What Kind of Class Consciousness is there in the Anglosphere Today?

Start Date

15-4-2023 10:30 AM

End Date

15-4-2023 11:30 AM


In my paper I will distinguish two senses in which the term "class consciousness" can be understood: 1. the characteristic kind of mentality of a group of people; 2. the awareness of some person(s) of the topic of socio-economic class and of their class or its interests in particular. Then I will argue that the changes in society which accompanied the rise of neoliberalism — deindustrialization, financialization, deregulation, privatization — gave rise to the proliferation of kind of class consciousness in the first sense distinguished above which virtually obliterated class consciousness in the second sense. Finally, I will consider the ways in which this phenomenon is especially pronounced within the contemporary political left by considering some examples of "left neoliberalism".

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Apr 15th, 10:30 AM Apr 15th, 11:30 AM

What Kind of Class Consciousness is there in the Anglosphere Today?

In my paper I will distinguish two senses in which the term "class consciousness" can be understood: 1. the characteristic kind of mentality of a group of people; 2. the awareness of some person(s) of the topic of socio-economic class and of their class or its interests in particular. Then I will argue that the changes in society which accompanied the rise of neoliberalism — deindustrialization, financialization, deregulation, privatization — gave rise to the proliferation of kind of class consciousness in the first sense distinguished above which virtually obliterated class consciousness in the second sense. Finally, I will consider the ways in which this phenomenon is especially pronounced within the contemporary political left by considering some examples of "left neoliberalism".