



tourism, food, practitioner, policy, paradigm, auto ethnographic, gastronomy, pandemic, Ireland


This is an autoethnographic perspective, informed by my experience over four decades as a practitioner, policy maker and academic. The primary thrust of my argument is that, within the wider tourism industry, food in tourism is integral across all sectors, markets, and populations with enormous and sustainable social and economic potential. Realising that potential requires a shift beyond the existing traditional tourism paradigm that is based on narrow economic objectives. The pandemic may have created a tipping point, forcing that paradigm to shift to holistic, collaborative, and sustainable objectives reflecting fresh societal, cultural, environmental, and economic concerns. It is therefore critical to prepare for action in a post-pandemic world where challenges are different. This entails an awareness, and an understanding, of some of the conventions and practices of key elements outside of tourism and food. While there are many, I suggest focusing on those most critical to food-focused activity in tourism - that is, academic researchers in tourism, tourism industry practitioners, and tourism policy makers. In practice, these parties, and how they interact, inevitably require detailed attention and consideration in successfully advocating for any food-focused activity in tourism in general, and food in tourism in particular.

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