International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education | Vol 8 | No. 4

Volume 8, Number 4 (November 2014)



In This Issue…
Stephen J. Langendorfer

Research Articles


Effects of Shallow Water Aerobic Exercise Training on Arterial Stiffness and Pulse Wave Analysis in Older Individuals
Lori Sherlock, Sara Fournier, Evan DeVallance, Kyuwan Lee, Stacee Carte, and Paul Chantler


Using a Public Health Approach to Understand “Skipping” Snowmobiles in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, Canada
Audrey R. Giles, Meghan Lynch, Gwenyth S. Stadig, Michelle Doucette Issaluk, Francine Darroch, and Shaelyn Strachan


Parental Factors That Influence Swimming in Children and Adolescents
Jennifer R. Pharr, Carol Irwin, and Richard Irwin


Underwater Treadmill Training, Glycemic Control, and Health-Related Fitness in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Ryan T. Conners, Don W. Morgan, Dana K. Fuller, and Jennifer L. Caputo

Position Statements


ILS Position Statement on Development Aid Effectiveness
International Life Saving Federation

Letter to the Editors

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