World Wide Web, Jay C. Thompson Jr., Loren D. Malm, Bobby G. Malone, Fred W. Nay, Brad E. Oliver, and Nancy G. Saunders
Enhancing Elementary Curricula through Internet Technology, Brad E. Oliver, Loren D. Malm, Bobby G. Malone, Fred W. Nay, Nancy G. Saunders, and Jay C. Thompson Jr.
Enrichment and Exposure in Secondary Literacy: Evaluating a Programmatic Response to Institutional Diversity Initiatives, Thandeka K. Chapman and Nikola Hobbel
¡Enséname! Teaching Each Other to Reason through Math in the Second Grade, Lindsey Schmitz
Ensuring Academic Success: The Real Issue in Educating English Language Learners, Tim Boals
Epigenetics in Forensic Science, Reagan Faunce
Estimating the Reliability of Criterion-Referenced Tests Before Administration, Clint Chase
Estimating the True Accuracy of Regression Predictions, Richard B. Darlington
Ethical Considerations for Successfully Navigating the Research Process, Lauri Byerley, Helen Lane, Mary-Jon Ludy, Mara Z. Vitolins, Ellen Anderson, Kathleen Niedert, Karin Pennington, Jimin Yang, and Jenica K. Abram
Ethics and NIL, Jackson Krause
Ethics in Partnership in Teacher Education, Leah Washburn-Moses
Ethnic Identity, Gender, and Adolescent Attitude toward School: Adaptive Perspectives in Diverse Settings, Margaret Zoller Booth, Erin M. Curran, Christopher J. Frey, Jean M. Gerard, Bruce Collet, and Jennifer Bartimole
Evaluating the Impact of an Assessment Course on Preservice Teachers’ Classroom Assessment Literacy and Self-Efficacy, Lance Kruse, Whitney Impellizeri, Claire E. Witherel, and Toni A. Sondergeld
Evaluation of Employee Behaviors, Perceptions, and Attitudes Regarding Worksite Wellness in an Urban Environment, Kerri L. Knippen, Amy Thompson, and Andrea Masters
Evaluation of Programs A Model: Employee/Workplace Services, Bryan Cavins, Bob D. Lee, and David L. Groves
Evidence-Based Reform in Education: Promise and Pitfalls, Robert E. Slavin
Evolutionary Systems Theory, Universities, and Endogenous Regional Economic Development, William M. Bowen
Examining a First Grader’s Writing through a Habermasian Lens: Implications for the Teaching and Learning of Writing, Cheu-jey Lee
Examining Athletes Perceptions of Academic Services and Support, Amanda L. Paule-Koba and Marissa Tashenberg
Examining Bias in Fingerprint Examination, Maidge Westrick
Examining How Using Dichotomous and Partial Credit Scoring Models Influence Sixth-grade Mathematical Problem-solving Assessment Outcomes, Toni A. May, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Jonathan D. Bostic, Gregory E. Stone, Lance M. Kruse, and Gabriel T. Matney
Examining Programmatic Lesson Study in Preservice Teacher Education, Gabriel T. Matney and Miranda Fox
Examining School Accountability: Discriminating Schools' A-F Report Card Grades, Timothy D. Folger and Audrey Conway Roberts
Examining the Cost-Outcome Relationship of a Fortified Class-Size Reduction Program, Derick M. Kiger
Examining the Digital Divide in Education during COVID-19 from Teachers’ Perspectives, Elife Ceviker and Tuba Gezer
Examining the Influence of COVID-19 on Elementary Mathematics Standardized Test Scores in a Rural Ohio School District, Dara Bright, Yiyun "Kate" Fan, Chris Fornaro, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Toni A. May, Jonathan D. Bostic, and Dolores Swineford
Examining the Instructional Priorities of a Secondary Education Teacher Preparation Program Utilizing an Integrated Approach to Assessment Education, Daniel M. Frederking
Examining the Relationship between Exercise and Sleeping Patterns among Bowling Green State University Faculty and Staff Members, Jorge Vazquez
Examining What Should Be the Role of an "Internationalized" Land Grant Extension System, Barbara G. Ludwig and R. Kirby Barrick
Exchange Rate Risk Management using Currency Derivatives: The Case of Exposures to Japanese Yen, Sung C. Bae and Taek Ho Kwon
Expanding the Scope of Teacher Education in an Attempt to Prevent Burnout Contagion, Aaron Samuel Zimmerman
Experiences of Lesbian Collegiate Coaches, Vikki Krane
Experiences of Teacher Educators Utilizing Technology in Teacher Preparation Programs, Cynthia Jane Edwards
Explicit Theory-Informed Clinical Reasoning Curriculum in a Hybrid Learning Physical Therapy Program, Stephanie M. Thurmond, Evan J. Petersen, Steven G. Lesh, Tricia R. Prokop, and Allison J. Durham
Explorations of Preservice Teachers’ Learning Strategy Use, M. Kay Alderman and Loretta Wilkinson
Exploring Methods of Adaptive Reuse as a Means of Reviving Abandoned Spaces, Joshua Davids
Exploring Self-awareness from Organization Development Practitioners' Perspectives, Adaeze O. Ochieze
Exploring the conditions under which collective empathy forms, embeds, and sustains in an organization: A grounded theory case study, David Lyn Harkins
Exploring the Relationship between Student Involvement and First-to-second Year Retention at Four-year Postsecondary Institutions, Min Xiao, Kelly D. Bradley, and Jungmin Lee
Exploring Validity and Reliability for the Revised SMPs Look-For Protocol, Jonathan D. Bostic, Gabriel T. Matney, and Toni Sondergeld
Extending the Vision: Mentoring Through University-School Partnerships, Connie Bowman and Patricia Ward
Facilitating a Faculty Learning Community: Determining Consensus using Q Methodology, Susan Ramlo
Facilitating Teacher Reflection Using a Metacognitive Tool, Mary-Kate Sableski, Kathryn Kinnucan-Welsch, and Catherine Rosemary
Factors Influencing Language-Learning Strategy Use of English Learners in an ESL Context, Ngan Nguyen and Francis Godwyll
Fairness, Voice, Dialogue: Measuring Collective Social Justice in Schools, Craig Howley, Aimee Howley, Marged Dudek, and Courtney Gilday
Family Violence Committed by Law Enforcement Officers in the United States, 2005-2017, Madison Raye Engelbert, Chloe A. Wentzlof, and Philip M. Stinson
Feeling Good by Doing Good: A Guide to Authentic Self-Esteem and Well-Being, Christopher Mruk
Fellowship Application Sample, Nicole Kalaf-Hughes
Fellowship Application Sample, Micheala Walsh Dr.
Fellowship Application Sample, John Dowd
Fellowship Application Sample, Angela Ahlgren
Fellowship Application Sample, Ryan Ebright
FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research (4th Edition), Ryan R. Kelly
Final Master's Portfolio, Alaina Brubaker
Final Master's Portfolio, Oluwatobi Idowu
Final Master's Portfolio, Tooba Amin
Finite Mixture Model of Hidden Markov Regression with Covariate Dependence, Shuchismita Sarkar and Xuwen Zhu
FIRE Employment and Class Politics in the United States and the United Kingdom: 1980-Present, Jake Burchard
First-Year University Students Who Self-Select into Health Studies Have More Desirable Health Measures and Behaviors at Baseline but Experience Similar Changes Compared to Non-Self-Selected Students, Mary-Jon Ludy, Abigail P. Crum, Carmen A. Young, Amy L. Morgan, and Robin M. Tucker
Fish Oil Blunts Lung Function Decrements Induced by Acute Exposure to Ozone in Young Healthy Adults: A Randomized Trial, Hoa Chen, Haiyan Tong, Wan Shen, Tracey S. Montilla, Martin W. Case, Martha A. Almond, Heather B. Wells, Neil E. Alexis, David B. Peden, Ana G. Rappold, David Diaz-Sanchez, Robert B. Devlin, Philip A. Bromberg, and James M. Samet
Flexibility is Key: Managing Rubber’s Elastic Sourcing Demands, Alexander Kennedy
Flip It: An Exploratory (Versus Explanatory) Sequential Mixed Methods Design Using Delphi and Differential Item Functioning to Evaluate Item Bias, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Toni A. May, Yiyun "Kate" Fan, Dara Bright, Gregory Stone, Gabriel T. Matney, and Jonathan D. Bostic
Focus: Music and Religion of Morocco, Christopher Witulski
Food Allergy in Youth: A Primer for Allied Health Professionals, Philip J. Welch, Lauren Maziarz, Macy McCartney, and Chelsea Raker
Food Allergy Knowledge Among College Students Majoring in Food and Nutrition, Nursing, and Pre-Medicine, Wan Shen, Chia-Hao Shih, and Tze Joo Lim
Former College Athlete’s Perceptions of Adapting to Transition, Sarah Stokowski, Amanda L. Paule-Koba, and Chelsea Kaunert
Fostering Reading: Supporting Foster Children Through Virtual Learning, Evette Harrell and Leah Washburn-Moses
Fourth-Grade Students Sensemaking of Word Problems, Gabriel T. Matney, Jonathan D. Bostic, Miranda Fox, Toni Sondergeld, and Gregory Stone
FP-22-31 Duration of Marriage at First Divorce, 2020, Christopher A. Julian
FP-22-32 Older Adults Living with an Adult Roommate and Sibling, 2020, Christopher A. Julian
FP-23-01 Prevalence of Grandparenthood in the U.S., Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-23-02 Grandparents’ Characteristics by Age, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-23-03 Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandchildren, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-23-04 Unmarried Adulthood: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2020, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-05 Geographic Variation in LGBT+ Identification in the U.S., Christopher A. Julian
FP-23-06 Geographic Variation in Percentage of Unions Including Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples Unions, Christopher A. Julian
FP-23-07 A Decade of Change in Shares of Single, Cohabiting, and Married Individuals, 2012-2022, Christopher A. Julian
FP-23-08 Age Variation in Unmarried Adults, 1900-2020, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-09 Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: 2019 & 2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-23-10 Median Age of Never Married Adults in the U.S., 1940-2020, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-11 Age Variation in Singlehood from Young Adulthood to Midlife, 2022, Gabrielle Juteau
FP-23-12 Adult Children’s Four-year College Completion by Parent’s Race, Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Kellyanne Bunkley, Jaycob Applegate, and Jenjira Yahirun
FP-23-13 Geographic Variation in Percentage of Mid-Life Never Married Adults, 2021, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-14 Homeownership Among Never Married Adults, 2021, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-15 Geographic Variation in Percentage of Homeownership Among Never Married Adults, 2021, Francesca A. Marino
FP-23-16 Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and I-Fen Lin
FP-23-17 First Marriage Rate, 2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-23-18 First Divorce Rate, 2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-23-19 Remarriage Rate, 2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
Francia Márquez’s Soul Mining: Recovering Ecology in Afro-Indigenous Activism, Ellen W. Gorsevski
Free Market Policies and Public Education: At What (Opportunity) Cost?, Kim K. Metcalf
Frequency of Principal Turnover in Ohio's Elementary Schools, Michelle Chaplin Partlow and Carolyn S. Ridenour
From Factory Schooling to Nai Taleem: A Paradigm Shift in Education, Manish Jain
From Pedagogical to the Practical: A Study Linked by Japanese Themes, Kennedy Lomont
From Story to Song: Exploring the Storytelling Potential of Instrumental Music, Celine Darr
From "Sweat Equity" to the Sweet Spot: Understanding Career Commitment Influences for Title IX Administrators, Jennifer McCary
From the Archives: MWERA’s First Conference, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
From the Archives: MWERA’s Presidents, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
From the Editors, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Mahrya Carncross, and Kathryne Valentin
From the Editors, Pamela L. Konkol and Simeon Stumme
From the Editors, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Alisha White, Lora Wolff, and Jessica Snowden
From the Editors, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Alisha White, Lora Wolff, and Jessica Snowden
From the Editors, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Joanne Sellen, Alisha White, and Lora Wolff
From the Editors, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, and Jessica Snowden
From the Editors: October 2016, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, Kimiko Marsi, and Van Ha
From Tourists to Citizens in the Classroom: An Interview with H. Jerome Freiberg, Mary R. Sudzina
From Without to Within: Inner Transformation as a Pedagogy for Social Activism, Jinting Wu
Front Matter, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, Jennifer L. Milam, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Front Matter, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, Jennifer L. Milam, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Front Matter, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, Jennifer L. Milam, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Front Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Front Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Front Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Front Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Front Matter, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa
Front Matter, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Tim Murnen
Fulfilling Its Promise, a Content Analysis of 20 Years of Research at MWERA, Thomas Andre
Full-Time Classified Staff Compensation, 2022-2023, Bowling Green State University
Full-Time Faculty and Administrative Staff Salaries, 2022-2023, Bowling Green State University
Funds of Knowledge and Early Literacy: A Mixed Methods Study, Ami Butler and Debra Miretzky
"Future Proofing" Faculty: The Struggle to Create Technical Lifelong Learners, Fred W. Nay, Loren D. Malm, Bobby G. Malone, Brad E. Oliver, Nancy G. Saunders, and Jay C. Thompson Jr.
