Leadership Studies Ed.D. Dissertations

Experiences of Teacher Educators Utilizing Technology in Teacher Preparation Programs

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Patrick Pauken (Committee Chair)

Second Advisor

Ellen Gorsevski (Committee Member)

Third Advisor

Kristina LaVenia (Committee Member)

Fourth Advisor

Savilla Banister (Committee Member)

Fifth Advisor

Teresa Foulger (Committee Member)


The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore how and to what extent teacher educators evaluate, align, and demonstrate technology within teacher preparation programs. The literature revealed the need for teacher educators to follow frameworks, taxonomies, and standards containing technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge utilized appropriately within various contexts. In addition, teacher preparation program leadership can provide relevant and purposively professional learning as well as the support needed for teacher educators when the TPP leadership possesses a basic understanding of adult learning. Using Teacher Educator Technology Competency #1, ten teacher educators were interviewed regarding their experiences utilizing technology within their teacher preparation program. The findings revealed teacher educators, whose technological knowledge, skills, and attitudes varied, utilized a variety of paths in the evaluation, alignment, and demonstration of technology. When their knowledge and skills were put to the test during the COVID-19 pandemic, most teacher educators transitioned smoothly to the various formats required by the pandemic and have also seen the “blessings in disguise” from this global challenge. Leadership varies among the institutions represented in the study, particularly in the area of technology integration. Many teacher educators have stepped up to the plate and provided the needed leadership in technology integration. This study has implications for policy and practice in the realms of teacher educator technology competencies, technology infusion throughout teacher preparation programs, professional learning, and leadership.
