August 24, 2022: Lessons Learned From Over Fifty Years Of OD&C Studies And Practice

August 24, 2022: Lessons Learned From Over Fifty Years Of OD&C Studies And Practice


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Summary: Dr. Warrick has been a student, educator, practitioner, and author of books and articles on OD&C for over fifty years. In his session he will be sharing some of the key lessons he has learned about the field that he considers to be one of the most rewarding fields anyone could be in. He loves the field of OD&C and believes that people involved in ODC have an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of organizations, teams, and individuals.

About Dr. Warrick: Dr. Warrick is a Professor of Leadership and Organization Change and President’s Teaching Scholar at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Dr. Warrick has received the Life Time Achievement Award from the Organization Development Network for “his significant and lasting impact on the field and practice of organizations development.” He was the second recipient of the Academy of Management Distinguished Educator Award given for “exceptional contributions to organization development and change education, scholarship, and practice.” He has also been recognized in the book Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers with a chapter devoted to his contributions as one of the leading thinkers on organization change and development. Dr. Warrick was the second editor of the Academy of Management OD Newsletter and the eleventh Chairperson of the OD Division of the Academy of Management. At his university he has received the Chancellor’s Award (Outstanding Faculty Award), the Outstanding Teacher Award, and many Outstanding Teacher and other Awards from the College of Business. Dr. Warrick has been a consultant or trainer for several hundred organizations including Fortune 100, medium size, and smaller organizations as well as public sector and religious organizations. He holds BBA and MBA degrees from the University of Oklahoma and his doctorate is from the University of Southern California.

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August 24, 2022: Lessons Learned From Over Fifty Years Of OD&C Studies And Practice