Gender and Voice, Maia Garbrandt
Gender, Communication, & Representations on Elected School Boads, Nicole Kalaf-Hughes
Getting What They Want: Aligning Student Expectations of Advising with Perceived Advisor Behaviors, Whitney Anderson, Justin S. Motto, and Renee Bourdeaux
Giving and Taking Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Secondary Teachers’ Experiences of Social Emotional Learning, Janna Jobel and Rebecca J. Lloyd
Glass: the Material that Defines Us, Madisyn Rex
Globalization and Teacher Education, David J. Flinders
Goobers at Your Wedding': Class Disidentification in the One Day at a Time Reboot, Becca Cragin
Good Times, The Evanses vs. The Robinsons, and Conflicts in Class Perspectives, Angela Nelson
Grab a MIC: Making Intergenerational Connections Through Music Therapy Intervention, Alayna Bollinger
Growth in the Amount of Literature Reviewed in a Meta-Analysis and Reviewer Resources, Michael Harwell
Growth Mindset and Academic Performance, Rachel Chesbrough
Guidelines for Using the Q Test in Meta-Analysis, Yukiko Maeda and Michael R. Harwell
Help A Sista Out: Black Women Doctoral Students’ Use of Peer Mentorship as an Act of Resistance, Jari L. Minnett, ArCasia D. James-Gallaway, and Devean R. Owens
Here to Stay: A Teacher’s 46-year Journey with Accountability in One School Context, Angela J. Stefanski
Heron’s Lesson: A Fusion of Autoethnographic Narrative, Poetry, and Theory Questioning the Fixed Notion of “Self”, Jessica K. Summers
Hierarchical Modeling Techniques to Analyze Contextual Effects: What Happened to the Aptitude by Treatment Design?, Janet K. Sheehan and Tianqi Han
High Achievers from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: The Critical Role of Disciplinary Climate and Grit, Haigen Huang and Hao Zhu
High Hopes: Fostering a Culture of Hope at a Community College, Mary Wells, Emily Gilbert, Lisa Mahle-Grisez, Reece Newman, and Kathy Rowell
High School Students' Perceptions of the Relationship between Music and Math, Jeff Cranmore and Jeanne Tunks
Historical Perspective: Employee/Workplace Services, Bryan Cavins, Bob D. Lee, and David L. Groves
Hmong Language, Culture and Learning: A Course for Teachers, Donald F. Hones
Holistic Learning Theory: More than a Philosophy, Andrew Johnson
Household Food Insecurity and Student Behavior: The Impact of One School's Second Breakfast Program, Bradley S. Witzel and Elizabeth Wall-Bassett
How do Economic Conditions Affect How the Environment is Treated, Hogan Thomas
How Do Stories Affect Careers?, Victoria Read
How Teachers Connect Research and Practice, Mary M. Kennedy
How to Become Data Literate: The Basics for Educators, Marcia Gail Headley
‘How to be here?’, dialoging into climate-change: an interview with Tim Lilburn, Tim Lilburn and Cary L. Campbell
How to Improve Education: Don’t Get Tough; Just Get Connected, Thomas S. Parish
Humanities in a Corporation named University, Ahmad Bilal
Human leukocyte antigen distributions do not share a copula across sub-populations, Daniel Schellhas and Robert C. Green II
Human Rights and Divine Holiness, Kevin Vallier
I Can’t Play? Now What?: An Examination of Collegiate Athlete Handbooks, Written Policies and Procedures Related to Career-Ending Injury, Amanda L. Paule-Koba and Kaitlin Rohr-Cordes
ICS Director Application, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Fall '98 Event Schedule, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Fellows Named Through Spring '98, Monitor BG News
ICS Historical Timeline 1996- 2000, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Lecture Poster Quotes '99, ICS Bowling State University
ICS News On Cultural Issues, Monitor Newspaper
ICS Scholars and Artists in Residence '96- '97, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Scholars and Artists in Residence Guidelines, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Spring Schedule '98, ICS Bowling State University
ICS Statement of Purpose, ICS Bowling State University
Identifying Critical Psychological Characteristics Related to Successful Performance as a Contact Tracer: A Job Analysis, Dev K. Dalal, Jason Randall, Gabrielle C. Danna, and Josh Ash
"I Have Shakespeare in My Blood": Reading Intervention with Middle School Boys, Leah Guenther
Impacting the Digital Divide on a Global Scale - Six Case Studies from Three Continents, Birgy Lorenz, Savilla Irene Banister, and Kaido Kikkas
Impact of Stress and Decision Fatigue on Parenting Practices Related to Food and Physical Activity During COVID‐19, Harrison D. Angoff, Lauren A. Dial, Aniko V. Varga, Sneha Kamath, and Dara Musher-Eizenman
Implementation of edTPA Completion Prior to Student Teaching, Nicole Muth, Kathleen Kremer, Val Keiper, Richard Schnake, and Renae MacCudden
Implementing an Evidence-based Reflective Teaching Cycle: Using Scholarly Research in Curriculum Design, Rachel Ragland
Implementing the Perkins V Career and Technical Education Act for the Advancement of STEM Careers Among Tribal Communities, Maximilian Bonnici and Bryan Dewsbury
I'mpossible: A Phenomenological Study of Factors Contributing to African American Women's Successful Ascension to Senior Leadership in Corporate America, Tisha A. Duncan
Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education Stems from Self-Doubt and Perfectionism in High School, Katelyn Whetsel
Improving Argumentative Writing Through Mathematics and Collaboration, Angela Falter Thomas and Jonathan Bostic
Improving Research Practices through User Insights of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis Technology, Michelle Salmona, Dan Kaczynski, and Eli Lieber
Improving School Counselor Efficacy Through Principal-Counselor Collaboration: A Comprehensive Literature Review, Kat R. McConnell, Rachel Louise Geesa, Renae D. Mayes, and Nicholas P. Elam
Improving Teacher Evaluation Systems: Making the Most of Multiple Measures, Jan L. H. Frank
Impulsive Children on Psychostimulants: A National Scandal in the Making?, Jaak Panksepp
Incentives and Their Effect On Retention and Comprehension of Mathematical Ideas, Dylan Mathess
Inclusive Instructional Leadership: A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Professional Development Program for Principals, Craig Howley, Aimee Howley, Jacqueline Yahn, Pamela VanHorn, and Deborah Telfer
Incorporating Nutrition Education into an Elementary Math Camp, Gabriel T. Matney, Lisa Langhals, Carrie Hamady, and Mary Jon Ludy
Increasing Student Involvement in IEPs, Hannah Nolan-Spohn
Index of Articles: 1994 - '96, Ayres G. D'Costa
Index of Articles: 1997, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Articles: 1998, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Articles: 1999, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Articles: 2000, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Index of Articles: 2005, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Articles: 2005–2006, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Articles: 2006–2007, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Articles: 2007–2008, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Index of Articles: 2008-2009, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Tim Murnen
Index of Authors: 1994 - '96, Ayres G. D'Costa
Index of Authors: 1997, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Authors: 1998, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Authors: 1999, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Index of Authors: 2000, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Index of Authors: 2005, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Authors: 2005–2006, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Authors: 2006–2007, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Index of Authors: 2007–2008, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Index of Authors: 2008–2009, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Tim Murnen
Individual Professional Development Plans: In Search of Learning for Teaching, C. Richele O'Connor and Janet Herrelko
Influencing Discretion: Law Enforcement's Challenge in Meeting Societal Expectations, Herbert Homan
Information Technology Governance Mechanisms: Achieving Business-IT Alignment in a Local Government Agency, Ebony Lothery
Infusing Data Campus-Wide to Drive Institutional Change, Meridith Wentz, Amanda Brown, and Jeff Sweat
Injury Rates in Fly-Fishing: An Analysis of Contributing Factors, Andrea Cripps, Jason Smith, Ian Thomas, and Trent Griner
Inner Work: Foundational to Contemplative and Holistic Education, Avraham Cohen and Thomas Falkenberg
Instructional Approaches in Middle-Level Reading Programs: A State-Wide Profile of Focus and Support, Francine Falk-Ross
Integrated Curriculum: Its Use, Initiation and Support in Midwestern Schools, Daisy E. Arredondo and Terrance T. Rucinski
Integrating Writing To Improve Math Achievement, Jacki Thayer and Carmen R. Giebelhaus
Integrity, Respect, and the Presidential Relationship: Critical Factors for Effective SSAO Leadership, Jo Campbell and Maureen E. Wilson
Intentionality in Leadership Development and Community Outreach, Tamara A. Norris
Interactive Features of Web Surveys, Frederick G. Conrad
Interdisciplinary Curricular Conversations Examining Arts and Academics: Teacher Implementation and Student Outcomes, Angela Miller, Delane Bender-Slack, and Robert Burroughs
Interest-Major Fit and Satisfaction: Extending Theories of Occupational Fit to Predict Academic Outcomes, Sneha Kamath
Interrupting the Pattern: Knowing Why and Respecting Who We Teach, Katherine Brodeur, Kristina N. LaVenia, Christy Galletta Horner, and Tracy Huziak-Clark
Intersections of Identity and Sexual Violence on Campus: Centering Minoritized Students’ Experiences, Kwabena D. Ofori-Attah
Interventions to Improve the Candidate Experience of Structured Videoconference Interviews, Amanda Deacon, Jordan Moore, and Deborah Powell
In This Issue (14:1), Stephen J. Langendorfer Ph.D.
