ICS Fellow Lectures

Poetic Portraits of Older Women in the Great Black Swamp

Poetic Portraits of Older Women in the Great Black Swamp


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Dr. Faulkner discusses the importance of oral histories and listening to older women by presenting poetic portraits of older women in the Bowling Green area that she co-created from oral histories. This was a collaborative project with The Wood County Committee on Aging, the BGSU archives, and local women Faulkner interviewed about their experiences across their life course and contributions to our community. These poetic portraits and oral histories will be archived at the BGSU libraries for all of us to learn from.

Publication Date

Fall 11-9-2023


oral history, women's history, poetic portraits, older women


Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | History | Oral History | Poetry | Women's History | Women's Studies

Poetic Portraits of Older Women in the Great Black Swamp
