Home > Journals > IJARE > Vol. 13 > No. 2 (May 2021)
Volume 13, Number 2 (May 2021)
In This Issue (13:2)
Welcome to the 2nd Issue of the 13th Volume of the International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. It is an issue packed with excellent and informative articles published by notable international authors on important topics in water safety, water competence, and swimming.Regular readers will note that I have changed my format a bit. In order to read about my synopses of what is in the issue, I encourage you to open up the "In the Issue (13:2) front material. I realize that my previous introductions were getting pretty long and it was getting harder and harder to quickly scan for the actual titles of articles and authors in the issue with so much front material. Readers will have to let me know if you like this format better than the "In this Issue" summary that appeared up front on the webpage. As always, good reading! Steve Langendorfer Founding Editor
Front Matter
In This Issue (13:2)
Stephen J. Langendorfer Ph.D.
Research Articles
Water Safety Education Programs in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Seattle Communities: Program Design and Pilot Evaluation
William A. Koon, Elizabeth Bennett, Sarah Stempski, and Jennifer Blitvich
Getting In: Safe Water Entry Competencies
Kevin Moran Dr, Jennifer Blitvich, Lauren Petrass, and Keith McElroy
The Lifeguard Rescue Reporting System: Survey Results from a Collaborative Data Collection Method
William D. Ramos, Roy Fielding, Kristina R. Anderson, and Peter G. Wernicki MD
Perceptions of Water Competencies, Drowning Risk and Aquatic Participation among Older Adults
Teresa Stanley and Kevin Moran
Efficacy of Flotation Aids Attached to the Pelvis and Thighs of Beginning Swimmers
Yasunori Watanabe, Shin-Ichiro Moriyama, and Kohji Wakayoshi
Scientific Literature Review
Surfboard Paddling Technique and Neuromechanical Control: A Narrative Review
Wynand Volschenk, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, John W. Whitting, Rudi A. Meir, and Alec K. McKenzie