

Emancipatory Pedagogies is the capstone experience for our Alternative Education Programs Licensure program. Employing non-traditional pedagogies, we taught Emancipatory Pedagogies for the first time in the summer of 2002. The reading list included several chapters from The Paulo Freire Reader (Freire and Macedo, 2001) and We Make the Road by Walking, the text spoken by Freire and Myles Horton. Recognizing the potential for powerful and empowering classroom dialog in the Freire-Horton model, our culminating activity was the "talking" of an article. That extended conversation is presented here. The reader will find that our dialog presents issues that Freire raised in his writings; the dialog represents a practice of empowerment that can be realized within the dialogical classroom. We offer it here as a part of the risk-taking that comes with growth and so that the reader can participate in both the theory and praxis of emancipatory pedagogy.
