"Navigating an Undergraduate Teacher Licensure Program as a Non-Traditi" by Natalie R. Andzik, Gregory Conderman et al.


non-traditional student, undergraduate, teacher licensure


Nearly eight million “non-traditional” students face adversity beyond financial instability, childcare, or full or part-time work when seeking teacher licensure. They must manage logging clinical hours in schools far from home, feel isolated in cohorts of 18– 20-year-olds, and sometimes lack support and flexibility from their professors and advisors. We surveyed non-traditional, undergraduate, teacher licensure candidates at a large midwestern university to better understand current attending students' demographics and determine if any relationship(s) existed between variables related to logistical decisions, supports received, or barriers faced/encountered. We summarized findings from 53 participants and offered suggestions to university administrators, professors, and staff to support the growing population of non-traditional teacher candidates.
