Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association | Vol 7 | Iss 1

OATA 2021 Supplemental Issue

Professional/Faculty Abstracts


Impact of COVID-19 on Athletic Training Practice in Ohio
Matt Kutz, Jason Smith, Dan Cushman, and Andrea Goldberg


Perceived Effectiveness of Onboarding Programs for Athletic Trainers
Rachel A. Reinhart, Laura L. Harris, and Janet E. Simon


Factors Impacting Athletic Identity in an Adolescent Population
Brianne N. Heydinger, Laura L. Harris, and Janet E. Simon


The Impact of Multiple Concussions on the Lives of Student-Athletes
Jenny L. Toonstra, Andrea E. Cripps, and Lauren R. Meyers

Graduate Student Abstract


Do Memory Test Scores Improve After Organized Sport Activity?
Olivia B. Smith, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker

Undergraduate Student Abstracts


Coaches' Perceptions of COVID-19 Guidelines
Tyler Schnitzler, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker


Male Student Athlete's Perceived of Mental Health Illness and Awareness
Kadie Grundy, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker


Student-Athletes' Perceptions of COVID-19 Guidelines and if They Ensure Safety
Will Overholt, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker


Effect of COVID-19 on Student-Athlete's Mental Health
Killian Lott, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker


NFL Players' Perceptions of Female Athletic Trainers
Ashley M. Boone, Erika Smith-Goodwin, and Jennifer Walker


Lower Extremity Morel-Lavallee Lesion in an NFL Player: A Case Study
Gavin Salyer, Erika Smith-Goodwin, Jennifer Walker, and Paul M. Sparling