June 22, 2022: Bystander Intervention

June 22, 2022: Bystander Intervention


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Summary: The presenter will engage participants through discussions on bias and microaggressions, and the impact of these harmful behaviors when they go unaddressed. The workshop will introduce concepts of unconscious bias and stereotypes, and help participants consider their own individualities using Multiple Dimensions of Identity as the theoretical framework. The workshop will then review the key principles of bystander intervention and the responsibility employees have in interrupting behaviors that silence voices or harm the dignity of team/organizational members. Participants will consider if bystander intervention could help change their organizational culture. The presenter will focus on how small actions taken to intervene in moments of bias can culminate in a more positive and inclusive organization. Participants will take away practical skills to restore harm caused, and to help their organization assess if bias behaviors may be preventing belonging.

About Jennifer: Jennifer McCary is the Chief Diversity and Belonging officer at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), where she oversees the Division of Diversity and Belonging. McCary earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in art education/stone sculpture, a Master of Arts degree in college student personnel, and is currently working on a Doctorate in organization development and change, all from BGSU. McCary serves on multiple local steering committees and holds elected positions within the American College Personnel Association (ACPA). She is a two-time TEDx speaker, an exhibiting artist, and received a 20 Under 40 award from the City of Toledo in 2019. McCary has made it her professional goal to help reduce violence and improve the climate as it relates to inclusion in as many spaces as possible.

Publication Date


June 22, 2022: Bystander Intervention
