Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

The JSMAHS publishes scholarly papers, descriptive and timely reports, and continuing information and findings related to research and development in the practice and education of athletic training and allied health. Each submission is accepted with the understanding that it is to be published exclusively in the JSMAHS. Additionally, in conjunction with the OATA Annual Meeting & Symposium, abstracts accepted into the state conference will also be published in the supplementary issues each May.

To be published in the JSMAHS the following three criteria must be met:

  1. Importance. Makes a significant contribution to health professions research, education, or practice. Articles that introduce novel practices or illustrate generally accepted practice in an exemplary manner are particularly desirable. Implications for other health professions and the general collaborative practice of medicine are considered important.
  2. Relevance to Audience. Is it relevant to health professionals in athletic training or diverse fields of allied health?
  3. Adequacy of Methodology. Manuscripts reporting empirical studies have clearly described designs and methods, and clearly formulated findings/conclusions supported by valid, reliable data. Other manuscripts (e.g., on theory development or methodological (issues) are supported by appropriate documentation, reasoning, and/or examples.

Length and Format of Manuscript


Authors should use only 12-point font size, Times New Roman, preferably in Microsoft Word format. Submissions must be double spaced and have removed all identifiers. Submissions must include line numbers. Manuscript word count is recommended to be no greater than 5000, excluding abstract and references.

As you format your manuscript, pay close attention to the Guide to Authors, and the Peer-Review Form linked on the home page.


Do not indent the first line of a new paragraph. Instead, separate each new paragraph with a line space.

Tables and Figures

Authors are encouraged to submit tables and figures. All diagrams, photos or drawings must be converted to jpg, png, tiff, or gif images prior to submission for review and attached as additional files during submission.

Tables must be developed using the TABLE FUNCTION of Microsoft Word. Do not make a table with Tabs. Separate text with cells in the table. Do not use a text box or Excel to create a table. Use NO graphics in a table. In order to fit the formatting style of the JSMAHS, all tables and figures must fit on a page in portrait orientation. Tables that are in landscape orientation will be placed as Appendices.

When submitting manuscripts, A text marker such as “Place Figure 1 here” should dictate the placement of photographs or diagrams within the text. Tables are to be placed in their appropriate spot by the author.


A structured abstract of no more than 350 words written as a single paragraph is required for all submissions. It should be written as a single paragraph. All abstracts should be structured and have distinct labels separating each section (e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, etc) for rapid comprehension. The structured abstract should also be included in the submission portal in the appropriate window.

Abstracts do not contain references.

Citations, and References

Text citations should be a superscript number with no brackets on parenthesis, such as.1 They should be referenced in numerical order. Please do not use automatic referencing systems or endnotes as the reference may renumber or disappear altogether during formatting.

Authors should include all available DOIs. JSMAHS editorial team uses CrossRef metadata for DOI search. Please display the DOI as a full link at the end of the reference for reader accessibility. DOI placement should appear as follows

Preparation of Copy

The manuscript should be submitted to the link located at the end of this guide (including references). You must include line numbering to the submitted manuscript. A separate cover letter must be uploaded as a supplemental file into the manuscript system and must indicate the title of the article, the list of author names, credentials, and affiliations of the authors in the order of authorship. This letter must also state the contributions made by each author. Please also include tables within text.

Headings are never indented and should follow the list below.


Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

All submitted manuscripts must be free of editorial comments, change tracking code, end notes, running headers or footers and anything other than the manuscript text and tables. It is the AUTHORS responsibility to submit a clean copy. Manuscripts submitted for consideration will be immediately rejected if such code or comments exist in the text. Manuscripts will also be rejected if all guidelines above are not met.

Disclosure Statements

  1. Authorship
  2. Manuscripts submitted by authors who were employees of the United States federal government at the time the subject of their work was investigated and the piece was written are not subject to the Copyright Act; these authors must inform the Editor of their status as federal employees.

  3. Acknowledgements
  4. Authors may acknowledge persons who have made substantial contributions to the development of the study or manuscript, but must obtain permission from all persons named in an acknowledgement. Authors must inform the Editor in writing that such permission has been obtained. Authors should also disclose financial support or gifts of equipment or supplies in an acknowledgement.

  5. Proofing and Editing
  6. Article content is the author's responsibility. Accepted manuscripts are copyedited to conform to JSMAHS style. Authors should note that the editing process may be separate from and can occur after or in conjunction with the Editorial Board review process. The corresponding author will receive a proof of the article via a temporary web site for review and approval prior to publication. However, changes made by copy editors for style, grammar, and readability should not be altered by authors unless a scientific error has been introduced. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the copyeditor and authorized by the corresponding author.

  7. Publication Fees
  8. The JSMAHS does not charge the author a fee of any kind to publish.

All research manuscripts where human subjects were used, must have the IRB approval letter included with the submission.

By submitting this manuscript for review I attest that we (the authors) have no conflict of interest.

Review this checklist before submitting


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