Content Posted in 2024
100 años de política, música y arquitectura en Buenos Aires: 1850 – 1950, Fabio Vicente Mazzitelli
1982-83 Convention Issue, Leonard K. Kise and Roberta Starkey
1983 MWERA Convention Supplement, John J. Kennedy
1987 Membership Application, Charles C. Anderson
1993 Convention Pictures, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
A Borderlands Empire: The Comanche Nation in the Development of the U.S./Mexico Borderlands, Gabriel Rodriguez
A Brave New World, AI and Meta-Verse: A Guide and Framework for “User” Immersive Learning in a Digital Age, Khalfani Rice
Accuracy of Ottawa Ankle Rules in Adolescent Foot and Ankle Injuries, Kalie Siereveld, Olivia Teague, and Laura L. Harris
A Comparative Analysis of Leader Behavior of College Chairpersons and Elementary and Secondary School Principals, Nicholas E. Khoury, Robert A. Rosemier, and Leonard K. Kise
A Comparison of Maximum Likelihood and a Bayesian Ability Estimation Procedure for Tailored Testing, Martin A. Rosso and Mark D. Reckase
A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Electric Vehicle Advertisements from the Perspective of Visual Grammar, Hu Yumeng and Yizhou Yuan
A Cryptid for Catholics and Communists: The Asuang as an Apparatus for Socio-Political Control in the History of the Philippines, Alexandra Eckhart
Actitudes lingüísticas hacia el español entre los estudiantes latinos, sus padres y los empleados de una escuela de transición en Cleveland, Ohio, Adnaloy Perez Aramillo
Adolescent Media Exposure to Real-Life Violence: Impact and Parental Responses, Rachel M. Hardy Hickin
Adolescent participation initiatives in sexual and reproductive health: Exploring service providers' influence on gender disparity among youth in Carchi, Ecuador, Ariel Cevallos Carrillo
Advancing the Understanding of Police Crime from a Structural Perspective: An Analysis of American Counties, Chloe Ann Wentzlof
AERA Meeting Participants' Ratings of Journals in Their Disciplines, M. Cecil Smith, Russell N. Carney, Wesley C. Covalt, and Mary Beth Mann
African american principals' efficacy for narrowing the exclusionary discipline gap for african american students: a phenomenological study, Roxanne J.E. Allen
AI in HigherEd: Hero or Villain?, Kristine Ketel
AI Usage in the Insurance Industry: Future or Fad, Carrie Stetler
A Labor of Love: How Student Affairs Professionals in U.S. Caribbean Territories Support Student Success at Public Universities, Blaze C. Campbell-Jacobs
"A Life Altering and Special Journey": The Lasting Impact of Mindfulness on Semester-long Study Abroad Participants, Ana Conboy and Kevin Clancy
A mixed-methods delphi study of in-extremis decision-making characteristics: a mixed-methods model, Bryce D. Blair Jr.
A Multilevel Comparison of Factors Associated with Crime Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Male and Female Police Officers, Eric M. Cooke, John Liederbach, and Philip M. Stinson
Analyzing Criminal Case Disposition, Sentencing, and Employment Outcomes for Police Officers Arrested for Sexual Misconduct, Emma M. Butera, Evelyn M. Cook, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
Analyzing Factors Associated with Civil Rights Violations in Police-Citizen Interactions: Insights from the Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database, Aubrey L. Hill, Molly A. Whetstone, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
An Analysis on the Capacity of Visual Art to Promote Conservation Efforts, Devi Bell
An efficient framework for hypothesis testing using Topological Data Analysis, Hasani Indunil Pathirana
An Evaluation of Reputation Using Online Auction Data for a Group of American Watercolorists, Michael J. Zickar and Brent A. Stevenor
An Evaluation of the Book of Hosea and its Impact for our Lives Today, Nathan Fulton
An Examination of Sport Retirement Through Concept Analysis of Occupational Retirement, Andrea Cota Powell, Patti J. Berg, Andrew C. Pickett, Moses N. Ikiugu, and Whitney Lucas Molitor
An examination of the effects of Affective Commitment and Job Security Satisfaction on Constructive Deviant Behavior use among campus equity, diversity, and inclusion professionals, Nicolle Lynne Merkel
An Examination of the Effects of Storytelling in Meetings on Psychological Safety, Trust, and Employee Voice Behavior, Douglas C. Bellah
An examination of the shared experiences of adjunct faculty related to their readiness for teaching through distance learning, Daniel William Hoppe Jr.
An Exploratory Analysis of Drug Arrest Cases Among Police Officers, Nikolas King, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
An Exploratory Analysis of the Situational Contexts That Influence On-Duty Police Fatal Shootings, Aubrey L. Hill, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
An Exploratory Analysis of the Trends and Characteristics of Officers who Engage in Profit-Motivated Crimes, Aubrey L. Hill, Molly A. Whetstone, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
Animal Truth and Other Stories, Sharona Muir
An Intriguing Eye into Advanced Technology That Will Could Enhance Memory: Featuring the Future of AI And Music, Elisabeth Baende
An Investigation into Two Mathematics Score Reports: Problem Solving Measure (PSM) and Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP), Benjamin Lawson and Jonathan D. Bostic
An Investigation of AED Access in One Secondary School, Michelle Skaggs and Laura L. Harris
Annotations of RV Sources with Comments, Margaret Bobb
Antecedents of shared leadership during organizational change: a partnership case study, Maria Sellers-McGauley
Antibiotic Resistance of Laboratory E. coli Strains, Alexis H. Hart
Antonio Yammara: Maculinidad y Trauma, Helen Trujillo
A Nutritional Intervention to Improve Body Composition in Adolescent Athletes, Michael Ryan, Rosemary E. Borgerding, and Kimberly L. Oliver
Aphasia Communication and Activity Groups: Experiences and Perspectives of Group Members and Facilitators, Eleanor Christine Gulick
Apples, oranges, and ironing boards: Comparative effect sizes influence lay impressions of test validity, Marie Childers, Scott Highhouse, and Margaret E. Brooks
Applying the Consumer Decision-Making Model to an On-Campus Coffee Shop, Madalynne Chapman
A Reading Of Johnny Faustus, F. Scott Regan
A Research Framework to Improve Evidence-Based Practice Surrounding the Resuscitation Response to Drowning in Surf Lifesaving, Elissa Hooper, Aaron T. Scanlan, Shayne D. Baker, and Samantha Fien
Argumentation and Debate in the High School Chemistry Classroom, Rachel Blais
Arts Integration in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom, Cameron Willis
A Show of New Work, Tom Muir
A Sound Analysis of the Environment in Selected Works of Horacio Quiroga, Andrew Ray
A Special Tribute to MWERA's First President, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Assessing Social Engagement Differences Across the Continuum of Sexuality, Ariana Cunningham
Assessment Instruction Advice: An Interview with W. James Popham, Barbara S. Plake
Assessment of Judgmental Prior Distributions in the Bayesian Inferential Process, Hoi K. Suen and Robert A. Karabinus
Associations Among Parent Dieting, Dietary Restraint, and Children's Eating Attitudes and Behaviors, Lindsay Hamilton
A Strictly Weakly Hypercyclic Operator with a Hypercyclic Subspace, Zeno Madarasz
A Study of the Criminal Victimization of Policewomen by Other Police Officers, Philip M. Stinson, John Liederbach, Chloe Wentzlof, and Jordan M. Parker
A technical college's connection to a learning organization during a pandemic: a case study, Tim Brian Fitzpatrick
Atención médica y servicios en clínicas públicas de San José, Costa Rica, Ella Barth
Athletic Trainer Confidence in the Management of Abdominal Injuries and GI Conditions, Emily C. Roberts and Janet E. Simon
Athletic Trainer Emergency Management Skill Assessment via Low Fidelity Simulation, Jaclyn B. Arduini and Jennifer L. Volberding
Athletic Trainers’ Knowledge and Perceived Ability of Recognizing and Treating Panic Attacks, Caitlin HIll, Chyrsten Gessel, and Jaclyn Tate
Athletic Trainers’ Stress, Support, and External Pressures when Making Clinical Decisions, Stephanie Carr, Meredith Madden, Meredith Kneavel, and Tom Bowman
Athletic training students’ experiences and perceptions of exertional heat stroke simulated encounters: A qualitative analysis, Hannah L. Stedge, Malissa Martin, Beth L. Kinslow, Valerie Herzog, and Christine Reyes
Attitudes and Self-efficacy of Swimming Coaches towards the Inclusion of Swimmers with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Eleftheria Kasagianni, Dimitrios Kokaridas, Panagiotis Varsamis, and Vasilis Tsimaras
Audio Dramas as Self-Expression for Marginalized Identities, Athena Towne
August 2023: The 4 Dimensions of Organizational Integrity, Al Watts
Autonomy Relation to Student's Motivation in STEM, Halle Patton
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Jean W. Pierce
