Home > Journals > IJARE > Vol. 8 > No. 1 (February 2014)
Volume 8, Number 1 (February 2014)
In This Issue…
Stephen J. Langendorfer
Which Stroke First? No Stroke First!
Robert Kieg Stallman
Research Articles
Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
Ron Garner, Dale Wagner, Eadric Bressel, and Dennis G. Dolny
Metabolic Cost Comparison of Running on an Aquatic Treadmill With Water Jets and Land Treadmill With Incline
Ryan Porter, Sarah Blackwell, Gerald Smith, Dale Wagner, Richard Gordin, and Dennis G. Dolny
Perception and Responses to Different Forms of Aqua-Based Exercise Among Older Adults with Osteoarthritis
Alison Fisken, Debra L. Waters, Wayne A. Hing, Michael Steele, and Justin W. Keogh
Effect of Aquatic Immersion on Static Balance
Talin Louder, Eadric Bressel, Matt Baldwin, Dennis G. Dolny, Richard Gordin, and Andrew Miller
Education Articles
Drowning: The First Time Problem
John Connolly
Drowning: The Exit Problem
John Connolly
Development of a Wet Suit for Children With Down's Syndrome
Linda Suzan Lamont, Peter Panagiotis, Cortney Armitano, and Emily Clapham