University Libraries publishes materials from conferences with a BGSU affiliation, which can be through faculty, students, programs, or centers. All student-led conferences must have a faculty sponsor.

For more information about publishing conference materials using ScholarWorks, please contact Emily Gattozzi, Coordinator of Scholarly Publishing.


Browse the Conferences and Events Collections:

21st Century Englishes Conference

A Conference on Class Consciousness and Popular Culture

Africana Studies Student Research Conference

Black Issues Conference

Educators in Context & Community Conference

Electric Guitar in Popular Culture Conference

Graduate Communication Association Conference

International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria

Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education Conference

Ohio Latin Americanist Conference

Practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Twenty-First-Century Honors Education Conference

Ray Browne Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies

Researching the Romance Conference

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Academy Conference