Introduction, Bryan Cavins
Introduction to Special Institutional Research Section, Tasha Dannenbring
Investigating a Needle-Based Epidural Procedure in Obstetric Anesthesia, Eva K. Lee, Haozheng Tian, Jinha Lee, and Xin Wie
Investigating Correlations Among a Growth-Mindset Intervention, Students’ Math Anxiety, and Students’ Math Self-Efficacy, Anna Grace Chamberlain
Investigating Mindfulness and Practice Strategies in the K-12 Music Curriculum, Emily Foltz
Inviolable Norms of Primary Role Advisors, Maureen E. Wilson, Amy S. Hirschy, John M. Braxton, and Tia N. Dumas
Invitation for Proposals for 1997 Annual Meeting, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Invitation for Proposals for 1998 Annual Meeting, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Invitation for Proposals for 1999 Annual Meeting, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Invitation for Proposals for 2001 Annual Meeting, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Invitation for Proposals for 2002 Annual Meeting, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Invitation for Proposals for 2002 Annual Meeting, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Is Counseling Ready for Rational Suicide? A Study of Perceived Competence, Robin M. Defresne, Eric R. Baltrinic, John M. Laux, and Jennifer Reynolds
Isolating Bacteriophage for Potential Treatment of Chronic Multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia coli Infections, Leila Oswalt
Issues in Mentoring Programs for Teachers, Deborah L. Bainer
I Wish My Teacher Knew: How One Question Can Change Everything for Our Kids, Jeff Cranmore
Karin Rehnqvist, Per F. Broman
Keeping Native Languages in ESL Class: Accounting for the Role Beliefs Play Toward Mastery, Michael S. Yough and Ming Fang
Knots in Thinking and the Problem of Enactment: Exploring the Classroom Thinking of Three Novice Teachers, Aaron Samuel Zimmerman
Knowing the Unknowable: Visions of Troubled Lands, Estella C. Kuchta
Knowledge-Linking Perceptions of Late-Elementary Students, Kathy L. Schuh, Yi-Lung Kuo, and Tawnya L. Knupp
Korean and American Teachers’ Praising Styles and Teaching Practices, Hyeyoung Bang and Jungsub Kim
Leadership and Management Curricula Trends in Athletic Training Education, Stephanie Wise and Matthew R. Kutz
Leading the Way . . . State Initiatives and Mentoring, Carmen Giebelhaus
"Leaping the Ivory Tower in a Single Bound": Ray Browne, Class Consciousness, and the Creation of Pop Culture Studies, Haley Shipley
Learning About Sex: The Missing Paradigms and Challenges to Educational Researchers, Sharon McNeely
Learning from Experts: Relational Stories and the Textual Assimilation Interchange, Terri Teal Bucci
Learning the Legislative Process with a Board Game, Michael Posadny
Legal Literacy and K-12 Public School Teachers, Kelly H. Summers, Chrstine Rienstra Kiracofe, and Constantine James
Lesson Plan: An Agenda for Change in American Higher Education, George S. McClellan
Lesson Plan Design for Facilitating Differentiated Instruction, Pamela Hudson Baker and Louise Conn Fleming
Lesson Study and Teacher's Dialogue About SMP 5, Gabriel T. Matney, Miranda Fox, Scott Knapke, and Mackenzie Murray
Lesson Study with Action Research: Is the 4-Column Writing Method 4 Real?, Martha A. Keeney and Donna Snodgrass
Let's Get Charged Up: Assessment Strategies Reinvigorate a 6E Lesson on Batteries, Bulbs, and Electric Circuits, Emilio Duran, Eric Worch, Amy Boros, and Page Keeley
Letter from the Editor: OATA Special Issue 2023, Sara Stiltner
Letter from the Editors, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Leveraging Case Study Research: A Mechanism to Measure Teaching Effectiveness, Sarah K. Anderson, Brittany D. Hagen, Andrea L. Dulski-Bucholz, Christopher M. Whitsel, Kayla D. Smith, and Ann M. Willeson
Linking Christian and Faustian Utopias: Mahler's Setting of the Schlußszene in his Eighth Symphony, Eftychia Papanikolaou
List Of ICS Scholars and Artists in Residence '96 - '02, ICS Bowling State University
Literacy Experts as Classroom Teachers, Theresa Boehm Boehm Marsicek
Loss integration: A grounded theory of returning to work after perinatal loss, Colleen Kindelin Steele
Lucky’s Legacy: Determining an Effective Relationship Between Music and Business Management Principles, Jacob Joseph
Lumberjacks, Lesbians, and Grunge: Flannel Shirts and Social History, Nancy Down
Lunch, Bowling Green State University
Luncheon Address: Emerging Trends in Teacher Education, John McIntyre
Main Factors Contributing to the High Femicide Rate in Mexico, Mikensi Ehlinger
Making American Opera After Einstein, Ryan Ebright Dr.
Making Critical Literacy Accessible to Pre-Service Teachers: Why and How?, Cheu-jey Lee
Making Meaning of Student Activism: Student Activist and Administrator Perspectives, Laura M. Harrison and Peter C. Mather
Making Morale: World War II and the Emergence of a Psychological State, Ellen Herman
Making the Most of the Peer Review Process, Christy Galletta Horner, Sherri L. Horner, and Richard Henry Maguire
Marketing Strategies in Television and Their Implementation in New Productions, Rachel Kubick
McNair Scholars' Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Graduate Experience: A Pilot Study, Senetta F. Bancroft, Susan Kushner Benson, and Eugenia Johnson-Whitt
Measuring Teacher Dispositions: Identifying Workplace Personality Traits Most Relevant to Teaching Professionals, Yuankun Yao, Alexander Pagnani, Matt Thomas, Luisa Abellan-Pagnani, Terrell Brown, and Dawna Lisa Buchanan
Measuring the World Natural Rate of Interest, Mark A. Wynne and Ren Zhang
Measuring What We Intend: A Validation Argument for the Grade 5 Problem-Solving Measure (PSM5), Jonathan D. Bostic, Gabriel T. Matney, Toni Sondergeld, and Gregory Stone
Meet and Greet, Bowling Green State University
Meet and Greet, Haley Shipley
Meeting, Moving, Mastering - A Text Analysis of the Aesthetic Attractions of 'Wild Swimming', Dagmar Dahl and Åsa I. Bäckström
Meeting the JCHE Team: A Reconstructed Interview, Heesoon Bai, Charles Scott, Cary L. Campbell, Jwalin Patel, Yifan Sun, Jing Lin, Hyeyoung Bang, Sachi Edwards, Deepa Srikantaiah, Yishin Khoo, and Denise L. McHugh
Membership Announcement, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
Memorial Tribute for John U. Ogbu, Maurice R. Berube
Mental Illness as Cultural Problem with Examples from Modem Austrian Literature, Geoffrey Howes
Mentor Accountability: Varying Responses to the New Jersey Provisional Teacher Certification Program and their Implications for Proposed Changes in Wisconsin Licensure, Anne D'Antonio Stinson
Mentoring: Aim and Assess, Charles K. Runyan
Mentoring and the Impact of Local Teacher Organizations, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe
Mentoring: An Introduction, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Carmen Giebelhaus
Mentoring Education: An Interview with Carolyn M. Evertson, Gregory J. Marchant and Isadore Newman
Mentoring for Beginning Principals: Revisiting the Past or Preparing for the Future?, John C. Daresh
Mentoring: Help or Hindrance?, Mary Bendixen-Noe and Carmen Giebelhaus
Mentor Roles: Views of Participants in a State-Mandated Program, Tom Ganser
Merit Raises and the Consciousness of the Professoriate, Walter Benn Michaels
Metacognitive Knowledge Monitoring in Post-Secondary Education: The Consequences of Poor Knowledge Monitoring and a Program to Facilitate It, Randy M. Isaacson
"Micro‐cultures" of Conflict: Couple‐level Perspectives on Reasons for and Causes of Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood, Peggy C. Giordano, Mackenzie M. Grace, Monica A. Longmore, and Wendy D. Manning
Microlectures in a Flipped Classroom: Application, Creation and Resources, Dawn Sweet
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 1996 Conference, Kim K. Metcalf
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2000 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Carmen R. Giebelhaus
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2001 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Robert S. Barcikowski
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2003 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Janet K. Holt
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2004 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Rodney J. Greer
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2005 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Sharon A. Valente
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2006 Annual Meeting Call For Proposals, Craig A. Mertler
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 2007 Annual Meeting, October 24-27, 2007, Dimiter M. Dimitrov
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 31s t Annual Meeting Call For Proposals, Doug Feldmann
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 32nd Annual Meeting Call For Proposals, Gordon Brooks
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 33rd Annual Meeting Call For Proposals, Cynthia Campbell
Mid-Western Educational Research Association 34th Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, Ellen A. Sigler
Mid-Western Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Announcements, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
