Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Resistance training (RT) has been shown to better prepare athletes for the physical demands of their sport. However, former female high school athletes’ participation rates and perceptions of RT are unknown. The aim of this study was to identify key factors and themes influencing participation and perceptions of RT in this population. Former female high school athletes (n=73) between the ages of 18-24 years old completed an electronic questionnaire-based survey. The survey included a RT questionnaire and background questions regarding each participant’s high school athletic environment. We examined responses to identify how high school athletic environments may influence subsequent participation and perceptions of RT. Our results showed that 64 participants (84.9%) performed RT while in high school and 42 participants (57.5%) currently use RT in their exercise routine. Those currently participating in RT have significantly greater perceived benefits (p<0.001) and lower perceived barriers (p<0.001) than those who do not participate. Additionally, individuals who participated in RT while in high school have significantly greater perceived benefits (p<0.001) than those who did not participate. Our findings indicate that RT participation for high school female athletes will likely lead to positive views of RT in early adulthood. Introducing various methods of RT to female athletes during adolescence can assist in increasing knowledge, gaining confidence, and shaping overall opinions of this form of exercise.

Keywords: Adolescent(s), strength training, weightlifting, girls, secondary school


Dr. Amy Morgan - Professor/BGSU

Second Reader

Dr. David Tobar, Associate Professor, School of HMSLS








