Architecture and Environmental Design Faculty Publications

Working It out by Hand: Construction as a Creative Act

Document Type



In the world of project execution, "design/build" is the convention. With its emphasis on the benefits of early involvement (integration of design, engineering execution, design-build, procurement, and construction decisions), it has become the dominant mode (Rothman, 2004). In this project, students explore the design/build principle of collaboration and integrated processes. What makes this project unique to other design and construction projects is the emphasis on materials (their visual, tactile, and functional properties) and scale for thinking and decision making. This helps students grasp and understand the basic foundations involved in design/ construction/engineering. It places the consideration of materials at the beginning of the design/build process, not at the end. The unique and particular physical qualities of materials should be utilized as the source of subsequent design thinking and construction decisions. Materials should be seen as design generators--fertile ground for imaginative exploration and discovery. For this project, it is important to have access to large material samples for study and with which to build.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Technology Teacher

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