Architecture and Environmental Design Faculty Publications

Document Type



Design professionals need to acquire competencies in interdisciplinary, collaborative design practice. Proceeding from this assumption, this paper analyses a case study of a joint project between an architecture studio at Bowling Green State University and a planning seminar at the University of Toledo. Students working in extramural teams developed proposals for the revitalization of a plaza in Toledo, an historic city in Ohio. The plaza, which in architectural terms represents a blend of Gilded-Age finery, high-order contemporary work and stretches of decay, is in the process of slow regeneration. The main goals were: 1) pedagogical - to enhance the students' learning experiences by providing them with the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams; and 2) research-orientated - to examine the differences, if any, in design approaches between the architectural and the planning students. Summary outcomes include an enhanced understanding of the architectural-planning differences and a greater appreciation of the potential for mutual learning.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Journal of Design Research


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