
About This Journal

Vision in Leisure and Business Monograph is an interdisciplinary umbrella that seeks to explore leisure and business delivery systems. Business processes in the leisure service industry are different because they are based upon freedom of decision as well as supply and demand. The purpose of the Monograph is isolation and integration of those business processes that relate to the leisure service industry. Leisure and its associated services have a unique impact upon the business institution, especially in its ability to act as a catalyst to improve the individual and his/her environment. This monograph will help to improve and broaden current theory and applied methods through stimulation of ideas among traditional and nontraditional aspects of the leisure and business institution. The primary content is personal services, programming, and administration.

Visions in Leisure and Business monograph will not compete with existing publications but act as a complement to fill the void between the application of leisure sciences and business processes. The first step is the exchange of ideas to give direction to the development of a comprehensive framework for the better application of information. These are the factors that help the organizations and societies through effective development of the individual's potential.

The success of the journal depends directly upon interaction among professionals and their contributions. The application of sound leisure and business principles is one way to control future development of the leisure institution so that it will have a major positive impact on society.