Mid-Western Educational Research Association Reviewers for 2005-2006, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Mid-Western Educational Researcher Call for Manuscripts, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, Jennifer L. Milam, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Mid-Western Educational Researcher Call for Manuscripts—2010-2011, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, Jennifer L. Milam, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Mid-Western Educational Researcher Call for Papers: Special Issue on Anti-Racist Education, Starr E. Keyes, Katherine A. Brodeur, and Kristina LaVenia
Mid-Western Educational Researcher Reviewers for 2007-2008, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
Mid-Western Research Association Reviewers for 2006-2007, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
Minds-on and Hands-on Activity: Improving Instruction in Science for All Students, Thomas Andre
Missing Cells in Developmental Research, John Delane Williams
Mixed Method Designs: A Review of Strategies for Blending Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies, Kathryn Pole
Modulating Photochemical Properties to Enhance the Stability of Electronically Dimmable Eye Protection Devices, Sruthy Baburaj, Jayachandran Parthiban, Sarvar Aminovich Rakhimov, Rasheedah Johnson, Ludmila Sukhomlinova, Paul Luchette, Steffen Jockusch, Malcolm D. E. Forbes, and Jayaraman Sivaguru
"MOOCing" On Up? Experiences of an Elusive Course Completer, Joel R. Malin
Moroccan Trance: Unruly Bodies and the Colonial Imagination, Samuel Llano
Motivation in Education: Current Emphases and Future Trends, Dale H. Schunk
Moving Beyond Compliance: Promoting Research-based Professional Discretion in the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, Rebecca Woodard and Sonia Kline
Moving Through Collective Adversity: Lessons from Posttraumatic Growth Research for Appreciative Inquiry Practice, Kelly Gesmundo Clarke
Moving Toward A Culture of Inquiry, Ralph Martin
Multi-context Use of Language: Toward Effective Thinking and Planning for Curriculum, Anne D'Antonio Stinson, William Chandler, M. Virginia Epps, and Melissa Frieberg
Multilingualism and Memory: Investigating Possible Differences In The Abilities Of Monolingual And Multilingual College Students, Clara E. Barned
Multimethod Analysis of Mathematics Achievement Tests, Dimiter M. Dimitrov
"Multiplication is for White People": Raising Expectations for Other People's Children, Jennifer E. Sanders
MWERA 2007 Highlights, Dimiter M. Dimitrov
MWERA completes 20 years, Terri Strand
My Journey: Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Spain, Bailey Marks
National Policies: Catalyst for Teacher Preparation Program Enrollment and Completion Decline?, Christopher Engledowl and David Rutledge
Navigating an Undergraduate Teacher Licensure Program as a Non-Traditional Student, Natalie R. Andzik, Gregory Conderman, David A. Walker, and Kristen Koehler
Need for Practice-Based Research in School Administration, Theodore J. Kowalski, A. Will Place, Julie Edmister, and Ted Zigler
Neoliberalism’s Zombies: Ling Ma’s Severance, COVID,and Anti-Asian Racism, Elizabeth Westrick
News On Provost Lecture Series, Sentinel Tribune
New Teacher Perceptions of Induction Programs: A Study of Open-Ended Commentary, Nicole V. Williams, John C. Gillham, and Leslie A. Evans
Nietzsche's Posthumanism, Edgar Landgraf
Night Sky, Elainie Lillios and Don Bogen
Non-Native English Speaking Patients: Emergent Themes to Patient Care in Athletic Training, Lacey Bracken and Matthew Kutz
Nontraditional Students in Higher Education: Meeting Their Needs as Learners, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Carmen Giebelhaus
"No One Wants to be a Loser:" High School Students' Perceptions of Academic Competition, Monica Kowalski and Andrea L. Christensen
Not a Moment to Lose: Mentoring Teacher Candidates for New Cultures and Climate, Emily Hayden and Travis Gratteau-Zinnel
Not a Student, Not an Athlete, a Person, Amanda L. Paule-Koba and Todd A. Gilson
Notes from the Editors’ Roundtable, Jennifer L. Milam, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Susan N. Kushner Benson, Xin Liang, and Sandra Spickard Prettyman
Observation of Instruction via Distance Learning: The Need for a New Evaluation Paradigm, Bobby G. Malone, Loren D. Malm, Fred W. Nay, Brad E. Oliver, Nancy G. Saunders, and Jay C. Thompson Jr.
Off-Duty and Under Arrest: An Exploratory Study of the Arrests of Off-Duty Police Officers, 2005-2017, Taylor E. Henn, Chloe A. Wentzlof, and Philip M. Stinson
Ohio’s Fiscal Year 2006–2007 Budget: Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education, Bill Harris
Ol Woman Blong Wota (The Women of the Water), Sandy Sur, Ashley Burgess, Maeve McKenna, and Catherine Grant
On "Being There" in a Pandemic: Are Classrooms Without Bodies Still "Real" Places of Learning?, Lauren Angelone
On Call and Intermittent Classified Compensation, 2022-2023, Bowling Green State University
Online Design Elements: Improving Student Success and Minimizing Instructor Load, Gregory P. Montalvo
Online Education Is Not For Everyone, John Sikula and Andrew Sikula Sr.
Online Instruction An Alternative Delivery System for Higher Education, Michael Wronkovich
Online Instruction: A Positive Alternative for Master of Education Students, James Van Keuren
On Membership, Humility, and Pedagogical Responsibilities: A Correspondence on the Work of Wendell Berry, Rebecca A. Martusewicz, Jeff Edmundson, and Richard Kahn
On the British Reception of Ken Russell's Mahler, Eftychia Papanikolaou
On the Outside Looking In: An African American Family’s Experience in an Individualized Education Plan Meeting, Azure D. S. Angelov and Sheri L. Anderson
Other Voices in Educational Research, Anne D'Antonio Stinson and Glenda Moss
Our Experience: The Voices of Instructors Teaching a Course on Families, Azure Dee Smiley
Overcoming the Digital Divide: The Story of an Urban Middle School, Savilla Banister and John Fischer
Over-Signing in College Football: Why Does It Occur?, Robert Turick and Amanda Paule-Koba
Paid Advertising: Understanding How Ad Format and Visuals Impact Ad Link Clicks and Conversions, Samantha Ensinger
Paradigms or Toolkits? Philosophical and Methodological Positions as Heuristics for Mixed Methods Research, Joseph A. Maxwell
Pardon My Yellow Blooper, Matt Donahue
Parental Characteristics and Satisfaction with their Child's School: A Comparison of Public, Voucher, and Charter School Families, Kelli M. Paul, Kim K. Metcalf, and Natalie A. Legan
Part-Time Classified Staff Compensation, 2022-2023, Bowling Green State University
Passive Participation in Collaborative Online Learning Activities: A Scoping Review of Research in Formal School Learning Settings, Hajeen Choi and Jaesung Hur
Pause and Possibility: Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives on Creative Writing Clubs, Stephanie Altier
Payment Deferred, James M. Pfundstein
Pedagogy of Respect: The Inter-Generational Influence of Black Women, Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner
Perceived Effectiveness of Study Skills Training for Division III College Athletes: A Pilot Program, Jill W. Lassiter and Amanda L. Campbell
Perceived Knowledge and Confidence of Social Determinants of Health in College and Secondary School Athletic Trainers, Lauren Redfern, Chyrsten Gessel, and Elena Robinson
Perceptions Among Athletic Trainers’ Education in Treating Athletes with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Autism Disorders, Juliette Mueller, Audrey Wagstaff, and Jennifer Walker
Perceptions of Teacher Preparation for Classroom Diversity, Aubrey M. Madler, Sarah K. Anderson, Steven D. LeMire, and Kayla Smith
Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion Competence and Confidence in Medical/Surgical Nurses, Lisa Jacobs
Personal Investments, Professional Gains: Strategies of African American Women Teacher Educators, Adrienne D. Dixson and Jeannine E. Dingus
Personality as a Predictor of Hitting and Pitching Performances Among Professional Baseball Players, Tess M. Palmateer, Trent A. Petrie, and Whitney Moore
Personnel Selection in Australia: Identifying Research-Practice Gaps and Understanding the Importance of Culture Fit, Jaymon D. Kirk, Serena Wee, and Patrick D. Dunlop
Perspectives on Responsibility in Teacher Education: What's Worth Fighting For?, Nina G. Dorsch
Philosophical Counselling through Meditative Inquiry: Insights for Holistic and Contemplative Educators and Practitioners, Ashwani Kumar
Places, Please: Stage Managers, Gender, and Invisible Labor, Angela Ahlgren Dr.
Planning Professional Development: What Educators Know about Formative Instructional Practices, Xin Lang and Linda Collins
Playwork Practice as Action Research, Shelly Newstead, Eric Worch, and Daniel Brahier
Poetic Portraits of Older Women in the Great Black Swamp, Sandra L. Faulkner
Police Crime Against Sex Workers in the United States, 2005-2017, Jillian G. Grzywna, Chloe A. Wentzlof, and Philip M. Stinson
Policy Research in Higher Education: Data, Decisions, Dilemmas, and Disconnect, Edward R. Hines
Political Competition and Judicial Independence: How Courts Fill the Void When Legislatures Are Ineffective, Joshua Boston, David Carlson, J. Brandon Duck-Mayr, and Greg Sasso
Politics, Economics, and Testing: Some Reflections, Michael J. Feuer
“POOL: A Social History of Segregation Exhibition” Exploring Social Justice Through the Lens of Water Safety Awareness and Art-based Education, Angela K. Beale-Tawfeeq Ph.D., MPH; Tiffany Monique Quash Ph.D.; Knolan Rawlins Ph.D.; Victoria Prizzia; and Miriam Lynch Ph.D.
