
About This Journal

Introduction of the Journal

Humanity in the Anthropocene is facing unprecedented challenges. Critical issues, such as escalating geo-political conflicts, global warming, accelerated environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, and the ensuing forms of moral and social decay, are posing significant threats to human civilization and the natural environment, including threats to the existence of non-human species. We appear to be moving into a position where the destruction of our planet is a real and grave concern. Within this global context, educational institutions are challenged with issues of growing systemic inequity, widespread disconnect from place, environment and non-human nature, and fragmented learning caused by technocratic demands for specialization and skill-based training. The reality of current educational systems around the world is that they are complicit in perpetuating societal problems and precipitating crises. We in the JCHE uphold an understanding of education that aims at preparing citizens to have the awareness, capability, and wisdom to respond to such crises through continually learning, growing, and adapting. We believe contemplative and holistic approaches to education allow such learning and growth.

Our world needs new educational paradigms and practices that depart from dominant mechanistic, rationalistic, capitalistic, anthropocentric, and highly competitive frameworks to embrace a far more complex and rich understanding of human potential and becoming. These paradigms must be strong enough to transform current educational thinking and practice. We, collectively as educators and scholars, must be expansive and creative enough to transform our ways of teaching, learning, living and being, and bring peace to the human world and collaboration with Nature.

Mission of the Journal

Our journal’s mission is to address a number of interconnected challenges facing education and humanity in this era of unprecedented turbulence and change, and it can perhaps be most broadly expressed in the question: can education cultivate a humanity that is not just intelligent but also wise?

In our quest for wisdom in educational thought and practice, we in JCHE ask the following interconnected questions:

  1. What kind of learnings, pedagogies, ideas, practices and skills will people, both young and old, require in order to contribute to a sense of commons and the common good?
  2. What can education do to motivate society toward cooperation and collective flourishing?
  3. Can rationality, individualism, and science share a same place of honor with wisdom, universality, and compassion in the education of the future?
  4. Can formal education, which is often viewed as a very conservative cultural institution, become a means to cultivating consciousness and wisdom, and meaning-making perspectives?
  5. What roles do contemplative and holistic education play in shaping a world that is kind to all beings?
  6. In what ways can schools, parents, and communities come together to provide holistic teaching, learning, and being?


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