Rich People Behaving Badly, and the Disposable Staff on Season 1 of The White Lotus

Presenter Information

Brittany Clark, Clemson University

Start Date

15-4-2023 6:00 PM

End Date

15-4-2023 6:45 PM


This paper examines the class dynamic at play in the first season of the popular television series The White Lotus, and in particular the disposable nature of the working-class staff at the resort of the title. While the wealthy patrons of the resort are allowed to engage in bad behavior toward each other and the staff unencumbered, the working-class staff are treated as disposable -- some by disappearing from the show entirely, others through death or by being ignored by patrons who once gave them attention. This season of the show highlights the growing class dynamic in the United States and acts as a sort-of voyeurism into the lives of the wealthy.

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Apr 15th, 6:00 PM Apr 15th, 6:45 PM

Rich People Behaving Badly, and the Disposable Staff on Season 1 of The White Lotus

This paper examines the class dynamic at play in the first season of the popular television series The White Lotus, and in particular the disposable nature of the working-class staff at the resort of the title. While the wealthy patrons of the resort are allowed to engage in bad behavior toward each other and the staff unencumbered, the working-class staff are treated as disposable -- some by disappearing from the show entirely, others through death or by being ignored by patrons who once gave them attention. This season of the show highlights the growing class dynamic in the United States and acts as a sort-of voyeurism into the lives of the wealthy.