"Video Interview Background" by Christina Scott and Nicolas Roulin

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Asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) have become increasingly popular as alternatives (or complements) to more traditional face-to-face interviews. Yet, AVI research has been largely focused on applicant reactions or behaviors, and we still know very little about what influences how applicants are rated. Importantly, because AVIs afford applicants the flexibility to record their responses from their homes, the background they choose could influence raters’ judgments. This study examines whether raters’ (N=276 Prolific respondents with prior hiring experience) initial impressions and final ratings differ if applicants record their AVIs from a home-office, a bedroom, or use background blurring settings, as well as the role played by response quality. Final interview scores were positively associated with both initial impressions and applicant response quality. Yet, background type (or the use of blurring) was not associated with initial impressions or final interview scores.

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Scott_1201_Supp_FINAL.pdf (510 kB)
Online Supplement

Corresponding Author Information

Nicolas Roulin




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