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Roberta Starkey
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert Rosemier
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert A. Rosemier
Back Matter, Leonard Kise and Robert Rosemier
Back Matter, Leonard Kise and Robert Rosemier
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Jean W. Pierce
Back Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert Rosemier
Barriers: Location, Functionality, and Method of Access in Childhood Pool/Spa Submersion Incidents, United States, 2000-2017, Alison Miller, Kristina R. Anderson, and William D. Ramos
Barriers to Implementation of Post-Concussion Grade Exercise Tests, Tyler Beauregard
Beneath the Sightlines: Unearthing a Midwestern Eerie, Phil Dickinson
Beyond Elkonin Boxes: Using Multisensory Strategies to Master Decodable High Frequency Words with First Graders, Kelle DeWine and Hannah Chai
Beyond the Frame: Unraveling the Influence of Art in Social Studies Education, Emily Cox
Bidirectional Nature of Work Family Conflict: Family Interfering with Work Conflict Among Athletic Trainers in the Collegiate Setting, Stephanie M. Singe, Milana Adaspour, Alexandrya Cairns, and William Pitney
Biomechanical Effects of Bilateral Torsion and Skeletal Fusion: A Case Study, Linnéa Forbes
BLACK ON ICE, Precious R. Jackson
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2023-09-22, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2023-12-08, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2024-02-23, Bowling Green State University
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 2024-05-03, Bowling Green State University
Book Review: Meditation in the College Classroom by Steve Haberlin, Jing Lin
Both Sides Now: Interpreting Beta Weights, Isadore Newman, Richard J. Harris, and Keith McNeil
Bounded by Place: Rural Students, College Knowledge, Educational Motivation, and College Going, Sarah Rutt Williams, Frimpomaa Ampaw, Skylar R. Duke, and Anne M. Hornak
Brain-Based Curricula: Salvation or Snake Oil?, Barbara Ann Hutson
Breaking Barriers and Building Confidence: Interprofessional Education's Impact on Allied Health Students' Competence and Self-Efficacy in Addressing Exercise Accessibility for People with Disabilities, Elizabeth A. Starns, Rebecca Wehler, Lindsay A. Church, and Stephanie Kubiak
Building for Success? Ninth-Grade Course Failures and School Configurations, Sarah Ruth Morris and Sarah C. McKenzie
C3 inquiry based instruction to promote social and emotional learning, Arthur J. Lewandowski
Calculator Provision as an Accommodation for the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT), Joseph W. Berry
Call For Proposals for 1994 Annual Meeting, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Campus Climate and Non-Faculty Employees with Disabilities: A Quantitative Analysis of Perceptions, Mark Alan Heider
Can Social Media Contact Reduce Stigma? Promoting Empathy with the Art and Writing of People Experiencing Mental Illness, Frances J. Griffith
Capitalist Realism as Rhetoric: r/teachers as an Online Case Study, Will Walton
Capoeria performance by “Mestre Lobinho” Fabio Da Cunha and the group Manglot Capoeira, Fabio “Mestre Lobinho” Cosmo da Cunha and Manglot Capoeira
Career Preparation in English and Creative Writing, Katherine Fischer
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Books: Causes and Consequences, Merrick Glass
Changing Class Composition of Heavy Metal Fans, 1970-2023, Jeremy Wallach
Characterization of Gallium Oxide thin film grown by MOCVD, Detcho Jean Noalick Morane Aboa
Civics and the Civil War: The Racist Origins of the Citizenship Education Industry, Tim Messer-Kruse
Class Con 2024 Hammer Down Award, Bowling Green State University
Class Consciousness in Kate Beaton’s Ducks, Tyne Lowe
Collapsing Education and Teacher Rights in South Korea: Exploring Korean Teacher, Student, and Parent Relationships, Briyanna Moore
Collateral consequences of juvenile arrest: investigating adult prosocial behavioral and attainment outcomes, Samantha Kopf
Collegial Support as a Component of Administrative Inservice, John Daresh
Collegiate Female Athlete Experiences with Name, Image, and Likeness, Hailey A. Harris and Natasha T. Brison
Colonialism and its influence in Puerto Rico, Amarilys Delayla Torres-Nunez
Combating Trauma and the Immigrant Paradox in Schools, Emma Bergman
Coming Out of the Coffin: The History and Present of Queerness in the Vampire Genre., Bailey Drummond
Comparative Curricular Study of Undergraduate Music Education Programs at Ohio Public Institutions, Benjamin Jenkins
Comparing Canonical Correlation Strategies to Univariate Factor Regression on One Dataset, Isadore Newman and Carolyn R. Benz
Composing a Cadenza for Mozart's Violin Concerto in A Major, Gracie Hayes
Composition Analysis, Benjamin D. Wright
Confidential and Privileged Communications: Legal and Ethical Concepts in Research, Costas J. Douvanis and John A. Brown
Connections with Latina immigrant mothers: What do they tell us?, Michelle Bologna-Dasgupta
Consolidation Comes to Ashland County, Ohio, Louise E. Fleming
Contemporary piano works by three Azerbaijani composers, Humay Gasimzadeh
Contested Fidelities: An Analysis of Mononormativity and Polyamory in Christian Discourse, Jesse Thomas Reese
Convention Address: Trends In Research On Teaching, Jere Brophy
Course Structure and Social Outcomes of Teaching Older Adults to Play Piano in a Group Setting: A Case Study of Chinese Elderly Participants, Pinlin Liu, Derek Polischuk, and Bob Lee
Coworker Narcissism: Employee Emotional and Behavioral Reactions as Moderated by Bottom-Line Mentality and Trait Competitiveness, Rebecca L. Greenbaum, Truit W. Gray, Aaron D. Hill, Marcio Lima, Stephanie S. Royce, and Alicia A. Smales
CPR Knowledge and Skill Retention Among NCAA Division III Athletic Coaches: A Prospective Cohort Study, Allison Hanstine, Jaclyn Tate, and Chyrsten Gessel
Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts: English ↔ Spanish, Remy Attig
Criminal Involvement, Risky Sexual Behavior, Relationship Formation, and Fertility Outcomes, Brittany Ganser
Cross-Cultural Management Strategies of Chinese Enterprises in Central Asia — A Case Study of a Shaanxi Agricultural Product Enterprise, Mengyu Dai and Shaojun Bai
Cross-partitions for Identifying Appropriate Multivariate Statistics, Donald Ary and David G. Curby
Cultivating Excellence: A Literature Review on Harnessing the Power of the Gut Microbiome for Athletic Performance, Maya Katharine Dean
Culture versus other sources of variance in risk and benefit perceptions: A comparison of Japan and the United States, Yi Wang, Scott Highhouse, and Margaret E. Brooks
Curling Clubs as Accessible Places for Everyone, Scott Piroth
Dancing bodies in the history college classroom: Teaching and learning Latin American and Latinx history through salsa dance, Martha Santos
Defendant Attractiveness and Gender: A Question of Juror Bias, Genevieve Smiley
De generación a generación: microplanificación de idiomas en el hogar, Andrea E. Valverde-Heras
Democracy and Public Policy Research Network Expert Analysis on October Poll, Robert Alexander, Melissa Miller, and David J. Jackson
Democracy and Public Policy Research Network Expert Analysis on September Poll, Robert Alexander
Demographics Impact on Feelings Towards the Democratic and Republican Parties, Quinn Layden
Deterring School Crime and Violence Through Non-Hardened Approaches: An Examination of School Threat Assessment Teams, Shane E. Conwell and Nicholas P. Elam
Developing an RV Destination for Tomorrow's Guest, Ed O. Bridgman
Developing a Valid Methodology for the Study of Prospective Teachers' Perceptions of Giftedness/Talent, Chao-Ying Joanne Peng and Samuel L. Guskin
Developing & Marketing a JavaScript Support Extension for the srcML Infrastructure, Andrew Blachly
Developing Structural Equation Model, Randall E. Schmacker
Development and Characterization of Photo-Initiated and Responsive Hybrid Organosilicon Materials, Cory Blake Sims
Digital critical pedagogy: A collaborative narrative literature review, Ashley Hinck, Lauren Angelone, Ashley Theuring, Karin Admiraal, Jody Googins, Teresa Young, and Wendy Maxian
Direction, Yawei Wang
Diverse Possibilities of Shakespeare: Teaching Twelfth Night Through a Queer Lens, Julia Ritzler
Does Background Type and Blurring Affect Performance Ratings in Video Interviews?, Christina Scott and Nicolas Roulin
Does socioeconomic status moderate the relation between cultural wording of recruitment information and organizational attraction?, Brent A. Stevenor, Margaret E. Brooks, Kate M. Den Houter, and Alexis Hirvo
Dynata, Lilian Auten
Eclipsing history: Bringing ethnoastronomy into the great North American eclipse of 2024, Emily Shaver Kay, Peter Limbert, and Amílcar Challú
eDNA Metabarcoding and the Construction of Primers for the Identification of Gulf of Mexico Elasmobranchs and Selachii, Isabella Lima
Educational Evaluation as Hermes, Ying Ma Dr.
