Master of Arts in English Plan II Graduate Projects


The following is my final portfolio for the Master of Arts in English with a specialization in Professional Writing and Rhetoric. It includes an analytical narrative and the three essays I revised to complete this portfolio. The narrative reflects on my academic journey, the three essays contained in the portfolio, and the skills that I learned through completing the MA program. The first essay, “Feminism, Rhetoric, History, and the Impact of Audience Assumptions in Sewing Machine Manuals,” investigates the intersection of feminism, rhetoric, and historical perspectives in technical communication by analyzing two sewing machine manuals that share a 102-year age gap. The second essay, “The Importance of Fostering Students’ Voices in Writing,” explores teaching pedagogies that prioritize students’ ideas in classrooms and the effect this has on students. The third and final essay, “Technical Writing: The Ethics of Humanizing Accident Reports,” analyzes the writing conventions of accident reports to contribute to the long-standing debate about the need to humanize (or not to humanize) technical communication.


Professional Writing and Rhetoric

First reader

Dr. Lee Nickoson

Second reader

Ms. Kimberly Spallinger

Publication Date

Spring 3-22-2023
