Volume 31, Issue 3 (2019)
Editors' Notes
Editors' Notes
Debra Miretzky, Sharon Stevens, Chase Catalano, Krista Bowers-Sharpe, and Mahrya Carncross
MWERA Distinguished Paper
Featured Articles
Examining the Instructional Priorities of a Secondary Education Teacher Preparation Program Utilizing an Integrated Approach to Assessment Education
Daniel M. Frederking
Facilitating Teacher Reflection Using a Metacognitive Tool
Mary-Kate Sableski, Kathryn Kinnucan-Welsch, and Catherine Rosemary
Elementary Teacher Perceptions of Professional Development on the Neuroscience of Learning
Wendy Bana and Jeff Cranmore
All Money Ain’t Good Money: The Interest Convergence Principle, White Philanthropy, and Black Education of the Past and Present
ArCasia D. James-Gallaway