Educational Psychology: Future Directions An Interview with Anita Woolfolk, Mary R. Sudzina and Isadore Newman
Effectiveness of Kinesio Tape in Treating Low Back Pain: A Critical Appraisal, Stacey Lansky and Sara Stiltner
Effectiveness of the Law School Admission Test, Sydney Snyder
Effects of Deliberate Practice on Psychomotor Skill Retention in Nursing Students, Annette Oberhaus
Effects of Simultaneous, Multisensory Instruction on Daily Spelling Performance of Learning Disabled Students, Berttram Chiang and Mary M. Bruyette
Effects of three different recovery methods in decreasing blood lactate in collegiate baseball pitchers post pitching., Joseph Volpi, Harrison Ndetan, S. Andrew Cage, Brandon Warner, Alan Cook, Lynzi Warner, and Carly Wadle
Efron’s Method on Large Scale Correlated Data and Its Refinements, Asmita Ghoshal
El candombe y la identidad afrouruguaya, Paula Parrado Guerrero
El español en las campañas presidenciales estadounidenses: evolución de 2000-2024, Julia Srnec
El paisaje lingüístico en el entorno ecclesial, Antonio Medina-Rivera
El Spanglish de Estados Unidos y el Llanito de Gibraltar: Un análisis comparativo de lenguas minorizadas, Dayra Ivette Fernández Núñez
Emergent Narrative in Tabletop Role-Playing Games: An Application of Concepts, Padraig Mumper
Emotional Capital and Compassionate Educational Space: Reflection on One Undergraduate Course, Katerina Bodovski
Employee voice behavior and perceived control: does remote work environment matter?, Kelly Irene O'Brien, Swathi Ravichandran, and Michelle Brodke
Employer Branding - Advocacy and Ambassadorship, David Robinson Perry
Employer Perceptions of Certificate Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Rachel Najdek
En algunos sueños soy Superman, o soy Goku’: La agencia heroica de niños migrantes centroamericanos en Solito de Javier Zamora, Mauricio Espinoza
Engaging Students with PocketLab Interactive Mobile Technology in a Science Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study, Olha Ketsman and Juan A. Colon Santana
Enhancing Consistency of Maximal Responding in Behavior Description Interviews: An Exploration of Priming and Response Length, Allen I. Huffcutt, Satoris S. Howes, Dianne D. Murphy, and Sara A. Murphy
Ethically treated yet closely monitored: Ethical leadership, leaders' close monitoring, employees' uncertainty, and employees' organizational citizenship behavior, Ui Young Sun, Haeseen Park, and Seokhwa Yun
Ethics of Enhancement: Enhancing for Everyone Else, Ezekeal Desmond Bacans-Grounds
Evaluating Appropriate Participant Training Period for Anuran Auditory Surveys, Evianna Goebel
Evaluating the Perceived Preparedness of Pre-Service Music Educators to Teach Students with Disabilities, Emily Jarvis
Evaluation Competency and the Professional Development of Evaluators, James R. Sanders
Everything I learned, I learned in a Chinese Restaurant, Curtis Chin
Evolutionary Conceptual Framework-History, Saundra Groves
Evolution of the Human Eye: As Compared to other Vertebrates, Madison Queener
Examining BGSU's Degree Audit and How to Make It More Effective, Ella Delzeith
Examining Liberty in France and the United States Through Religious Accommodations in Education, Carly Hitchcock
Examining Officer, Agency, and Victim Characteristics in On-Duty Fatal Shootings, Molly A. Whetstone, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
Examining Technology of Senior Citizens in Rural Areas, Bob D. Lee
Examining the Characteristics that Contribute to Recidivism Among Police Officers, 2006-2018, Grace M. Wadsworth, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
Examining the Factor Structure of a Subjective Well-Being Measure in a Medical Student Sample, Hoan Do, Mary Wurm-Schaar, and Gordon Brooks
Examining the impact of a pre-matriculation social belonging intervention on the academic achievement of incoming first-time, full-time college students, Brigette S. Gibson
Examining the moral and ethical implications of Ttitle IX compliance, Jeremy Zilmer
Excerpts From "An Analysis of the Critiques of Multicultural Education" by Christine Sleeter, Invited Speaker for MWERA Divisions B and G at the 1993 Conference, Rose Mary Scott and Joan S. Timm
Excited State Dynamics and Chemical Bond Rearrangement in Ruthenium Nitrosyl Complexes and Several Other Heavy-Atom-Containing Compounds, Vasily Vorobyev
Exile and Belonging: The Life and Career of Elizabeth Catlett in Mexico, Julia C. O'Hara
Exile and Memory in Mario Benedetti's Narrative, Kanishka Sen
Exploradores de Idiomas: High School Led Spanish Lessons, Lauren Sebring
Exploring careers through a qualitative lens: an investigation and invitation, Julia Richardson, Deborah A. O'Neil, and Kaye Thorn
Exploring Internal Collaboration in Community Colleges, Carla LaShae McKnight
Exploring Masculinity in Shakespeare and Effectively Teaching Grammar in Context: A Portfolio, Madison Nadeau
Exploring Non-Activist Alternative Media: Audiences and Content, Matthew Michael Dorr
Exploring school counselor-principal collaboration, self-efficacy, and school climate: A comprehensive review of literature, Rachel Louise Geesa, Derien D. Kunce, and Audrey N. Enyeart
Exploring Technical Writing through Women’s Suffrage Songs, Plain Language Summaries, and Teaching, Rachael Higham
Exploring the efficacy and training needs of classroom teachers to teach English language learners: a phenomenological case study, Crystal L. Whipkey
Exploring the Longitudinal Effects: Non-Traditional Pedagogies and Practical Learning on Biology Education and Medical Understanding, Thomas Ziebro
Extenuating circumstances: a descriptive-interpretive qualitative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on graduate student professional socialization, Michael Allen Greene
FAA Medical Reform, Dana Rose
Faculty allyship: Differences by gender, race, and rank at a single U.S. University, Hyun Kyoung Ro, Blaze Campbell-Jacobs, Ellen M. Broido, Lisa K. Hanasono, Deborah A. O'Neil, Margaret M. Yacobucci, and Karen V. Root
Faculty Diversity, Accreditation, and Sport Management, B. Nalani Butler, Thomas Aicher, and Ryan Turcott
Faculty Perceptions of Soft and Hard Skills in Sport Management Curricula, Jonathan Rosenberg Ed.D. and Simon M. Pack
Family Matters: Relationship Dynamics Surrounding the Death of a Child in Later Life, Kagan A. Mellencamp
Fanning While Female: Gatekeeping, Boundary Policing, and the Harassment of Women in the Star Wars Fandom, Shanna R. Gilkeson
‘Faults to Make Us Men’: Shakespeare in the Prison System, Hannah Boyle
February 2023: On Practice as a Way of Being, David Fearon
Federal Aid, Black Separatism, and the Public Schools, Joseph Watras
Feed More, Waste Less, Kaitlyn Dietz
Female CODE4her™ mentor experiences and perceptions of sense of belonging in computer science: a transcendental phenomenological embedded single-case study, Jadwiga Agata Carlson
Final Master's Portfolio, Savannah Packman
Final Master's Portfolio, Ayotunde Afolabi
First Comes Love, Then Comes Disparage: How the Production Code Impacted Women’s Roles in Romantic Comedies, Emma Hoback
Forecasting Crime Rates Utilizing Machine Learning and Economic Indicators, Owen Miller
Forester Research, Kellyn Russell
Formas de vigilancia sobre la infancia en Cara de pan de Sara Mesa, Adriana Prieto Quintero
FP-23-20 Sociodemographic Characteristics of Fathers by Fathers’ Coresidential Status, Katherine Graham
FP-23-21 Maternal and Paternal Age: Births to Individuals Aged 40 and Older, 2016-2021, Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-23-22 Children’s Co-Residence with Mothers and Fathers, 2022, Gabrielle Juteau
FP-23-23 Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-23-24 Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-23-25 Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-23-26 Age Variation in Never Married and Never Cohabited, 2008 & 2017, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-23-27 Recent Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Marital History and Age at Marriage, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-23-28 Recent Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Mobility, Region, Home Ownership, and Household Income, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-23-29 Number of Children Ever Born to Women Aged 40-44, 1980-2022, Karen B. Guzzo and Jaden Loo
