Honors Projects


Quinn LaydenFollow


The purpose of this paper is to determine how the demographics of gender, race, religion, age, income, education, and political party affect feelings toward the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States. The American National Elections Study (ANES) data was used to create a multivariate linear regression for each of the Democratic and Republican parties that modeled how the demographics felt towards the parties. The ANES feeling thermometer was used to represent the group’s feelings towards each party. The model showed that there was a slightly strong correlation between demographics and feelings towards the Democratic and Republican parties. With Black, Hispanic, Asian and Pacific Islanders, women, Catholic, Jewish, people who did not complete high school, and Democrats having warm feelings towards the Democratic party and Asian and Pacific Islanders, White, women, Catholic, Protestant, people who did not complete high school, and Republicans having warm feelings for the Republican parties.




Supply Chain Management

First Advisor

Karen Eboch

First Advisor Department


Second Advisor

Melissa Miller

Second Advisor Department

Political Science

Publication Date

Spring 4-22-2024
