Architecture and Environmental Design Faculty Publications


Please note that the content of this page does not necessarily constitute a comprehensive list of all faculty publications produced by this department.


Submissions from 2022


The Cinematic Poetry of Four New York Carousels, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2021


ARCH 6620 Business Innovation by Design, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2020


Architecture Student Design Competition 2020 Final Report, Andreas Luescher

Sculpting Spatial Theatricality: Snøhetta’s Petter Dass Museum and Steven Holl’s Knut Hamsun Centre, Andreas Luescher

The Anatomy of Model Trees: A Visual Exploration, Andreas Luescher and Antonio Scontrino

Submissions from 2019


Architecture Student Design Competition 2019 Final Report, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2018


Architecture Student Design Competition 2018 Final Report, Hannah Dewhirst and Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2017


Architecture Student Design Competition 2017 Final Report, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2016

Introduction: The Dialectics of Borders, Carolyn Loeb and Andreas Luescher


Architecture Student Design Competition 2016 Final Report, Andreas Luescher

Architecture That Bows to the Artist: Musée Soulages, Andreas Luescher


The City of Tomorrow: Geddes Model of 1945, Andreas Luescher and Sujata Shetty


Toledo Tomorrow: Reading Norman Bel Geddes' Vision for the Future in a Shrinking Midwestern City, Sujata Shetty and Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2015


The Design of Frontier Spaces: Control and Ambiguity, Carolyn Loeb and Andreas Luescher


Poster as Design Dialogue, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2014

An Exploration of Urban Intercessions as a Part of Studying the Complexity of Shrinking Cities, Andreas Luescher and Sujata Shetty


The City as Campus: Creating a Sustainable Vision for the City of Toledo, Andreas Luescher, Sujata Shetty, and Scot MacPherson

Submissions from 2013

Cultural Memory after the Fall of the Berlin Wall: The Case of Checkpoint Charlie, Carolyn Loeb and Andreas Luescher


Design Epilogues, Andreas Luescher


The Architect’s Guide to Effective Self-Presentation, Andreas Luescher


Introductory review to the Special Issue: Shrinking Cities and Towns: Challenge and Responses, Andreas Luescher and Sujata Shetty

Submissions from 2010

Concrete Geometry: Playing with Blocks, Andreas Luescher


The architect's portfolio : planning, design, production, Andreas Luescher

Framing Urban Design as Service Design: Case Study in a Struggling City in the U.S. Industrial Mid-west, Andreas Luescher and Sujata Shetty

Inter-disciplinarity in Urban Design: Erasing Boundaries Between Architects and Planners in Urban Design Studios, Sujata Shetty and Andreas Luescher


When Economic Growth is No Longer the Norm: Teaching Urban Design in a Time of Transformation, Sujata Shetty and Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2009

Great Travel Machines of Sight, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2007


Collaboration Between Architects and Planners in an Urban Design Studio: Potential for Interdisciplinary Learning, Sonia Hirt and Andreas Luescher


Unit of Luminous Flux: Mario Botta's Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2006

Experience Field for the Development of the Senses: Hugo Kükelhaus' Phenomenology of Consciousness, Andreas Luescher

Submissions from 2005

Working It out by Hand: Construction as a Creative Act, Andreas Luescher and Scott K. Kutz

Submissions from 2003

Portfolios: Conceptual Foundations and Functional Implications, Andreas Luescher and John W. Sinn

Submissions from 2002

Physical Trace, Andreas Luescher

Professional Portfolio as Heuristic Methodology, Andreas Luescher

Refashioning No-Man’s-Land: Urban Image Politics and the Visual Dimensions of Democracy, Andreas Luescher

Word and Image: Portfolio as Autobiography, Andreas Luescher