FP-24-01 Long-Term Marriages among Older U.S. Adults, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-02 Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007-2023, Jaden Loo
FP-24-03 A Decade of Change in Cohabitation Across Age Groups: 2012 & 2022, Wendy D. Manning and Jaden Loo
FP-24-04 Marital Status Distribution of U.S. Adults Aged 65 and Older, 1990-2022, Jaden Loo and Susan L. Brown
FP-24-05 Same-Sex Married and Cohabiting Couples Raising Children, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-24-06 Married Same-Sex and Different Sex Couples: A Demographic Portrait, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-24-07 A Decade of Change in the Median Age at First Marriage, 2012 & 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-08 Median Age at First Marriage: Geographic Variation, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-09 Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-10 Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-11 Divorce: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-12 Marriage Duration at Time of Gray Divorce, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Susan L. Brown
FP-24-13 Recently Divorced Adults with Resident Minor Children, 2022, Corrine E. Wiborg
FP-24-14 Cohabitation in Middle and Later Life, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-15 Women Who Gave Birth Within the Past 12 Months, 2022, Corrine E. Wiborg
FP-24-16 Young Adults Living Alone, with Siblings, or with Roommates, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-17 Older Adults Living with an Adult Roommate or Sibling, 2022, Jaden Loo and Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-18 Grandchildren Living in Grandparent-Headed Households, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-19 Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandchildren, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-20 Grandparents’ Characteristics by Age, 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-21 Prevalence of Grandparenthood in the U.S., 2022, Krista K. Westrick-Payne
FP-24-22 Multiple Gray Divorces: Demographic Trends & Comparisons, Trey Williams and Francesca Marino
FP-24-23 Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 2022, Jaden Loo
FP-24-24 Adult Children’s College Completion by Parental Stepfamily Status and Race/Ethnicity, Leo LaPata, Jaycob Applegate, and Jenjira Yahirun
Frequency and Anchoring Effects on Lay Impressions of Comparison Validity Estimates, Marie Childers
From Cold Calls to Power Calls: Dehumanization and Class Struggle in Sorry to Bother You, Ahmad Bilal
From Empire to "Umpire": A Re-reading of A Passage to India in the Pakistani Context, Zulfgar Hyder
From Matron to Maven: A New Role and New Professional Identity for Deans of Women, 1892 to 1916, Jana Nidiffer
From Pantry to Palate: An International Cookbook Unveiling Cultural Comforts Amidst Food Insecurity on Campus, Victoria M. Main
From Vision to Venture: Investigating Small Business Entrepreneurship, Lindsey N. LaPinta
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Jean W. Pierce
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Roberta Starkey
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert Rosemier
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert A. Rosemier
Front Matter, Leonard Kise and Robert Rosemier
Front Matter, Leonard Kise and Robert Rosemier
Front Matter, Leonard Kise and Robert Rosemier
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Jean W. Pierce
Front Matter, Leonard K. Kise and Robert Rosemier
Front Matter, Gregory J. Marchant and Isadore Newman
Front Matter, Isadore Newman and Gregory J. Marchant
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Front Matter, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Full-Time Classified Staff Compensation, 2023-2024, Bowling Green State University
Full-Time Faculty and Administrative Staff Salaries, 2023-2024, Bowling Green State University
Gartner, Alyssa Teutemacher
Gender inequality in Latin America before industrialization, Aurora Gómez Galvarriato and Amílcar Challú
Generalizations of the Exterior Algebra, Steven Robert Lippold
GfK Group, Jordan Davis-Cheshire
Goals: Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Edward M. Griffin
Golden Chapters of Life Laughter is a Key Protagonist Narrative of Well-being, Katy Maag
Good in theory, difficult in practice: An examination of secondary algebra teachers’ views about RtI, Joseph Lauchstaedt and James P. Concannon
Good Times?: Simulating the Seventies in Nineties Hollywood, Logan Johnson
Graph-Based Learning, Jason Gronn
Hard or Soft: An Exploration of What Skills a Sport Management Student is Lacking, Ashley Ryder, Jillian McNiff Villemaire, and Taylor Behl
Hard Travelin’ Heroes, Charles Coletta
Health of Indigenous Orphans and Carers in Perú: A Mixed Methods Case Study of Hogar de Niñas Virgen de Fatima, Lee Fergusson, Javier Ortiz Cabrejos, Anna Bonshek, and Aparna Datey
High Order Enriched Finite Element Methods for Interface Problems, Moumita Ghosh
High school and higher ed: Fostering collaboration and community, Leila Vieira and Pablo Chignolli
How Growing Up Camping Became a Family Business, Steve Ruth
How is Music History Important and How Can Music History be Included into Our Regular Music Curriculum?, Abby Michalak
How the Global Migration Crisis created social change in Europe., Brandon Piehler
Human Resources/ Training, Bryan Cavins
Identidad chicana femenina: entre la Virgen de Guadalupe y la Malinche, Carmen San Emeterio Rábago
Identidades apocalípticas y amores viajeros: Búsquedas literarias en Chilco de Daniel Catrileo, Daniel Noemi Voionmaa
Identifying the Study Behavior of College Students with a 46-Item Inventory, Richard J. Mueller and Anthony S. Feiza
Identity in the clarinet music of Michael Finnissy and Evon Ziporyn, Gunnar Owen Hirthe
"I Learned About This Online:" The Role of Indian Digital Feminist Activism as Public Pedagogy, Riddhima Sharma
Impact of Vibrational Mode Coupling on the Isomerization of Natural and Synthetic Molecular Switches, Alejandro Blanco Gonzalez
Improving Workplace Judgments by Reducing Noise: Lessons Learned from a Century of Selection Research, Scott Highhouse and Margaret E. Brooks
In Conclusion: Praise for American Public Education, David C. Berliner
Indiana University Graduate Student Bargaining Committee Roundtable, Zara Anwarzai and Anne Kavalerchik
In Football Players with Scaphoid Fractures, How Does Surgical Intervention Compare to a Conservative Intervention for the Outcomes of Repair? A Critically Appraised Topic, Kaitlin Brun, Meggan Bartok, Caitlin Craig, and Ally Smith
Innovations in Sampling: Improving the Appropriateness and Quality of Samples in Organizational Research, Michael J. Zickar and Melissa G. Keith
In Response to the "Mid-Western Educational Researcher's" Special Multicultural Education Issue, Brant Abrahamson
Insidious Structural Errors in Latent Variable Models, John T. Pohlmann
Integrating a Practical Sport Analytics Course into Sport Management Education, Bradley Congelio
Integrating Cannabis Education into the Athletic Training Curriculum, Jeff G. Konin and Jimmy Onate
Interculture Marketing from a Multimodal Perspective: Taking Burberry as an Example, Huan Liu and Shaojun Bai
Interpreting the magnitude of predictor effect sizes: It is time for more sensible benchmarks, Scott Highhouse and Margaret E. Brooks
Intersections of Glass Art & Digital Art: What Classic Tech Can Teach Us Today, Kayla Helman
Interval Lengths Required for Unbiased Frequency and Duration Estimates with Partial, Whole, and Momentary Time Sampling, Donald Ary and Hoi K. Suen
In This Issue 14:3, Stephen J. Langendorfer Ph.D.
