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Various methods exist to invoke gratitude, such as gratitude lists, acts directed towards others, and gratitude contemplation (Rash, Matsuba, and Prkachin, 2011). This study, through student perception elicitation, examines a gratitude list intervention in a professional development undergraduate class which tests the gratitude and enhanced well-being connection theory.

Results suggest various reasons why students perceive a connection between gratitude lists and mental and physical well-being, although there was an overall belief among participants that gratitude lists help more with mental health than physical health. Also, the gratitude and enhanced well-being connection theory was not fully supported as overall respondent sentiment shifted after the gratitude intervention with fewer respondents believing than beforre the intervention that a gratitude list can help with mental and physical well-being. While the current results show a lower frequency of the belief that gratitude lists can help with well-being, students overall still enjoyed the exercise and recommended more contemplative practices in the classroom.
