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Educational researchers and the public alike are developing a strong interest in the subject of study skills. "Metacognition"--the understanding and control of one's own learning strategies--is emerging as a prominent part of the study of cognition. Researchers are focusing on the total age range of the metacognitive process, from "metamemory" and "metalanguage" processes that begin around the age of 5, all the way to the measurement of specific study behaviors and attitudes of mature adults who have returned to school for academic or vocational enrichment (DiVesta, 1982). For the first time, the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (1984) lists "metacognition" as a descriptor, citing over 130 educational documents and journal articles. That good study habits are a major factor that contributes to effective learning is supported by the fact that learning assistance centers and study skills courses are prominent features of university, college, and community college programs. In fact, many achievement outcomes that are often attributed to natural ability may be better attributed to superior study skills.
Recommended Citation
Mueller, Richard J. and Feiza, Anthony S.
"Identifying the Study Behavior of College Students with a 46-Item Inventory,"
Mid-Western Educational Researcher (1981 - 1987): Vol. 7:
3, Article 4.
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