Introduction, David L. Groves
Introduction, David L. Groves
Introduction, David L. Groves and Bob Lee
Introduction To Another Voice: Educational Life- Writing As Responsible Text, Elizabeth K. Johnson and Lucy F. Townsend
Introduction to Special Issue on Midwestern History, Louise E. Fleming and Kathleen A. Murphey
Investigation of Power Using F Approximations for the Hotelling-Lawley Trace and Pillai's Trace, Ronald S. Elliott and Robert S. Barcikowski
Invited Address: School Effectiveness and Reading Achievement: Variables that make a Difference, Michael H. Kean
Is Self-Confidence in Teaching Multidimensional or Unidimensional? An Exploratory Study, Hripsime A. Kalaian, Donald J. Freeman, and Richard T. Houang
Issues in health equity: Population-based insights into Latino maternal and child health, Sueny Paloma Lima dos Santos
Is Your Organization Prepared to Manage Tsunami Change?, D. D. Warrick and Steven H. Cady
January 24, 2024: Best Practice: A Lewinian OD Framework, Gilmore Crosby
Job Desperation: Scale Development and Construct Validation, Brent A. Stevenor and Michael J. Zickar
Joyous Retaliation: Activism and Identity in the New Tone Ska Scene, Steven Stendebach
Junctione Ramorum: Meletama Philosophicum de Problematibus Intersectione de Ethica Metaphysica Epistemologiaque, Nathan Manning Mulch
Just Cos’ You Got the Power … Motorhead … Eat the Rich, Matthew Donahue
Kantar Group, Trey Stanton
Katz Media Group, Diaviana Gilliam
Keynote Introductions, Adam Rensch
Keynote Speech by Rita Palacios and Luncheon, Rita Palacios
Keynote: The Educated Underclass, Gary Roth
La Controversial Identidad: un análisis de Por los Valles de Arena Dorada, Ingrid González Ochoa
La imagen impresa y el libro de fotografías en la producción cultural latinoamericana, Jorge Marturano
Language Usage in the Autism Community, Katherine Slane
La representación de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la ficción española: Machu Picchu de Aída, Nerea Larraza Ligero
Lay Rescuer Equipment Preferences and Efficacy During a Simulated Drowning Event, Alison M. Miller, William D. Ramos, Kristina R. Anderson, and Jill Cuvala
Leader-member exchange differentiation and employee performance: A political perspective, Haesang Park, Haeseen Park, and Robert C. Liden
Leading the heist to restore American childhood and teacher autonomy through finnish principles of joyful leading, teaching, and learning, Margaret Ellen Carr
Lean six sigma leadership in higher education, Ahoud Abdullah Alwarsh
Liberalism and its Discontents: Democracy and Civil Strife in 19th century Mexico, Charles Beatty-Medina
Life Style: RV Consumer Issues, Mike Wendland and Jennifer Wendland
Lifting Limits: Mediation Moderation Effects of Barrier Awareness, Attitudes, Training Desire, and Job Performance in Fitness Staff, Edward Chavez Jr.
Linking IRTree Estimates of Within-Person Variability in Personality to Job Performance, Brent A. Stevenor
Loneliness as a predictor for problematic social media use associated with sleep disruption, Kaylee Mercer
Loss of Remote Work as Psychological Contract Violation: Implications for Working Mothers, Employee Attitudes and Retention, Katherine Barlow
Lunch break, Bowling Green State University
Making Democracy Safe for Empire: A History and Political Economy of the National Endowment for Democracy, United States Agency for International Development, and Twenty-First Century Media Imperialism, Benjamin Arthur Thomason
Making the Grade: Perspectives on a Teacher's Assessment Practices, Carol Briscoe
Manipulating Excited State Pathways to Uncover New Photochemical Processes, Lakshmy Kannadi Valloli
Marcos familiares: retratos, fotografía, narrativa y post memoria en el cine documental contemporáneo de Centroamérica, Gabriela Cruz
Mathematics in Amusement Parks, Kacey Laumann
May 4, 1970 at Kent State University: The Student Affairs Perspective, Erica Eckert
Medicine Men: Medicine Match A Program To Increase Male Participation In Targeted Areas Of The Healthcare Field, Anthony Paul Huffman
Meet and Greet & Library tour, Bowling Green State University
Meeting Societal Expectations Through Understanding Police Decision-Making, Herbert B. Homan
Memorias de mujeres en verde olivo en Waslala y El país bajo mi piel de Gioconda Belli, Karen Barahona
Mental Illness in Modern Media, Grace Smith
Message from President Richard C. Pugh, Richard C. Pugh
Methodology for Estimation and Model Selection in High-Dimensional Regression with Endogeneity, Fan Du
Mid-Western Educational Research Association Business Section, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Mindful Education: Strategies for Promoting Body Positivity Through Literature Works in the Classroom, Ellie Kronberg
Model It! Devising a Model to Represent College Football Rankings, Rachel Wiemken, Gabriel T. Matney, and Brandon Floro
MRI Simmons, Grace Bryant
MSW Research, Isabel Barnt
Multiple Personhood in Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Lives and Deaths of Invisible People, Erica E. Nichols
Multipotential Student Academic Major and Career Choice, Tiffany Menard
Musical representations of Nicaragua’s 2018 political crisis, Megan Thornton
Music and Gender, Kathryn Alexander
Music Performance Anxiety: Should It Be Addressed in Music Curricula and By Whom?, Kaitlynn Kamer
MWERA Communication & Update, Gregory J. Marchant and Isadore Newman
MWERA Communication & Update, Isadore Newman and Gregory J. Marchant
My Lifetime RV Adventure, Mark Nemeth
Navigating Daily Activities During a Health Crisis: A Qualitative Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Nigerian Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amonia Lois Tolofari
Navigating Global Capitalism: Identity, Ambivalence, and Resistance in Cultural Productions, Ahmad Bilal
Navigating the Transition: Factors Impacting Academic Success and Challenges Faced by First Semester Student Athletes in College, Joseph Milone EdD, Deb Risisky PhD, and Jim MacGregor EdD
NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes’ Motivational Perspectives Pertaining to their Academic and Athletic Roles, Jeongwon Choi and Allison B. Smith
Neo-Noir Investigations: The Art of Directing and Writing an Interactive Experience, James Phillip Koehler Jr.