Positive Psychology and Employee Services, Bryan Cavins
Post-Event Party, Bowling Green State University
Postsecondary Remediation Policy: Analysis and Recommendations for Ohio’s System of Public Education, Marcus Herzberg, Noriko Nagata, Joyce Long, and Art Bollman
Practice Habits Among Collegiate Music Majors: Relationships with Everyday Self-Regulatory Behaviors, Lydia Stricker
Precision Power and Its Application to the Selection of Regression Sample Sizes, Gordon P. Brooks and Robert S. Barcikowski
Pre-conference Meet and Greet, Phil Dickinson
Predictors of Health-Protective Behavior and Glycemia After Gestational Diabetes, NHANES 2007-2014, Kerri L. Knippen, Jiunn-Jye Sheu, Reena Oza-Frank, Kimberly McBride, and Joseph Dake
PrEP and condom use: A tale of unintended consequences?, Lauren Maziarz
Preparing Principals for New Roles: Advice from the Field, Carla Edlefson
Preparing Teachers of Tomorrow with Global Perspectives, Sara Eisenhardt and Kelli S. Sittason
Preparing to Teach Social Studies for Social Justice: Becoming a Renegade, Trisha Wickland
Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs about Struggling Readers and Themselves, Katherine Brodeur and Lisa Ortmann
Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Instructional Scaffolding for Writing Instruction, Sharan A. Gibson
Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge of Special Education Laws, Sherri L. Horner, Alicia Mrachko, Evelyn A. O'Connor, and Anastasia E. Yasik
Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Character Education, Floyd D. Beachum
Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of the Language Arts: Using a Lens of Critical Literacy, Delane Bender-Slack and Teresa Young
Presidential Address: Future Shock: Education in the Information Age, Jeffrey B. Hecht
Presidential Address: How Do We Measure Up? Capturing the Complexities of Educational Growth, Janet K. Holt
Presidential Address: Theory, Research, Practice, Caring, and Spirituality: Zen and the Art of Educational Administration, A. William Place
Presidential Address: The Power of Data Utilization in Bringing About Systemic School Change, E. Jane Williams
Presidential Address: Undergraduate and Graduate Preparation in Educational Research Methods, Robert S. Barcikowski
Presidential Address: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction, Carmen R. Giebelhaus
President’s Report, Kim K. Metcalf
Prevalence of Disordered Eating and Muscle Dysmorphia in College Students by Predominant Exercise Type, Taylor E. Lechner, Emily M. Gill, Madeleine J. Drees, and Carrie M. Hamady
Priming the Pump: Nurturing Teacher-Researchers through Collaboration, James A. Salzman and Donna Snodgrass
Principal Roles, Work Demands, and Supports Needed to Implement New Teacher Evaluation, Shelby Cosner, Steven M. Kimball, Elizabeth Barkowski, Bradley Carl, and Curtis Jones
Principals and School Factors That Impact Elementary School Student Achievement, Sharon Gieselmann
Problems Related to Participants' Roles and Programmatic Goals in Student Teaching Supervision, Donald A. Williams, Hema Ramanathan, Doug Smith, Josue Cruz, and Laura Lipsett
Professional Identity as a Focus of Professional Development, Maureen E. Wilson and Kerry L. B. Klima
Professors Negotiating Borders: The Courage to Lead, María Luísa González
Promoting Information and Visual Literacy Skills in Undergraduate Students using Infographics, Nicole Kalaf-Hughes
Provost's Lecture Series 2000: Subject Matters: Policy, lnequality, and Social Memory, ICS Bowling State University
PS, Bryan Cavins
Public School Administrator Perspectives of Social Media Impacts on the Students they Serve, Alonzo Stotler
Publishing in a Peer-Reviewed Journal, Sherri Lyn Horner and Christy Galletta Horner
Q Methodology as a Tool for Program Assessment, Susan E. Ramlo
Qualitative Experimentation, Local Generalizability, and Other Oxymoronic Opportunities for Educated Researchers, Gordon P. Brooks
Quality Matters Review of LIB 2210: Applying the QM Rubric for Higher Education to an Information Literacy Course, Laura Sheets, Maureen Barry, and Eileen K. Bosch
Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Performed Over Hockey Shoulder Pads: A Simulation Study, Jennifer Longo, Katie J. Lyman, Thomas A. Hanson, and Adam G. Estabrooks
Quickwrites and the Quest to Reverse Writing Reluctance, Jenna Dunn
Race IS a Big Deal: The Childhood Experiences of White, Female Teachers and the Development of Critical Consciousness to "See, Judge and Act", Margaret Schauer
Racial/Ethnic Socialization Messages, Social Support, and Personal Efficacy among Adolescents, Francesca Pernice-Duca and Delila Owens
Racist or Radical? The Strange Case of Robert Moses and the Building of New York City's Aquatics Infrastructure, Steven N. Waller Ph.D., James H. Bemiller J.D., and Jason L. Scott Ph.D.
Random Effects Probit and Logit: The Right Marginal Effects for the Right Econometric Specification, James R. Bland and Amanda Cook
Rates of Burnout Among Collegiate Athletic Trainers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lauren Linn, Jennifer Walker, and Audrey Wagstaff
"Raymond Williams and the Project of Cultural Studies", Epifiano San Juan
Reading Ability as a Predictor of Student Success in Business School, Robert E. Pritchard and George C. Romeo
"Reading From the Heart", Suzanne Juhasz
Reading Recovery, Gay Su Pinnell, Carol Lyons, Diane DeFord, and Emily Rodgers
Realizing Unrealized Potential Through Cross-Gender Mentorship, David R. Perry
"Real Women Have Bodies": A Study in Adaptation, Madison Ephlin
Recent Updates from the BGSU Police Integrity Research Group, Philip M. Stinson
(Re)Considering Teachers' Promotion of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, Jonathan D. Bostic, Gabriel T. Matney, and Toni Sondergeld
Reflecting on Movement in the Math Classroom, Zoey Berger
Reflections on MWERA 2005: Academic Integrity, Sharon Valente
Reflections on MWERA 2006: Teaching and Researching in an Electronic Era, Craig A. Mertler
Reflections on MWERA 2008: The Globalization of the Teacher Education Experience, Doug Feldmann
Reflections on MWERA 2009: The Synthesis of Educational Research and Practice, Gordon P. Brooks
Reflections on the heuristic power of Contemplative Art in teaching and research, Patricia Morgan
Reforming Only Half: A Study of Practice-Based Teacher Education in Traditional Field Placements, Anthony Tuf Francis
Regenerating Cultural presence Tuning in Through Performance, Robbie McCauley
Regression Analyses for ABAB Designs in Educational Research, T. Mark Beasley
Reliability and Construct Validity of the Single-leg Landing Error Scoring System (SL-LESS) in Physically Active Females, Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm, Madison Mach, Erin Lally, Maegan O'Connor, and Hayley Ericksen
Reliability of pain scores during a body weight support protocol in individuals with knee osteoarthritis, Rebecca Greenwood, Jennifer Ellison, Peggy Gleeson, and Katy Mitchell
Research and the Replication Crisis: A Psychology Course Proposal, Kathryn Fassih
Researchers Who Surf: Riding the Waves of Analysis in Self-Study Research, Matthew D. Conley and Lesley Colabucci
Research in Action: Becoming a Better Teacher, Jack Snowman
Research, Race and an Epistemology of Emancipation, Cynthia Tyson
Response to Intervention in Illinois: An Exploration of School Professionals’ Attitudes and Beliefs, Amy Feiker Hollenbeck and Eva Patrikakou
Retention of African Americans in Gifted Education: Lessons Learned from Higher Education, James L. Moore, Donna Y. Ford, Delila Owens, Ted Hall, Melendez Byrd, Malik Henfield, and Gilman W. Whiting
Re-thinking Education for Sustainable Development: Key Learning Insights from the SDSN USA Transformative Education Summit 2023, Radhika Iyengar, Sumie Song, Deepak Sridhar, Wendy M. Purcell, Ann Nielsen, Iveta Silova, Matthew A. Witenstein, and Wen-wen Tung
Rethinking Schooling as Academic Development, Patricia A. Alexander
Re-Thinking the Teacher-Student Relationship from a Soka Perspective, Nozomi Inukai
Reviewer Acknowledgements 2019, Brooks R. Vostal, Jonathan D. Bostic, Christy Galletta Horner, Matthew R. Lavery, Jeanne Novak, and Nancy C. Patterson
Reviewer Acknowledgments, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Alisha White, Lora Wolff, and Jessica Snowden
Reviewer Acknowledgments, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Katrina Daytner, Sarah Schoper, Alisha White, Lora Wolff, and Jessica Snowden
Reviewer Acknowledgments 2016, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, Mahrya Carncross, and Van Ha
Reviewer Acknowledgments 2017, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Reviewer Acknowledgments 2018, Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
Reviewers for 1997, Deborah L. Bainer, Gene A. Kramer, and Richard M. Smith
Review of Student Agency in the Classroom: Honoring Student Voice in the Curriculum, Clyde Barnett III
Revising "Field Experience" in the Pandemic Period and Beyond, Amy Bacevich
Revisiting the Metaphorical Concept of “No Strokes First - All Strokes First”: Part One - Beginning Strokes, Robert Keig Stallman Ph.D., Alex Mwaipasi, Ebbe Laakso Horneman, Nils Olof Vikander, Bente Wäinösdatter Horneman Laakso, Haakon-Paavo Laakso Nysted, and Toni Ongala
Revitalization Through Food: Bringing Back Smalltown, USA, Alyssa Chavez
Rich People Behaving Badly, and the Disposable Staff on Season 1 of The White Lotus, Brittany Clark
Romances with Schools: A Life of Education, James F. Lane
Roundtable Discussion on Unionization/Collective Bargaining in Academia, Andrew Schocket, Jennifer Ashton, Walter Benn Michaels, Sara Kilpatrick, and Candace Archer
Rural Police Crime 2005-2017, Chloe A. Wentzlof, Philip M. Stinson, and John Liederbach
Rust Belt Futures: Building the Rust Belt Humanities Lab at Ursuline College, Katharine G. Trostel and Valentino L. Zullo
"Safe and Sound": Anti-Racist Curriculum Models for the Early Years Classroom, Terry Husband and Kerry-Ann Escayg
Salzburg's Baroque Architecture: A Historical Analysis and Poetic Response, Rebecca Malzer
Schedules and Plans and Things You Should Know, Sharon McNeely
Scholars and Artists in Residence Spring '97 - '98, ICS Bowling State University
Scholars and Artist Through '96 - '97, ICS Bowling State University
School Choice: Structured through Markets and Morality, Thomas J. Lasley II and Carolyn R. Ridenour
School Choice Trade Offs, Marie D. Holbein
School Discipline Disparities: Lessons and Suggestions, Daniel J. Quinn
School Level and Other Differences in Illinois Teachers’ Use of Data to Inform Instruction, Todd Reeves
Screening Anti-PD-L2 Peptides as Antitumor Ligands Using Phage Display, Chien Tran Phuoc
Secondary Special Education: A Comparative Study of Teachers of "High Incidence Disabilities", Leah Wasburn-Moses and Emily C. Bouck
Seeing Standards: Schools’ Built Environments and the Standards Movement, Kristien Marquez-Zenkov
Self-Regulated Learning of Mentees and Mentors in an Education Doctorate Peer Mentoring Program, Kendra Lowery, Rachel Louise Geesa, and Kat McConnell
Self-reported Vital Sign Assessment Practices of Neurologic Physical Therapists, Jamie O'Brien, Harvey W. Wallmann, Jaclynne Karaffa, Marissa Kleilein, Katherine Prewitt, Hannah Schreiber, and Hannah Zimmerman
Self-reported Water Competency Skills at a Historically Black College & University and the Potential Impact of Additional HBCU-based Aquatic Programming, Knolan C. Rawlins Ph.D., Shaun M. Anderson Ed.D, and Tiffany Monique Quash Ph.D.
