
Measurement & Measures Section

Editorial Statement for the Measurement and Measures Section of Personnel Assessment and Decisions

Dennis Doverspike

The heading Measurement and Measures is highly suggestive of the desired content, although it might be seen as somewhat redundant in a journal dedicated to personnel assessment. Submissions to the Measurement and Measures Section would differ from those submitted directly to the main section of the journal in that they might not involve the traditional type of empirically-based, original research study using stringent research designs. These articles may be “first studies” in a line of innovative and groundbreaking approaches to measurement and measures or they might be new applications of existing methods or measures. Some examples might include:

  1. Measurement Issues and/or Methods.
    • Innovative proposals for new measurement methods (e.g., a new method for determining regression weights).
    • Discussions of the application of measurement methods to practical assessment issues (e.g., the application of an existing statistical technique to assessing item bias).
    • Development of new validation designs (e.g., a new content validity model).
    • Critiques of the application of measurement models in practical assessment situations (e.g., a critique of the application of item analysis methods to multi-dimensional tests).
    • A review of the use of measurement models or methods in practical assessment situations (e.g., unit versus regression versus subjective weights).
  2. Measures
    • Descriptions of new, innovative measures where limited reliability and validity evidence exists (e.g., a new method for assessing leadership).
    • Unique applications of existing tests or measures to new practical situations (e.g., use of implicit attitude measures to predict discrimination in the interview).
    • Modifications, extensions, or revisions to existing tests (e.g., a shorter version of a personality test or an app-based version of a test).
    • Meta-analytic reviews of tests or measures (e.g., a meta-analysis of the use of Wonderlic in the public sector).    

    Editorial Statement for the Practitioner Demonstration Projects of Personnel Assessment and Decisions

      Dennis Doverspike

        Format: each section should be 3 pages or less in Word, journal pages would be less
        • What is the problem or need? Why didn’t existing solutions apply? What were some of the constraints in terms of time and cost?
        • What evidence based literature did you rely upon in drafting your solution?
        • What was your solution? (Does not have to reveal proprietary information or company secrets but has to provide enough information to be helpful to others)
        • How did you evaluate the results? (Can be quantitative, qualitative, or case study - but there must be an evaluation that is professionally thought out and organized and must be more than a simple "people said they liked it")
        • What are some of the ethical, legal and/or professional issues that emerged and how did you deal with them?
        • What is the value to other professionals or companies? To academics? If you are not doing so, would you be willing to make data available to others for use in research, theses, or dissertations?

The mission and vision of this section will be shaped by the nature of the initial submissions and reader input. If you have any recommendations, including proposals for special issues, please feel free to submit your suggestions.