Neurocognitive Performance Differences Between Athletes who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing and Athletes who are Hearing, Matthew P. Brancaleone, Jaclyn Caccese, and James Onate
New Direction in Research on Teacher and Student Expectations, Thomas L. Good
NewsWhip, Zoe Williams
Nielsen Media Research, Macey Pappas
Nongifted Elementary and Middle School Children's Sociometric Choices of Gifted vs. Nongifted Helpers, Jay C. Adler, Richard J. Mueller, and Donald Ary
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and its Relation to Components of Therapeutic Approaches, Assia Meriem Ghoul
No Sabo Kids: La nueva identidad latina, Alessandra Parry
Noted Speaker: Ray Browne and the New Humanities, 50 Years Later, Haley Shipley
Nuestra ciudad: Preliminary findings of the emotional experiences of Latin American immigrant women in urban settings, Mabel Bustamante
Observers Have Similar Improvements in Student Learning Outcomes as Participants in Athletic Training Simulation Education: A Pilot Study., Alma R. Mattocks PhD, ATC, CHSE; Sara E. Mahoney PhD, FACSM; Rachele E. Vogelpohl PhD, ATC; and Kim Hawkins PhD, APRN, FNP-C
October 25, 2023: The Economic Power of International Newcomers, Tanya Budler
October 26, 2022: Making the M.O.S.T. of Your Graduate OD Education: Mastering Organizational and Societal Transformation, William Brendel
On Call and Intermittent Classified Compensation, 2023-2024, Bowling Green State University
On the Ability of Illinois High School Disciplinarians to Recognize Fairness in Student Suspensions, Laurence Rossow
On the Posterior Consistency and Bernstein-von Mises Phenomenon for the Diaconis-Ylvisaker Prior, Xin Jin
Open Education Evaluation: A Follow-up Study Using Video Tape Recordings, Kenneth E. Griswold
Opening Remarks, Bowling Green State University
Opening Remarks: Past, Present, and Future of Cultural Studies, John King
Orbital Thinking: Planetary Orbit as A Model for Neurodivergent Thought Experiences In Animation, Thomas Labow
Our RVing Experience, a Short History of RVing, and Its Future, Carol Colborn
Overcoming Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety: Practical Approaches in the Classroom, Sarah Day
Overview of the 1995 MWERA Annual Meeting, Sharon L. McNeely
Pandemias en la imaginación distópica Argentin, Gabriela Copertari
Parenting Style and Parental Involvement: Relations with Adolescent Achievement, Sharon E. Paulson
Parrot Analytics, Andrew Burroughs
Part-Time Classified Staff Compensation, 2023-2024, Bowling Green State University
Part-Time Faculty and Administrative Staff Salaries, 2023-2024, Bowling Green State University
Perceived and Real Water Competency and Drowning Risk Among Adults, Teresa Stanley, Kevin Moran, Dawn Garbett, and Alan Ovens
Perceived crisis readiness of ice arena managers, Jamie Ann Baringer
Performance as Politics in the Roseanne Revival, Becca Cragin
Personality and Perceptions about Sport Participation in Collegiate Club Hockey Athletes, Rachel Dembek
Perspective Annotation, Yu Liu
Physical Fitness and Nutrition in Collegiate Musical Theater Programs, Alexis Ochi, Amy Morgan Ph.D, and Mary-Jon Ludy Ph.D.
Police Crime and Offense Outcomes: Examining the Effect of Officer Rank, Sex, and Criminal Offense Type on Offense Outcomes, Kayla H. Glotzbecker, Eric M. Cooke, and Philip M. Stinson
Politics? What Politics? Digital Fandom and Sociopolitical Belief, Sarah Ellen Ford
‘Porque el Chocó se canta y se cuenta’: geografías y subjetividades racializadas en Mido mi cuarta y me paro en ella, Liz Moreno Chuquen
Portfolio Assessment in Our Schools: Implementation, Advantages, and Concerns, Carole Newman and Lynn Smolen
Predicting base conservation scores in RNA 3D structures, Gul Bahar Bulbul
Prioritizing others: an exploration of instructional coaches' servant leadership behaviors and teacher well-being, Katie Lynn Perkins
Probing Lipid Membrane Interactions with Drug Molecules and Cationic Proteins Using Combined Experimental and Computational Analysis, Lorena Alvarez
Probing the excited state processes with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, Sarvar Rakhimov
Proceedings of 1979 Convention, Leonard K. Kise and Jean W. Pierce
Program Development Issues: Seniors, Beth Stumpf
Projection Pursuit Indices Based on Weighted L2 Statistics for Testing Normality, Eugeniah Amma Pemah Arthur
Promoting E-Inclusion to Improve Quality of Life for Older Adults: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions, Brian Kibet and Yawei Wang
Protecting Whom: Women's Sport and Trans Inclusion, Vikki Krane
PS, David L. Groves
Public Class: “Why We Need Socialism”, Bryce Howard
Quality Improvement of a Post-Concussion Recovery Protocol, Halle Strege, Kaitlyn Burnham, and Laura L. Harris
Qualtrics, Emily Piekenbrock
¿Qué dijo el médico?: Creating a Procedural Preparation Booklet for Spanish-Speaking Patients and Families in the Pediatric Hospital Setting, Caitlyn Bockbrader
Redefining The Rules: Examining The Role Of Critical Etiquette As A Feminist Tool Of Empowerment, Amanda Grace Taylor
Reflections on Select Works of Professional Writing and Rhetoric, Joy Tersigni
Reflections on ''The Unschooled Mind'': An Interview with Howard Gardner, Jacqueline Anglin
Regional Research Collaboration: Progress Report to the Association, Edward Griffin, Donald Miller, and Robert Remstad
Registration table, Bowling Green State University
Registration table, Bowling Green State University
Re-imagining professional learning for teachers: A reflection on the transformative experience of an organic inquiry., Desiree J. Gilbert Dr
Relationship Between Posterior Tibial Artery Blood Flow And Lower Leg Flexibility Among Collegiate Runners, Jeffrey Williams, Megan Battles, Rachel Bowden, Cameron Greene, Arbin Thapaliya, and Justin Stanek
Relationships of Prospective Teachers' Personality Type and Locus of Control Orientation with Changes in Their Attitude and Anxiety about Teaching, Fred L. Pigge and Ronald N. Marso
Religious and Spiritual Coping with Parental Psychospiritual and Psychological Maltreatment of Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals, Jay Aaron Chinn
Reprocessable and Photoresponsive Silicones for Increased Longevity and Upcycling/Recycling abilities, Herenia Espitia Armenta
Reputational self-awareness: an innovative career development tool, Jeff Foster, Thomas Stone, I. M. Jawahar, Brigitte Steinheider, and Truit W. Gray
Research Alive: All Our Children Learning, Jack Snowman
Research Alive: Educational Research Can Inform Educational Practice, Jack Snowman
Research Alive: How Accurate is the Conventional Wisdom About Classroom Testing Practices, Jack Snowman
Restorative Practices in English Language Arts: My Journey Towards Linguistic Justice, Ariana Skeese
Resurrecting the Muse: Kithara and Lyric Poetry Performance Practice in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Abigail Petersen
Returning, Exploring, and Developing: A Threefold Cultural Program for Third Culture Kids, Early Adolescents, and School Staff, Natalie Dignoti
Reviewing Research on Down Syndrome to then Inform and Create a Children’s Book with a Child Protagonist who has Down Syndrome, Trey Williams
Review of Student Voice: From Invisible to Invaluable, Clyde Barnett III and Donya Odom
Room for Breathing: Mindfulness, Currere, and Contemplative Practices in Teacher Education, Hongyu Wang and Jo Flory
Rural & Small-Town Police Crime: A National Scale Description and Comparison to Urban Places, Philip M. Stinson, John Liederbach, Adam Watkins, and Chloe Wentzlof
RVing: A Simpler Life Style, Daniel Maul
RVing Data: A Review, David L. Groves and Kathleen Munger
RVs as Affordable Housing, George Allen
RV’s: Seniors and Technology, Tim Heintz
Sato, Takahiro (1987). Introduction To Educational Information Technology: A Book Review, Ayres G. D'Costa