Semi-Partial Correlations: I Don't Need Them; You Can Have Them, Thomas R. Knapp
Sending Gratitude, Amanda Kukunis
Serving English Language Learners Afterschool, Jenell Holstead and Kathryn Doll
Serving Justice Case by Case, Michael Becker
Severity, Irritability, Nature, Stage, and Stability (SINSS): A clinical perspective, Evan J. Petersen, Stephanie M. Thurmond, and Gail M. Jensen
Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Sport Queer Inquiries, Vikki Krane
Sexuality and Migration and the Contested and the Contested Boundaries of US Citizenship, Ethnic Studies Department and ICS Bowling Green State University
Shakespeare and The Supreme Court: How the Justices Reveal Their Ideologies by Referencing His Works, Rachel Anderson
Sharing Our Voice: Experiences of Faculty of Color in a Private University, Carolyn Talbert-Johnson, Beverly Tillman, and Llewellyn Simmons
Sharing Stories and Learning to Lead: A Relational Mentoring Process Through Self-Portraiture, Kathleen M. Cowin and Sarah N. Newcomer
"She Puts Clues in Our Head:" Interactive and Independent Writing Instruction in a First Grade Classroom, Tammie L. Sherry
Should we Move our Headquarters Abroad?: An Analysis of Corporate Inversion, Rowen Newlon
Similarity of Prosody Between Speech and Singing: A Methodological Study, Jessica Stewart, Ronald Scherer, and Geoffrey Stephenson
Single-Case Designs and Qualitative Methods: Applying a Mixed Methods Research Perspective, John H. Hitchcock, Bonnie K. Nastasi, and Meredith Summerville
Skip "Little Axe" McDonald: One Man-One Night...One Life in Music, Matt Donahue
Small Classes in American Schools: Research, Practice, and Politics, Jeremy D. Finn
Small Steps: Teacher Change in a Reform Mathematics Curriculum, Tom Fox
Sniffing Out the Secret Poison: Selection Bias in Educational Research, Daniel A. Showalter and Luke B. Mullet
Social Capital in Online Courses, Thomas Mays
Social Issues and Education: Commentary on the Use of Freirian, Hortonian and Boalian Pedagogies in a Graduate College Classroom, Michael Sanders
Socialist Reconstruction and the Need for a Revolutionary Party, Nino Brown
Some Cautions Concerning Inferences about Proportions, Differences Between Proportions, and Quotients of Proportions, Thomas R. Knapp and Hak P. Tam
Some Cognitive Transformations About the Dynamics of Desistance, Peggy C. Giordano
Special Education Paraprofessionals in District Context, Craig Howley, Aimee Howley, and Deborah Telfer
Special Program Issue October 12-15, 2005, Sharon A. Valente
Special Program Issue October 13-16, 2004, Roger J. Greer
Special Program Issue October 15-18, 2003, Janet K. Holt
Special Program Issue October 2-5, 1996, Kim K. Metcalf
Spinning Wheels: How Resistance, Culture, and Assumed Continuity Interact to Paralyze a Company, Diane T. Keil-Hipp
Spontini and the City: Bach and Musical Politics in Berlin, Eftychia Papanikolaou
Standardization of a Latent Blood Visualizer Based Upon DNA Degradation, Kailey M. van 't Hoff
Status, Equity, and Group Learning in Middle School Math: "I'm Not That Smart.", Kate Carter
STEM in the Park: A Model Program that Provides Roots for STEM Learning, Emilio Duran, Eric Worch, Lena Ballone Duran, and Jacob Burgoon
Still Lending You the World: The Toledo Lucas County Public Library in the 21st Century, Cade Clem
Still Lending You the World: The Toledo Lucas County Public Library in the 21st Century, Cade Clem
Strategic Planning and Research-Practice Partnerships as a Dynamic, Generative Duo?, Joel Malin and Muna Altowajri
Student Affairs Programs for Emerging Adults, Maureen E. Wilson and Patrick G. Love
Student Perspectives: Responses to Internet Opportunities in a Distance Learning Environment, Nancy G. Saunders, Loren D. Malm, Bobby G. Malone, Fred W. Nay, Brad E. Oliver, and Jay C. Thompson Jr.
Students’ Perceptions in the Classroom and How it is Associated With Their Performance, Kayla Taylor
Successful Closed Reduction and Tooth-to-tooth Wire-fixation of a Mandibular Singular Parasymphysis Fracture in a Male Collegiate Lacrosse Player, Steven Ross Murray, Coryann L. Leadford, Nathaniel Snyder, Robert W. Pettitt, and Jeremy R. Hawkins
Successful Implementation of Technology into the Educational Process, Duane O. Eddy
Summer Preview of the 2006 Annual Meeting October 11-14, 2006, Craig A. Mertler
Summer Preview of the 2007 Annual Meeting October 24-27, 2007, Dimiter M. Dimitrov
Surveillance is a Privacy Issue, Oversurveillance is a Civil Rights Issue, Kristine Ketel
Sven-David Sandström, Per Broman
Taking College Teaching Seriously: Pedagogy Matters!, Frank Giuseffi
Talking an Article: A Conversation on Empowerment and Education, William Chandler, Anne D'Antonio Stinson, Holly Wendling, Lillie From, and Beth Gruetzmacher
Targeting The Gap in Mental Health Advocacy for First-Year College Students, Hailey Kurtz
Teacher Candidates’ Conceptual Understandings of Mathematics Concepts, Angela T. Barlow and Jill Mizell Reddish
"Teacher Centered Coaching": An Instructional Coaching Model, Sonia Wang
Teacher-Centered Fallacies of Classroom Assessment Validity and Reliability, Craig A. Mertler
Teacher Efficacy and Career Indecision among Pre-Service Teachers: A Model of Direct and Indirect Effects, Mary Beth Sloane and Mary D. Hancock
Teacher Evaluation and the Problem of Professional Development, Mark A. Smylie
Teacher Professionalism: What Educators can Learn from Social Workers, Mary Antony Bair
Teacher's Lives and Beliefs: Influences That Shape the Teaching of U. S. History, Michael H. Romanowski
Teachers' Perceptions of Preparedness to Teach Students with Disabilities, Tara Kaczorowski and Sonia M. Kline
Teaching about the Global Refugee Crisis, Melissa Kafer
Teaching Empathy for Others Through Young Adult Literature, Madison Boeckman
Teaching in the Cracks: Opening and Opportunities for Student-Centered, Action-Focused Curriculum, Tony Durr
Teaching Political Analysis: A Framework, Carla Edlefson
Technology and Teaching in the Communications Age, Molly Herman Baker
Technology, Diversity, Pandemic, oh my! Perspectives on the High School to College Transition, 2020-21, Samar Abbasi, Maryam Parker, and Julie Ash
Tell Me How You Really Feel: Softball Players’ Perceptions about the Media, Amanda L. Paule-Koba and Brittany Lastrapes-Thackery
Tell Me What To Do Not How To Do It: Influence of Creative Outcome and Process Goals on Creativity, Melissa G. Keith and Carolyn M. Jagacinski
Telpochcalli Irma Guerra, La Escuela Preparatoria Progresiva, Narciso L. Alemán
Tenants' Rights in Wood County, Rodney A. Fleming
"That is an interesting question!" Oddball Interview Questions and Organizational Personality Perceptions, Don C. Zhang and John-Luke McCord
The 1998 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Jeffrey B. Hecht
The Advancement of Surrealism: Navigating the Logical Implications of Surrealism in Poetry Through Time, Brandon Hemsworth
The Ah-Ha Experience in Peer-Mentoring Group Sessions, Gary A. Gray
The American Monument: The Slow Motion Catastrophe of the Nuclear, Peter van Wyck
The Arguments and Data in Favor of Minimum Grading, James Carifio and Theodore Carey
The Audience and Business of YouTube and Online Videos, Louisa Ha
The BG News April 12, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News April 19, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News April 5, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News August 23, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News August 30, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 1, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 15, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 22, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 8, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News January 18, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News January 25, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 1, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 15, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 22, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 29, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 1, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 15, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 8, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 8, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 18, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 25, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 4, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 13, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 20, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 27, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 6, 2023, Bowling Green State University
The Boy Scouts of America: How Society's Changing Attitudes Affect Nonprofit Culture, David Harkins
The Cage at the End of the World, James M. Pfundstein
The Career Transitions of High-Profile Student-Athletes: Identity, Role Engulfment, and Psychological Well-Being, Claire C. Zvosec, Nathan Baer, Maya Hughes, Brent Oja, Minjung Kim, Sean Dahlin, and Steve M. Howell
The Case of La Escuela SMART Academy: How Legislation and Incentives Can Aid the Transition from Bicultural to Bilingual Education, Fidelina Valverde-Rivera
The CLEP Program: An Evaluation and Assessment at a Small Private University, William Beaver and Stephen T. Paul
The Complexity of Disrupting the "Struggling Reader" Label: The Potential for Cross-Pollinating Disability Studies and Dynamic Models of Comprehension in Literacy Teacher Education, Kristine M. Schutz, Rebecca Woodward, and Amanda R. Diaz
The Cultural Impact on International Marketing: Understanding How Different Cultures Influence Advertising Perception and Strategies, Nathaniel Roffman
The Economics of Altruism: An Exploration of Self and Collective Identity, Catherine Krempasky
The Effectiveness of Naturalistic Sign Language Training for Nonspeaking Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, Elizabeth Michael
The Effect of Aquaponics on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Sensory, Quality, and Safety Outcomes, Brittany Kralik, Natalie Nieschwitz, Kevin Neves, Nicholas Zeedyk, Hans Wildschutte, and Jonathan Kershaw
The Effect of Fatigue on Lower Extremity Joint Kinematics and Performance, Shelley Payne, Sarah Alloto, Joe Wilkins, and Ashley Simons
