
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2023)

Letter from the Editor

The papers in this issue represent student writing from both WRIT 1110 and 1120. From a literacy narrative to a discourse community analysis and research papers, these works show the breadth of writing present in the scope and sequence of the University Writing Program.

The winner of the 2021 Donna Nelson-Beene Research Writing Award is featured in this issue. Her research discusses how young adults can maintain healthy habits. We are pleased to publish her writing in this year's journal.

The WRIT editorial team thanks every student who submitted a manuscript. Additionally, UWP acknowledges that in accordance with the BGSU Institutional Review Board, the works including primary research are for educational purposes only. They are not systematic research studies. UWP administration and faculty value educating students about writing research and the requirements for research involving human subjects.

We hope you enjoy reading these papers and learning about the topics presented.



Amber Brandau


Charity Givens
Neil Baird
University Writing Program Director