Scapular Fracture in an Ice Hockey Player, Rachel N. Kornbluth, Art McCreary, and Aaron Lear
Second Annual Midwest Symposium on Motivation in Education Abstracts, Leonard K. Kise and Robert Rosemier
Self-Compassion and Perfectionism in College Music Students: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study, Celeste Uhl
Self-Determined Exit: How Self Determination Theory Can Explain Wellness Trajectories of Religious Disaffiliates, Joel Engelman
September 27, 2023: The Dunning-Kruger Effect on Organizational Agility, Herbert Nold
Sequential Inference and Goodness of Fit Testing using Energy Statistics for the Power Normal and Modified Power Normal Distributions, Bradley Craig
Sexual Health Education Scope and Sequence, Sara Wadsworth
Sexual violence in higher education: the role of interactive media resources in how LGBQ+ students understand their experiences, Madison Ann Pollino
Social Media Among College Students, Julia Martorano
Some Issues in Constructing, Managing, and Using Large Qualitative Databases, James V. Mead
Sounding Ethics: Musical Signification of Moral Choices in Video Games, Hayden Mesnick
Special Program Issue October 11-14, 1995, Ayres G. D'Costa, Susan M. Brookhart, and John R. Surber
Special Program Issue October 12-15, 1994, Gregory J. Marchant
Spider-Man Cultural Icon, Madeline Main
Spinning Wheels & Organizational Decline: Testing an Instrument for Validity and Reliability, Diane T. Keil-Hipp
Sport Management Experiential Learning: Faculty Perceptions of Opportunities, Benefits, and Support, Janet M. Howes PhD and Cheryl R. Rode PhD
Sport Social Hub: Using the power of collaboration to develop hands-on social media competencies, Alisa Agozzino, Brendan O'Hallarn, Peyton Stensland, and James Strode
Staged Reading of The Story of Mojada, written by Luis Alfaro and directed by Haley Anissa Alvarez, Haley Anissa Alvarez
Standard Errors of Measurement for Extreme Scores, Sonya L. Blixt
Steps in the Right Direction: The Psychological and Physical Health Impacts of Public Infrastructure and Walkability, Julianne Bailey
Steps In the Right Direction: The Pursuit of Walkability Within the United States, Griffin Neuschaefer
#StopAsianHate Counterspeech on Twitter: Effectiveness of Counterspeech Strategies and Geospatial Analysis, Md Enamul Kabir
Storywood: Collaborating with opaque unknowable others through oil painting, Tanya J. Behrisch
Student and Teacher Outcomes: Implementing PAX GBG in Elementary Schools, Nimisha Patel, Michelle A. Fleming, and Amy Elston
Student Assessment of an Electronic Learning System, Mark Charles Fissel
Student perceptions of contemporary music: Learning and performing commissioned piano works, Jonathan Taylor de Oliveira
Studying Police Crime, Philip M. Stinson
Summarizing the Literature Review with Meta-analysis, Keith McNeil and Isadore Newman
Survey of Ohio Likely Voters 18+, October 2024 Tabs, Robert Alexander, Melissa Miller, David J. Jackson, and Joshua Boston
Survey of Ohio Likely Voters 18+, October 2024 Toplines, Robert Alexander, Melissa Miller, David J. Jackson, and Joshua Boston
Survey of Ohio Likely Voters 18+, September 2024 Tabs, Robert Alexander, Melissa Miller, David J. Jackson, Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, and Joshua Boston
Survey of Ohio Likely Voters 18+, September 2024 Toplines, Robert Alexander, Melissa Miller, David J. Jackson, Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, and Joshua Boston
Survey on Brazilian music in US universities, Andre Felipe
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Photocaged R-Alkoxysilanes and Siloxane Polymers, Mahmud Ramdan Rashed
Take a Closer Look: Combating Ageism Through the Use of Children's Literature, Janice Buehrer
Taking Care: Exemplary Leadership During Adversity a Regenerative System, Kelly Gesmundo Clarke
Teacher Assessment Literacy: Teachers' Competencies in the Educational Assessment of Students, Barbara S. Plake
Teacher Education Reform, Anthony J. White and David E. Suddick
Technology and Its Influence in Program Development for Seniors, Sandy Gaietto
Telehealth Education in Athletic Training, W. David Carr, McCall E. Christian, Jennifer L. Volberding, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Tenure and Promotion: Questions to Ask and Strategies for Success, Orpha K. Duell
The Accessibility and Affordability of Televised Sport and Effects on Viewership, Pershelle Rohrer
The Artificial Paradise: Science Fiction and American Reality, Sharona Muir
The Art of Business and the Business of Art: A Collaborative Studio Visualizing Organization Development, Deborah A. O'Neil and Camilla Torna
The Author and Apartheid: Building Pro-Blackness at BGSU Through James Baldwin and The Anti-Apartheid Movement, Noah C. Fitch
The Bengali Oil-Eaters: A Speculative Approach to New Materialism and the Nonhuman in Contemporary Petrofiction, Jenna Wayland
The BG News April 10, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News April 3, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News August 28, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 14, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 21, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News February 7, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News January 17, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News January 24, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News January 31, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 13, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 20, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News March 27, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 13, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 20, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News November 6, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 16, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 2, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 23, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News October 30, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 11, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 18, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 25, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 27, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The BG News September 4, 2024, Bowling Green State University
The Birth and Growth of RVing as a Lifestyle, Al Hesselbart
The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives, Sharona Muir
The Challenges Women Face in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the United States, Rachel S. Silverman, Anthony Dixon, and Harriet E T Dixon
The Children of the Dream: Postwar Planning for The First Camp of the Children's International Summer Villages Organization, James L. Green
The Comedy Roast as American Ritual: Performing Race and Gender, Robin Hershkowitz
The Curvilinear Impacts of Instrumental Social Support Elicitations, Ian Michael Hughes
The Decline in Monarch Butterfly, Danaus Plexippus, Populations: An Example of the Global Threat to Biodiversity, Olivia Sidoti
The Development and Validation of an Interpersonal Distrust Scale, Hanyi Min and Michael J. Zickar
The development of music culture in the Americas: The first professional organizations of musicians in Buenos Aires, Eugenia Costa-Giomi and Pamela Jeanette Ibañez
The Development of the Unified Human Dynamics Framework Instrument (UHDF-I): An Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis, Franco Pietro Viti
The Effectiveness of Patient Education in a High School Setting, Noah Silvers and Laura L. Harris
The Effect of Ankle Foot Orthotics on Collegiate Athletes’ Sprint Biomechanics, Elizabeth A. Starns and Paige Tucker
The Effect of Content Mapping Upon Memory for Main Ideas, Peter C. Murrell Jr.
