University Libraries Faculty Publications
Please note that the content of this page does not necessarily constitute a comprehensive list of all faculty publications produced by this department.
Submissions from 2025
Five Good Things: Incorporating Relational Teaching Practices in Reference Services, Laura Sheets
Submissions from 2023
A Change of Art: Learning Research Strategies in a New Subject Area Through a LibGuide Redesign, Laura Sheets
Quality Matters Review of LIB 2210: Applying the QM Rubric for Higher Education to an Information Literacy Course, Laura Sheets, Maureen Barry, and Eileen K. Bosch
College and University Archivists: Doing It All for Less, Michelle Sweetser, Tamar Chute, Elizabeth James, Jane LaBarbara, and Krista Oldham
Submissions from 2022
Examining the Cost of Care on Archives Professionals, Alexis Braun Marks, Rachael Dreyer, Jennifer I. Johnson, and Michelle Sweetser
Let No Man Judge: Remembering the Calypsonian and Containing Risk, David R. Lewis
Design Matters: How a Course Review Informed Online Teaching Best Practices, Laura A. Sheets, Maureen Barry, and Eileen K. Bosch
Towards A Critical Music Information Literacy Praxis, Veronica A. Wells, Angela L. Pratesi, Andrea I. Morris, and Elizabeth Berndt-Morris
Submissions from 2020
Anchoring Change: Using the Kotter Change Management Framework to Analyze & Facilitate Change in Academic Libraries, Colleen Boff and Catherine Cardwell
Leading Change in Academic Libraries, Colleen Boff and Catherine Cardwell
Leading Change in Academic Libraries, Colleen Boff and Catherine Cardwell
A New Take on Cataloging Popular Music Recordings, Patricia K. Falk and David Lewis
Making Sound Decisions: Institutional Responses to the Crisis in Audio Preservation, David R. Lewis
Creating a Culture of Readers through Collection Development and Outreach, Joseph Prince and Colleen Boff
Supporting Primary Source Instruction in the Undergraduate Classroom at Bowling Green State University: Summary Findings, Michelle Sweetser, David Lewis, Stefanie Hunker, and Colleen Boff
Collaborating on Surveys: Reflections from an Archivist and a Technical Metadata Archivist, Michelle Sweetser and Alexandra A. A. Orchard
Submissions from 2019
Anchoring Change: Using the Kotter Change Management Framework to Analyze & Facilitate Change in Academic Libraries, Colleen Boff and Catherine Cardwell
The Cost of Care and the Impact on the Archives Profession, Alexis Braun Marks, Rachael Dreyer, Jennifer Johnson, and Michelle Sweetser
Changing Practices of Undergraduate Business Teaching at BGSU, Edith Scarletto, Linda Rich, and Vera J. Lux
Submissions from 2018
Fine Efficacy: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Daily Fines on Borrower Return Habits, Andrea Boehme and Katie Mihaly
High School to College Transitions: Does the Professional Literature Accurately Reflect What’s Actually Happening in the Trenches?, Colleen T. Boff, Joseph Prince, Diane Kolosionek, and Lorena Popelka
Creating A Meaningful Learning Framework for Volunteers, Internships, Practicums, and Co-ops, Colleen T. Boff and Michelle Sweetser
On The Frontlines of Richer Metadata: Technical Services and TEI, Elizabeth Hertenstein, Julie Rabine, and Mathew Sweet
Submissions from 2017
Lean on Librarians for Canvas Commons, Colleen T. Boff and Vera J. Lux
Using Chat Metadata to Learn about Our Users, Vera Lux and Linda Rich