
Visions in Leisure and Business is a journal dedicated to exploring innovative approaches to help identify and solve personal services issues. The primary purpose is to explore concerns that represent popular culture factors that influence the individual as well as the organization. This interface has and will continue to effect the development of the quality of a society's lifestyles.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

ScholarWorks is an open access publishing platform managed by Bowling Green State University Libraries (UL). For over 10 years, the UL has provided services that enable BGSU faculty to publish peer-reviewed faculty, practitioner, and student journals in their disciplines. The UL operates under a diamond open access model, which means ScholarWorks journals do not charge fees to authors or readers.

Appalachian Associates published Visions in Leisure and Business as a subscription-only print journal from 1982 to 2003. In 2020, Visions resumed publication as an online only open access journal on ScholarWorks. Authors who publish in Visions retain their copyright and license their articles under a Creative Commons license.


The Visions editors have digitized the publications Recreation Management and Employee Service Management. The national organization that published these materials discontinued these publications. In an effort to ensure that these materials are not lost and the topic of employee services continues to receive emphasis in the future, the Visions editors sought permission from the Research Foundation (still active) of the organization. Randy Schools is the individual who made this collection possible. He granted permission for Visions to digitize the materials and make them available via the Internet Archive. The digitization is record quality, and the Visions editors are hoping to improve the quality of the digitization as time moves forward.

This has been a laborious project that will continue in the future, because several issues of the publications are missing. If you know anyone who has these missing issues, please contact the Visions editors so we can complete the collection.

Visions will dedicate some of its future issues to this topic to explore future developments. Contributors who have varied interest in this topic should contact the Visions editors, as we want to establish a scholarship network related to this theme.

Current Issue: Volume 26, Number 2 (2024)

Front Matter


David L. Groves and Bob Lee
