Management Faculty Publications

Thought Leadership in the Field of Organization Development and Change: Achieving Professional Joy Through the Career Trifecta

Document Type



In the realm of careers for organization development and change (OD&C) professionals, the traditional paths of leadership and monetary gain often fall short of yielding optimal fulfillment. Contemporary OD&C professionals are increasingly drawn to diverse experiences that involve the human side of change, driven to become thought leaders, creating a positive "ripple effect." We offer that genuine professional enjoyment is rooted in crafting distinctive, scalable solutions and conceptual frameworks that advance one's professional brand in alignment with the principles of OD&C. It is at this point that professional freedom can be achieved while addressing important career questions. How can a professional in our field, or any field for that matter, do what they want, where they want, with whom they want, making the living they want? This article examines the concept of professional joy, firmly anchored in achieving the career trifecta: A role harmonizing personal aspirations, autonomy over time and place, collaborative partnerships, and income. We introduce five pivotal competencies of thought leaders, serving as catalysts for achieving this trifecta and, consequently, experiencing profound contentment moments of ecstatic delight. This perspective passionately advocates for a departure from conventional paths, inviting OD&C professionals to embrace thought leadership as a potent vehicle for enriching career landscapes with transformative moments that enable one to make a meaningful difference.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Organization Development Journal


Organization Development Institute





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