The Effect of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization on Improving Joint Range of Motion in Active Individuals: A Critically Appraised Topic, Cole E. Dearing, Andrea Cripps, and Jenny Toonstra
The Effect of Supplemental Educational Services on Student Learning Outcomes, Jane Beese
The Effects of Activation and Values-Enhanced Activation on Mood, Joshua Bock
The Effects of Family Size and Birth Order on Students' Social Emotional and Cognitive Development, Mary Watson
The Effects of Minority Stressors in the Workplace on Same-sex Relationships: A Collective Case Study of Female Couples, Elizabeth Holman
The Effects of Rater Training on Inter-Rater Agreement, Lisa A. Pufpaff, Laura Clarke, and Ruth E. Jones
The Electoral Connection in Court: How Sentencing Responds to Voter Preferences, Joshua Boston and Bernardo S. Silveira
The End of College: Creating the Future of Learning and the University of Everywhere, Aaron Samuel Zimmerman
The European Roots of Jewish-American Fiction, Stanislav Kolar
The Four Protocols of Engagement and HOW to Apply Them, Joyce A. Schneider
The Global Teacher Educator: A Peripatetic with Purpose, Elaine Jarchow
The Gnawa Lions: Authenticity and Opportunity in Moroccan Ritual Music, Christopher Witulski
The Guild of Silent Men, James M. Pfundstein
The Halliwick Concept: Practical Applications, Susan J. Grosse
The Heart of a City: Using Empathy for Connected Municipal Public Policy, Sara Kline
The Heart of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning—Lifelong Mentoring, Sharon Valente
The History and Significance of Taxidermy Bird Collections in North America: BGSU's Own Undervalued Collection and Its Future, Kristin Burnside
The History of MWERA and the Role and Scope of Its Historian, Thomas S. Parish
The Impact of an Introductory Course on Ph.D. Students: A Qualitative Analysis of Student Perceptions, Karen E. McIntush, Nazneen H. Askari, Karla A. Garza, Peter Scaramuzzo, Michele Norton, and Lynn M. Burlbaw
The Impact of Educational Policy on English Learners in a Rural Indiana School Corporation, April M. Burke
The Impact of Instagram Usage on Body-Esteem in Young Women in College, Kirsten Etzinger
The Impact of Large-Group Drumming Events at Work on Employee Emotions, Dale Arthur Monnin
The Impact of Music on Language Acquisition, Courtney Rieb and James Cohen
The Impact of Nutrition on the Mental and Physical Health of Young Adults, Dareena El-Far
The Impact of the Collective Efficacy of a School Community on Individual Professional Development Outcomes, Cynthia H. Geer and Julie Q. Morrison
The Implementation of edTPA in Special Education Teacher Training Programs: Putting Teacher Development Over Passing Scores, Joe Cook, Stacey Skoning, Tom Fischer, and Denise Clark
The Implementation of Personalized Learning in a Rural School District: A Case Study, Kathy House, Steve Miracle, and W. Kyle Ingle
The Importance of Being Little: What Young Children Really Need from Grownups, Julie K. Biddle
The importance of Implementing Literacy Strategies in a Mathematics Classroom, Lauren Tecca, Joanna Weaver, and John Chen
The Influence of Momentary Goal Structures, Diana Janet Zaleski
The Influence of Textbooks on Teaching Strategies: An Empirical Study, Lianghuo Fan and Gurcharn S. Kaeley
The Interconnectedness of Criminal Offenses Committed by Law Enforcement Officers, 2005-2017, Jonathan R. Kutz, Chloe A. Wentzlof, and Philip M. Stinson
The IRB and Classroom Research, Jeffrey B. Hecht
The Legal Context of Sexual Harassment In Education, Robert J. Shoop
The Longitudinal Impact of COVID-19 on Teacher Well-Being, Diana Janet Zaleski
The Maintenance of Teacher Autonomy in a Policy-Driven Era, Doug Feldman
The Market-Driven Age of Education: Challenges of Urban School Leadership, Judy J. May
The Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 on PK-12 Students: A Systematic Review of Emerging Literature, David Naff, Shenita Williams, Jenna Furman-Darby, and Melissa Yeung
The Mexican Revolution: An Uneven Path, Tre Johnson
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association’s 32nd Annual Meeting, October 14–17, 2009, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association’s 33rd Annual Meeting October 13–16, 2010, Savilla Banister, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's 34th Annual Meeting October 12–15, 2011, Ellen A. Sigler
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 11–14, 2006: Teaching and Researching in an Electronic Era, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 12–15, 2005, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 13–16, 2004, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 15–18, 2003, James A. Salzman and Jane Zaharias
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 15–18, 2008, Savilla Banister, Mark Earley, Julia Matuga, and Timothy Murnen
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 24–27, 2001, Mary K. Bendixen-Noe and Kim Metcalf
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 24–27, 2007, Deborah Bainer Jenkins and Adrian Rodgers
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, October 2-5, 1996, Kim K. Metcalf
Theory: Employee/Work Place Services, Bryan Cavins, Bob D. Lee, and David L. Groves
The “other” NIL and SportCrit: Narrative Identity and Liminality of Black Gendered Scholar-Athletes, Joseph L. Herman II
The Paradox of Charter Schools: How Charters Get Support Despite Poor Performance, Andrew G. Benson
The Perfect Storm: How Policy, Research, and Assessment Will Transform Public Education, James H. McMillan
The Place of Dissent in Inquiry, Learning, and Reflection, Michael Schwartz
The Planets, Reimagined: Translating Science Into Music, Kaitlyn Wincup
The Praxis of Disability and Schools in Ohio from 1925-1939, Jason Brent Ellis and Carla Abreu-Ellis
The Preparation of Teacher Candidates for K-12 Online Learning Environments: A Case Study, Nicole V. Williams and Michael J. Casale
The Principals' Role in Mentor Programs, Barbara L. Brock
The Production of Docility in Professional Ice Hockey, Andre Michael Andrijiw and Luke Jones
The Public Purpose of Schooling and Education, Richele O'Connor
The Real-Time Classification of Competency Swimming Activity Through Machine Learning, Larry Powell, Seth Polsley, Drew Casey, and Tracy Hammond
The Relationship between Culture and Cognitive Style: A Review of the Evidence and Some Reflections for the Classroom, Joan Thrower Timm
The Relationship Between Gender, Academic Performance, and Confidence Within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Classes, Allison Cheek and Allison Kay Cheek
The Relationship of Implicit Theories to Elementary Teachers’ Patterns of Engagement in a Mathematics-Focused Professional Development Setting, Angela T. Barlow, Alyson E. Lischka, James C. Willingham, Kristin Hartland, and D. Christopher Stephens
The Road to Getting Published, Patricia B. Elmore and Darren M. James
The Role of Classroom Experience in Preservice and Inservice Teachers’ Assessment Literacy, Craig A. Mertler
The Role of Communication in Providing Leadership for School Restructuring, Theodore J. Kowalski
The Role of Data Analysis Software in Graduate Programs in Education and Post-Graduate Research, Michael Harwell
The Role of Transparency in Times of Change, Gale A. Lacey
The Secret Sauce: Integrating Use of Self in Organizations, Carla L. McKnight
The Self and Individualism: An Analysis on the Current Regulations of Academic Writing, Bonnibel S. H. Walker
The Simultaneity of Beginning Teachers’ Practical Intentions, Aaron Zimmerman
The Social Philosophy of Gerald Gaus: Moral Relations Amid Control, Contestation, and Complexity, Kevin Vallier
The Statistically Significant Exact Replication Method: A Programming and Conceptual Extension, David A. Walker
The Status of High School Scheduling in Illinois, Donald G. Hackmann
The Structural Validity of the Ohio Ninth Grade Proficiency Test, Yonghee Kim and William E. Loadman
The Symbolic Politics of Same-Sex Marriage Legalization, Kaden Sinning
The Tactical versus Technical Paradigm: Scholarship on Teaching Games with a ‘Catch-22’, Adrian P. Turner
The Teacher Work Sample: Candidate and Mentor Perceptions, David Bell, Maureen Spelman, Holly Mackley, and Liang Zhao
The Theatre of Math: The Stage as a Tool for Abstract Math Education, Blaine Hudak
The Theory of Planned Behavior as a Framework to Identify Attitudes and Perceptions of Athletic Trainers towards Quality Improvement, Meredith Madden and Dominique M. Ross
The Time for Design-Based Research is Right and Right Now, Jennifer K. Shah, David C. Ensminger, and Kimberly Their
The Untold Stories from Covid-19: The Calamity of Implementing Curriculum During a Pandemic, Vanessa M. Rigaud, Jody Googins, and Brett A. Burton
The Use of Multiple Regression Models to Determine if Conjoint Analysis Should Be Conducted on Aggregate Data, John W. Fraas and Isadore Newman
The Use of Self Survey Instrument (UoS-SI): An Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis, Jennifer L. Traxler
The Use of Tests of Statistical Significance, Thomas R. Knapp
The Use of Video Reflection for Teacher Education and Professional Learning, Scott Gibbons and Amy N. Farley
The validity of the cervical rotation lateral flexion test in predicting benefit after manipulation treatment to the first and second rib, Shane L. Koppenhaver, Tracy Morel, Garry Dredge, Michele Baeder, Brian A. Young, Evan J. Petersen, César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, and Norman Gill
The Value of Multimethod Qualitative/Quantitative Research Methodology in an Educational Program Evaluation: A Case Study, Catharine C. Knight and Walter J. Kuleck
The Value of the Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) in Evaluating Adolescent Patients with Concussions, Laura Harris, Kirstin Antonaros, Hayley Cole, Patrick Daniels, Kurtis Gould, Trent Ivey, Alexa Lewis, Alexis Maxwell, and Paul Miles
The Vietnam War and the Culture Wars, Bruce Franklin
The Vulnerable Observer: Stories that Break Your Heart, Ruth Behar
The Weight of the World: An Examination of Stigma and Social Pressure Through the Lens of Superheroes, Kiersten Burtz
The Wilderness Remainder: Deep Ecology in the Wild, Peter van Wyck Dr.
