Start Date

14-4-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

14-4-2023 1:20 PM


In the lens of Mark Fisher, Howard Zinn, and others, this discussion will be on how each generation understands inequality by what information (or lack thereof) is given to them. Colleges and Universities hold a unique position in helping to form these ideas, either positive or negative, not just in how these educational centers are managed and how they interact with the different classes, but also in what information they are teaching or not teaching. Class studies programs may well be the keystone to preparing future generations in avoiding and removing the roadblocks that keep many of us locked in economic prisons.


Apr 14th, 1:00 PM Apr 14th, 1:20 PM

Why We Need Class Studies in Academia

In the lens of Mark Fisher, Howard Zinn, and others, this discussion will be on how each generation understands inequality by what information (or lack thereof) is given to them. Colleges and Universities hold a unique position in helping to form these ideas, either positive or negative, not just in how these educational centers are managed and how they interact with the different classes, but also in what information they are teaching or not teaching. Class studies programs may well be the keystone to preparing future generations in avoiding and removing the roadblocks that keep many of us locked in economic prisons.