Home > Journals > IJARE > Vol. 13 > No. 4 (February 2022)
Volume 13, Number 4 (February 2022)
Editor's Comments
Please open and read the front matter (In This Issue (13:4) appearing with this fourth issue of the International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. In it I have summarized the copious articles appearing in Issue 4 of Volume 13 to give the reader some sense of each of the articles. Happy reading! Steve LangendorferFront Matter
In This Issue (13:4)
Stephen J. Langendorfer Ph.D.
Research Articles
Impact of a Summer Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention to Attenuate Obesity in Urban African-American Youth
Jermaine B. Mitchell, Antonio J. Gardner, Zachary Wahl-Alexander, Ben Schwamberger, Douglas Craddock Jr., Carol N. Agomo, and Myia C. Lang
Examining Youth Conceptualizations of Water Safety Behaviors among Participants in a Learn-to-Swim Program
Austin R. Anderson, Kristina R. Anderson, William D. Ramos, and Angela K. Beale-Tawfeeq
“It’s Up to Us:” Factors Influencing the Perspectives and Practices of Instructors Working in an Out-of-School Swimming Program for Underserved Children and Youth
Daniela M. Susnara and Matthew Curtner-Smith
Effect of Water Depth on Heart Rate and Core Temperature During Underwater Treadmill Walking
Carrie E. Bajenski, Brianna R. Brandon, Cailey A. Curry, Leslie Fajardo, and Ryan T. Conners
Swimming Without Fear: Equitable Instruction
Rubina Khatchaturian and Belinda E. Stillwell
Employment with the Northwest Territories Aquatics Program: A Significant Life Event?
Sebastien Denize and Audrey R. Giles
Ability of Lifeguards to Detect Submerged Manikins in Public Swimming Pool Environments
Élie Vignac, Pascal Lebihain, Brice Guignard, Natacha Heutte, Loic Le Minor, and Bastien Soulé
Content, Construct, and Criterion Validity, Reliability, and Objectivity for Aquatic Readiness Assessment for Brazilian Children
Nadia C. Valentini, Keila R G Pereira, and Glauber C. Nobre
The Effect of Task and Environment Constraints on Aquatic Locomotor Behavior: Qualitative Data Analysis
Ernani Xavier Filho and Edison J. Manoel
Research Note
Effects of a Demand-Valve SCUBA Regulator on Cardiorespiratory Response During Submaximal Exercise Under Normobaric Conditions: A Preliminary Investigation
Christopher R. Kovacs Ph.D. and Camille Dhom B.S.
Scientific Literature Reviews
Lifeguard Performance Skills: A Systematic Review
Paulo Santiago, Filipe Maia, Sandra Santiago, Daniel Duarte, and Pedro Teques
Effective Lifeguard Scanning: A Review
Stephen J. Langendorfer Ph.D., Francesco (Frank) A. Pia Ph.D., and Angela K. Beale-Tawfeeq Ph.D.