The World Wide Web Revisited, Ron Owston
The Yellow Qipao, Feibi Wang
Third Diversity in Aquatics Special Issue, Angela K. Beale-Tawfeeq, Steven N. Waller Ph.D., and Tiffany M. Quash PhD
Three Perspectives on Standards: Positivism, Panopticism, and Intersubjectivism, Cheu-jey Lee
Time Spent on Higher-Order Tasks in Two Teacher-Apprentice Options, Elizabeth A. Wilkins-Canter and Audrey T. Edwards
Tinder Usage on BGSU Campus: A Collection of Interviews, Autumn Zeller
To Feed or Let Eat! A Scale of Independence, Exploration, and Family to Measure Baby‐led Weaning as a Complementary Feeding Approach, Emma Studer-Perez and Dara Musher-Eizenman
Top 10 Issues Facing Teacher Education, Gregory J. Marchant and Gary Griffin
Towards a Globalised Vision of Aquatic Competence, Rita F. Pinto and Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia
Towards Upcycling Biomass-Derived Crosslinked Polymers with Light, Ravichandranath Singathi, Ramya Raghunathan, Retheesh Krishnan, Saravana Kumar Rajendran, Sruthy Baburaj, Mukund P. Sibi, Dean C. Webster, and Jayaraman Sivaguru
Toward the attainment of climate-smart PPP infrastructure projects: a critical review and recommendations, Isaac Akomea-Frimpong, Amma Kyewaa Agyekum, Alexander Baah Amoakwa, Prosper Babon-Ayeng, and Fatemeh Pariafsai
Traditional vs. "Resampling" Approaches to Statistical Inferences Regarding Correlation Coefficients, Thomas R. Knapp, Gerald L. Noblitt, and Sunanta Viragoontavan
Transculture Events with Mikhail Epstein, ICS Bowling State University, Mikhail Epstein, and Ellen Berry
Transforming Educators: A Framework for Developing Accomplices for Racial Justice in PreK-12 Schools, Linsay DeMartino
Transitioning to an Online Instructional Delivery System: Successes and Challenges, Ronald B. Childress and Rudy Pauley
Transition to Graduate Level Elementary Teacher Preparation: A Formative Analysis, Susan Kent
Transnational Identity Cluster- Inter-Rhetoricity -The Study of Chinese Women Identities, Wen-Shu Lee and ICS, Bowling Green State University
Traveling to Non-traditional Destinations: Recommendations for American Students Studying Abroad in "Africa", Ifeyinwa U. Onyenekwu
Trilateral Perceptions of the Importance of Instructional Leadership Behaviors, Anna Schwan
Trust, Trustworthiness, Trust Propensity, Social Determinants of Health, and Not-for-profit Healthcare Organizations: Is there an Impact on Relations?, Heather Lynn Poddany
Turning Green: Envisioning a Sustainable Future for Bowling Green, Kiana Fitzpatrick
Tutoring Matters: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about How to Tutor, Romena M. G. Holbert
Twenty Techniques for Teaching with Case Studies, Mary R. Sudzina
Two Methods of Estimating a Study's Replicability, Isadore Newman, Keith McNeil, and John Fraas
Two-way Bilingual Immersion Programs: Toward a More Inclusive Agenda in Bilingual Education, Sharon Adelman Reyes
Undergraduate Study Abroad Perceptions Post Pandemic – A Study on BGSU Students, Jay Prenger
Understanding Authoritarianism, Fascism, Far-Right Politics, and Anti-Democratic Processes, Paul Viafranco
Understanding School Board Members' Perceptions of Superintendents' Leader Behaviors, John V. Richard and Sharon D. Kruse
Understanding Students' Perceptions of Doing Mathematics: A Cultural Comparison, Gabriel T. Matney, Corrinne Fischer, and Jack L. Jackson II
Understanding the Barriers to Optimal Nutrition in Uninsured and Underserved Adults at the CommunityCare Free Medical Clinic in Toledo, Ohio, Elizabeth Bedell Marino, Hayavadhan Thuppal, Christopher Marino, and Philip J. Welch
Understanding the Diminishing Academic Advantage of Full-Day Kindergarten, Randall S. Davies and Susan Cress
Unmasking the Student Impostor: Remedies for the Impostor Phenomenon to Promote Student Success in the Clinic, Allison J. Durham and Stefanie Anderson
Unreported Concussions within Law Enforcement Officers, Bailee Faulkner, Jennifer Walker, and Audrey Wagstaff
Unthinking Whiteness: Towards a Revolutionary Multiculturalism, Peter McLaren
Urbanization Against Gentrification, Cody Ellerbrock
Urban University Access and Affordability: The Implications of the Relationship between Gas Prices and Suburban Transit Ridership, Jessie Baginski
Usage and Influence of Dietary Supplementation Amongst Adolescent Athletes, Allison Harlow, Jennifer Walker, and Aubrey Wagstaff
Use of Web-Based Timelines to Enhance Patient Care Skills of Dietetics Students, Emily K. Plaine, Carrie M. Hamady, and Mary-Jon Ludy
Using Action Research to Facilitate School Improvement, Susan N. Kushner and Sharon D. Kruse
Using Distance Education to Prepare School Administrators: Pitfalls and Effective Practice, Theodore J. Kowalski
Using Guidelines To Support Quality Moderation of Focus Group Interviews, Thomas M. Archer
Using Intercultural Sensitivity to Predict Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Self-Efficacy among Preservice Teachers, Christopher M. Estepp, Jennifer G. Beasley, Stephen R. Burgin, and Donald M. Johnson
Using Microanalytical Simulation Methods in Educational Evaluation: An Exploratory Study, Toni A. Sondergeld, Svetlana A. Beltyukova, Christine M. Fox, and Gregory E. Stone
Using Online Instruction to Deliver a Discussion-Intensive Format, Herbert W. Broda
Using Research to Inform Fledgling Professional Development Schools: Data-Driven Decision Making, Sharon J. Damore and Katherine Kapustka
Using SEM to Develop a Model for Educators of Children Who are Exposed to the Trauma of Violence, Rosalind Duplechain
Using the Power of Questions to Organize for Progressive Education, Melissa Barone, Matias Orbea, Brian D. Schultz, Nadine Brockman, Christina E. Martin, Kate Miller, Allison Greer, and Daniel P. Ryan
Utilizing Family Systems Theory in College Readiness Counseling?, Bagmi Das and Beth H. Gilfillan
Uwe Scholz’s Choreographic Conception of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, Eftychia Papanikolaou
Validation: A Burgeoning Methodology for Mathematics Education Scholarship, Jonathan D. Bostic, Gabriel T. Matney, Toni Sondergeld, and Gregory Stone
Validation of the Data-Driven Decision-Making Efficacy and Anxiety Inventory (3D-MEA) with U.S. Pre-Service Teachers, Todd D. Reeves, Yasemin Onder, and Beheshteh Abdi
Venus Dog Tag, Thomas P. Muir
Veterinary Medicine and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International, Interdisciplinary Study of a GlobalWicked Problem, Daniella Fedak-Lengel
Video Spotlight: University Meditation Program, 2007-Present, Fran Grace
Violence Goes to School, Jack Levin
Virtual Ethnography: The Post Possibilities of Not Being There, Lauren Angelone
Visualizing Baseball, James H. Albert
Visual Tools for Eliciting Connections and Cohesiveness in Mixed Methods Research, Jaclyn M. Murawska and David A. Walker
Voice for Change: Model of Investment Theory in Professional Development for School Administrators, Iwona Lech and James Cohen
Voices from the Past, Deborah L. Bainer and Christine S. Halon
Voices in Education, Marlene Schommer
Was Busing the Problem?, Joseph Watras
Water Competence: Developmental-Dynamic Considerations, Stephen J. Langendorfer
Western Governors University: University of the Future, Robert C. Albrecht
What Does It Mean To Be Educated?, J. Casey Hurley
What Do K-12 Teachers Think About Including Student Surveys in Their Performance Ratings?, Beverly J. Dretzke
What Happened to Change?, Matt Donahue and Skip "Little Axe" McDonald
What Kind of Class Consciousness is there in the Anglosphere Today?, Daniel Burnfin
What Makes Teachers Good?, Donald R. Cruickshank
What’s in a Name: Learning, Supporting, and Affirming Diverse Histories and Communities, Ronald Rochon
What’s Wrong with Capitalism?: A Public Class on Class Consciousness, Bowling Green Socialists
When Preparation Matters: A Mixed Method Study of In-Service Teacher Preparation to Serve English Learners, Sung-ae Kim and Trish Morita-Mullaney
Where do I Look? Preservice Teachers' Classroom Observation Patterns, Teresa Young and Delane Bender-Slack
Which Stroke Next? All Strokes Next! Part Two: Strokes for Intermediate and Advanced Swimmers, Robert Keig Stallman, Ebbe L. Horneman, Nils O. Vikander, Alexander Mwaipasi, Bente W. H. Laakso, Haakon - Paavo L. Nysted, and Toni Ongala
Who Makes the Lights Go On: Class Structure & Alienation in Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, Adam Theron-Lee Rensch
Why Anti-Racist Education Must Include Asian American History, Leanne Kang
Why Johnny Can’t Teach What Johnny’s Professors Should Do, Thomas J. Lasley II
Why We Need Class Studies in Academia, John King
Will Reform Based on Standards and Assessment Make a Difference in the 21st Century?, Mary E. Diez
With a Little Help From My Friends: A Course Designed for Mentoring Induction-Year Teachers, James A. Salzman
Women's roles in women's career advancement: what do women expect of each other?, Deborah A. O'Neil, Margaret E. Brooks, and Margaret M. Hopkins
Working "Unbossed": Self-Leadership and Empowering Leadership Effects on Employee Attitudes, Thomas George Mitchell
Worth Striking For: Why Education Policy is Every Teacher’s Concern (Lessons from Chicago), Joe Ohlinger
Writing for Publication: Overcoming the Barriers that Block Us, Deborah Bainer Jenkins
Writing Reviews as a Way of Mentoring Fellow Authors, Alice H. Merz and Stella C. Batagiannis
“You need to allow yourself to grieve that loss and that identity.” College Athletes’ Transition to Life After College Sport.”, Clare Manthey and Jimmy Smith
You Refuse to Believe that You Ever Liked Pink, Dena Eber
Your Honor’s Misdeeds: The Consequences of Judicial Scandal on Specific and Diffuse Support, Joshua Boston, Benjamin J. Kassow, Ali S. Masood, and David R. Miller
Youth Research Cluster, ICS Bowling State University
Zero, Amber Brandau