Honors Projects


eDNA, or environmental DNA, is found free-existing in any environment. It can be extracted from its environment and used to identify organisms that were recently in the area. In recent years, eDNA metabarcoding has been used to help examine communities for overall species presence and biodiversity. This capstone sought to create a mock proposal for an eDNA survey of Gulf of Mexico elasmobranch and Selachii species due to their overall decline in numbers. Additionally, general and discriminatory PCR primers were created in-silico and assessed for initial quality. This capstone documents the feasibility of an eDNA study, constructing the necessary primers, and the future of using ancient eDNA with modern eDNA to establish thorough baselines for conservation.


Biological Sciences


Marine and Aquatic Biology

First Advisor

Christopher Ward

First Advisor Department

Biological Sciences

Second Advisor

Margaret Yacobucci

Second Advisor Department


Publication Date

Spring 4-22-2024
