Surveillance is a Privacy Issue, Oversurveillance is a Civil Rights Issue

Start Date

15-4-2023 10:30 AM

End Date

15-4-2023 11:30 AM


Civilian surveillance has become a twenty-first-century norm across most of the globe. In the United States, surveillance tactics are not equally applied. One of the most surveilled groups is US citizens who receive government benefits. This presentation examines several examples of people who were forced to submit to targeted, invasive, and excessive levels of oversight as a condition of receiving necessary assistance. By looking at this over-surveilled and often overlooked population, it becomes clear how the unequal application of surveillance tools violates the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution, which is not an angle typically explored; it is important to highlight, however, because it shows how the oversurveillance of poor Americans illegally creates and enforces generational class subjugation.

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Apr 15th, 10:30 AM Apr 15th, 11:30 AM

Surveillance is a Privacy Issue, Oversurveillance is a Civil Rights Issue

Civilian surveillance has become a twenty-first-century norm across most of the globe. In the United States, surveillance tactics are not equally applied. One of the most surveilled groups is US citizens who receive government benefits. This presentation examines several examples of people who were forced to submit to targeted, invasive, and excessive levels of oversight as a condition of receiving necessary assistance. By looking at this over-surveilled and often overlooked population, it becomes clear how the unequal application of surveillance tools violates the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution, which is not an angle typically explored; it is important to highlight, however, because it shows how the oversurveillance of poor Americans illegally creates and enforces generational class subjugation.