The Effect of Natural Light on Mental Health, Gianna Arquilla
The Effect of Nutrition Education on Perceived Fatigue of Collegiate Endurance Athletes, Quinn Murphy
The effect of prevailing wages on building costs, bid competition, and bidder behavior: evidence from Ohio school construction, Lameck Onsarigo, Kevin Duncan, and Alan Atalah
The Effect of Situational Leadership Training on Principals in Three Public School Districts, Ronald Warwick, Jan Perney, Thomas Benzinger, Claudia Paulson, and Sybil Yastrow
The Effect of Task Demands on Decision Making in Dynamic, Sport-Like Virtual Environments, Jeromy Alt, Paula L. Silva, Tehran Davis, Adam W. Kiefer, and Ryan MacPherson
The Effects of a School-University Collaborative Change Project on Teacher Behaviors: A Case Study, James T. Hardy and Richard Ambrose
The Effects of Commercial Media Selling an Idealized Body Type, Emma Horner
The Fight In and Out the Ring for Mexican American Women Boxers, Melody Alanis, George B. Cunningham, and Natasha T. Brison
The Future of Psychological Testing, Melvin R. Novick
The Gallup Organization, Devin Webb
“The Game Was Ruined For Me There:” Examining the Mental Health Byproducts of the Transfer Portal and NIL on Student-Athletes, Ethan Madden and Brendan O'Hallarn
"The Grimmest Reversal We Have Ever Faced": AIDS and the Hard-Boiled Detective Genre in Joseph Hansen's Early Graves, Seamus Coon
The Identification of a Model of Teaching Behaviors of Preschool Student Teachers, Zulkifli A. Manaf
The Impact of Experiential Avoidance on Vulnerable Disclosure, Perceived Responsiveness, and Social Connection, Kaylee Church
The impact of fee-based individualized academic support programs on attitude toward retention and belonging on college students with a disability, Timothy Depinet
The impact of sexual violence on education among women and girls in Latin America: A case study of El Salvador, Felice Munroe
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Restrictions on Children’s Play: A Systematic Literature Review, Aidan H. Fielding Mr and Emma Harding
The Impact of the Differentiated Curriculum on African American Women High School Students: The Case in St. Louis, Karen L. Graves
The King Hygiene Project: Addressing Hygiene Poverty in College Students, Krislynn King
The Legal Culpability of Emperor Hirohito in the Outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Joseph Castellano
The New Culture War: Critical Race Theory, Gender Politics, K-12 School Board Meetings, Founding Myths, and the Religious Right, Marlena Graves
The Normalization and Destigmatization of Raves, Cori Pryor
The Ohio State Spanish and Portuguese Creative Writing Group, Andrea Armijos Echeverría, Gabriel Guzmán Camacho, and Hannah Grace Morrison
Theorizing and Developing a Non-Criminal Deviance Victimization Scale and Exploring Its Impact on Substance Use, Amanda Heitkamp
The pedagogy of Norman Bolter as examined through the Frequency Bone Summer Music Connection, Curtis Biggs
The Physical and Psychological Impacts of Exercise on hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Case Study, Savannah Posey
The Political Economy of Left Obstructionism, Daniel Burnfin
The Power of the Written Word: An Exploration of Writing as Craft and Pedagogy, Kristen Charlesworth
The Relationship Between Stress Mindset and Burnout in College Athletes, Amber M. Shipherd, Creighton Avery, Sarah Gomez, and Kelly B. Renner
The Relationship of Psychology and Music, Thomas Pulling
The Reproductive Politics of Maiolica: Birth, Abortion, and Gendered Authority during the Italian Renaissance, Rose Brookhart
The Responsibility Of Higher Education In Providing Leadership In The Restructuring And Renewal Of Public Schools: An Invited Address to the 1993 MWERA Conference, W. Gregory Gerrick
The Role of Athlete Identity, Motivation, and Satisfaction on the Mental Well-Being of Division I Collegiate Athletes, Ronnie D. Watson, Khirey B. Walker, Jean-Charles Lebeau, Robert Turick, Matthew Allen Moore, and James Johnson
The Role of Investigative Genetic Genealogy in the Field of Criminal Justice, Chloe Haas
The Roles of Direct and Indirect Marriage in the Marriage Bar, Marriage Wage Premium, and Within Couple Earnings Equality, Lisa Carlson
The Sex Panic of the 1790s and the Politicization of Women's Education in the Early American Republic, Rebecca Stanwick
The Study of Music and Gender, Kathryn Alexander
The Urban/Rural Divide: Social Identities on Schitt's Creek, Judith Clemens-Smucker
The VALUE of COSMA Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes, Transferable Skills and Taxonomy Levels, Coral Bender and Lindsey Maxwell
The War On Recruiters: A Qualitative Exploration of Identifying Stress Factors in Talent Acquisition, Cortney D. Smalley
Thomas Jefferson, Cryptozoologist: The Intersection Of Science And Folklore In Early America, Justin Phillip Mullis
Thought Leadership in the Field of Organization Development and Change: Achieving Professional Joy Through the Career Trifecta, Steven H. Cady, Emma Lavetter-Keidan, and Matthew S. Maluchnik
Time Capsule Workshop, Bowling Green State University
Tinuiti, Maria Fe Medina Bottger
Toward Pedagogies for the Future to Address the Climate Crisis, Edward J. Brantmeier
Traffic Monitoring System, Elizabeth Suda
Trailer Restoration, Tim Heintz
Transcultural Perspectives in English Language Education: Teaching English in the Czech Republic from an American Lens, Bailey Price
Transfer of Problem Solving Skills, Gary D. Phye and Timothy Bender
Transformative Governance: Integrating Generative Artificial Intelligence in State and Local Government Operations, Ebony J. Lothery
Transitory Information Sharing: The Relationship Between Social Anxiety and Online Self-Disclosure Through Ephemerality, Michael Jeffrey Harmon
Trashed at Cedar Point: a Waste Management Analysis, Alexander Waltrich
Trauma is a Wound: Demonstrating the Use of Character Analysis to Practice Clinical Analysis, Madisyn Beare
Two Worlds and in Between: Becoming Goth in the Virtual Spaces of TikTok, Marlie Unger
Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Inorganic Molecules Related to Modern Light Harvesting Applications, Firew Tarekegn Gemeda
Ultrafast Excited State Relaxation Dynamics in Molecular Probes and Organic Molecules of Biological Importance, Laura Marie Obloy
Uncle Sam Goes to Hollywood: Culture Industries and Capitalist Imperialism in the American Century 1941-2020, Ben Thomason
Understanding Light Driven Processes in Molecules and Materials, Sruthy Baburaj
Understanding Perceptions of Levels and Indicators of Addictiveness and Related Factors, Jennifer T. Grant Weinandy
Understanding the Big Picture Before Assigning Full Blame: The Lost Opportunity with the Oakland A’s, Mark S. Nagel
Understanding The Impact Of Diversity, Equity, and, Inclusion On Artistic Programming Decisions At Nonprofit Arts Organizations, Raynel Frazier
Universal Composition Operators on the Hardy Space with Linear Fractional Symbols, Aiham A. Hassan
Use of Telemedicine in a Sports Medicine Clinic: An Investigation of Patient Satisfaction, Kelly Harrington, Lindsey E. Eberman, Matthew J. Rivera, J'nai Pittman, Shelby Broughton, and Regina Hash
Using Standardized Patients as a Tool to Explore Student Critical Thinking, Sara Stiltner and Andrea Cripps
Utilizing Special Interests: Developing a Storybook for a Minimally Speaking Autistic Child to Support Communication, Olivia Fordyce
Voices in Education, Gregory J. Marchant and Isadore Newman
Voices in Education, Isadore Newman and Gregory J. Marchant
Voices in Education, Gregory J. Marchant and Marlene Schommer
Voices in Education, Marlene Schommer
Voices in Education, Marlene Schommer
Voluntary early retirement from sport: the lived experiences of former NCAA DIII student-athletes, Lindsey Darvin, Ryan Konotopskyj, and Ashley Ryder
Well-Being in Response to Gratitude Interventions: A Student Elicitation Approach, Erin A. Hopkins
What Is "Living as Equals": An Account of Relational Egalitarianism, Xuanpu Zhuang
What Makes a Great Movie Trailer?, Bridget Hill
When is fun "fun"? An examination of the effects of contextual factors on appraisals of fun in the workplace, Lindsey Marie Freier
Who picks where a student sits in a classroom?, Kathryn Kummer
“Without Damaging Our Own Academic Journeys”: Student Thinking About and Use of Generative AI in First-Year Writing, Karin Admiraal and Mary Anderson
Working and working out: Decision-making inputs connect daily work demands to physical exercise, Claire E. Smith, Soomi Lee, Margaret E. Brooks, Clare L. Barratt, and Haiyang Yang
Write What You Know: Creative Writing and the Decline of Working-Class Fiction, Adam Rensch
YouGov, Samuel Reed
‘You Have To Respect The Water’: Participant Experiences of Appreciating and Managing the Risks Associated with Open Water Swimming – A Rapid Ethnographic Study, Mark A. Christie and David Elliott
Your story, your life, your learning: Autobiography Reveals Basis for Supporting Personalized, Holistic Pedagogy, Michael Maser
“Zero Preparation for Life After Sports”: Former College Athletes’ Use of TikTok to Express Transitioning out of Sport, Molly Harry and Sydney Hammit