Honors Projects


Based on a significant amount of prior research, comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has been identified to be the most effective method of teaching sexual health education (SHAPE America, 2021; World Health Organization, 2023). Comprehensive sexual health education improves healthy behaviors and outcomes, provides useful information, and is positively perceived by students (Gardner, 2015; Kirby, 2002; Robinson et al., 2022). However, the United States’ current sexual health education has not implemented this ideal method, which is shown through state laws, students’ experiences, underdeveloped skills and flawed understanding of concepts, and – most importantly – a lack of resources for teachers (Foley, 2015; Goodcase et al., 2021; Guttmacher Institute, 2023; Hunt, 2023). The concept of consent is one concept misunderstood by adolescents (Goodcase et al., 2021). The state of Ohio is particularly far from the goal of CSE, due to laws emphasizing abstinence-based methods and the lack of state health education standards (Prescribed Curriculum, 2023; Instruction in venereal disease education emphasizing abstinence, 2023; Willis et al., 2019). Given these gaps, my aim is to create a high school-level sexual health education scope and sequence on consent and healthy relationships to serve as a resource for CSE. To do this, I used the National Health Education Standards (NHES), the same ones used by Ohio, to guide which topics and lessons included (National Health Education Standards, n.d.). As a result, my scope and sequence could easily be adopted alongside Ohio’s current health education curriculum while simultaneously meeting a need within that education to benefit teachers and students alike.



First Advisor

Meggan Hartzog

First Advisor Department

Physical Education

Second Advisor

Lauren Maziarz

Second Advisor Department

Public and Allied Health

Third Advisor

Christine Shaal

Third Advisor Department

Honors Program

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024
