WS 6800/MC 6400 Women's Studies Archive Project

Document Type

Student Project


The purpose of this archive is to have a closer look at women’s faculty status at Bowling Green State University in different time periods.

*In a cover page attached to its 1972 report on the status of Women Faculty at Bowling Green State University, the five members of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Women said, “This report is a first step in what must be a continuing analysis and evaluation of how well the university recognizes and utilizes the contribution of all its various members and provides for the development of their potential”. (Fox, Blanchard, Eckman, Foy, Merriam, 1972). This paper will analyze three studies which are located at the BGSU’s Archive.

Frist: The Status of Women Faculty at Bowling Green State University. Report of the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Women. May 1972

Second: Benedict, M. A Comparative Analysis of the Status of Women at Bowling Green State University:1993 versus 1998. Department of Economics Bowling Green State University. For the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Gender April 21, 1999.

Third: Gender Equity in Faculty Salary at Bowling Green State University: A report Based on 1993-1994 Faculty Salary Data. A final Report to the University Community by the Gender Equity Research Group. February 1995. William Balzer, psychology, Nancy Boudreau, Applied Statistics and Operations Research, ANN Marie Ryan, psychology, Deanne Snavely, Chemistry, James Sullivan, Applied Statistics and Operations Research, Robert Yonker, Educational Foundations and Inquiry.

Publication Date

Fall 12-5-2017
