Journal of Personnel Assessment and Decisions | Vol 7 | Iss 1

Special Issue: Understanding Effects of Impression Management on Assessment Outcomes

Main Articles


Faking and the Validity of Personality Tests: An Experimental Investigation Using Modern Forced Choice Measures
Christopher R. Huber, Nathan R. Kuncel, Katie B. Huber, and Anthony S. Boyce


Unintended Consequences of Interview Faking: Impact on Perceived Fit and Affective Outcomes
Brooke D. Charbonneau, Deborah M. Powell, Jeffrey R. Spence, and Sean T. Lyons


Job Seekers’ Impression Management on Facebook: Scale Development, Antecedents, and Outcomes
Vanessa Myers, Jennifer P. B. Price, Nicolas Roulin, Alexandra Duval, and Shayda Sobhani