Panel 03 - The Instrumentality of the Electric Guitar

Solid Guitar Autoethnography: Gibson SG as a touring companion

Presenter Information

Kimi Kärki, University of Turku

Start Date

27-3-2015 5:30 PM


Besides being a cultural historian, writing on popular culture and especially popular music, I have also been a semi­professional musician for more than 17 years. I went for a Gibson SG at the end of the 1990s, in order to have a reliable ‘tool’ on the road. It continues to serve me well.

In my paper I will do some autoethnographical work on the touring life, especially with my heavy metal bands Reverend Bizarre (Spinefarm Records/Universal Music, 1997–2007) and Lord Vicar (The Church Within Records, 2007–) and the uses and misuses of a trusted guitar companion. I will also briefly issue the rich history and iconography of the instrument, as that was the primary reason to get an SG.

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Mar 27th, 5:30 PM

Solid Guitar Autoethnography: Gibson SG as a touring companion

Besides being a cultural historian, writing on popular culture and especially popular music, I have also been a semi­professional musician for more than 17 years. I went for a Gibson SG at the end of the 1990s, in order to have a reliable ‘tool’ on the road. It continues to serve me well.

In my paper I will do some autoethnographical work on the touring life, especially with my heavy metal bands Reverend Bizarre (Spinefarm Records/Universal Music, 1997–2007) and Lord Vicar (The Church Within Records, 2007–) and the uses and misuses of a trusted guitar companion. I will also briefly issue the rich history and iconography of the instrument, as that was the primary reason to get an SG.