International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education | Vol 8 | No. 3

Volume 8, Number 3 (August 2014)



In This Issue…
Stephen J. Langendorfer

Research Articles


The Development of Swimming Skills for African American Youth: Parent and Caregiver Perceptions of Barriers and Motivations
Sally R. Ross, Carol C. Irwin, Richard L. Irwin, Nathan T. Martin, and Timothy D. Ryan


Retrospective Analysis of Chronic Injuries in Recreational and Competitive Surfers: Injury Location, Type, and Mechanism
James Furness, Wayne Hing, Allan Abbott, Joe Walsh, Jeremy M. Sheppard, and Mike Climstein


Minimum Water Depth Rules for Competitive Swim Starts
Andrew C. Cornett and Joel M. Stager

Education Article

IJARE cover