Honors Projects


Individuals attracted to more than one gender identity, also known as non-monosexuals, exist in a unique place in the sexuality dichotomy. Often experiencing prejudice from both their heterosexual and homosexual peers, they are prone to increased rates of loneliness. Loneliness has been shown to increase both mental and physical health risks. Due to the dangers of loneliness, the current study set out to examine this relationship between non-monosexuals and loneliness. A two-phase study was created containing an online survey portion and an in-person interview procedure. Due to small sample sizes, no statistical significance was found but data has been trending in expected directions. Non-monosexual participants had the highest rates of loneliness and fear of intimacy in the online portion of the study. The limited number of participants resulted in no data collection for the experimental procedure in the second phase of the study.





First Advisor

Daniel Maitland

First Advisor Department


Second Advisor

Eric Cooke

Second Advisor Department

Criminal Justice

Third Advisor

Christine G Shaal

Third Advisor Department

Honors Program

Publication Date

Spring 4-21-2024
