WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing | Vol 4 | Iss 1

Volume 4, Issue 1 (2021)

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to WRIT Issue 4.1!

The three articles in this issue represent work that students have completed in a University Writing Program (UWP) WRIT course, and then continued to work on for this journal. Each author featured within this issue committed the time and energy necessary to make their work as strong as it could be, including working to address reviewers’ feedback between resubmissions. In submitting these pieces, these students performed three habits of mind that UWP values and promotes in its curricula: openness to new perspectives, curiosity about ideas and ways of writing, and creativity in writing.

In addition to these three program values, these students also displayed persistence through their personal, social, and academic lives. 2020-2021 were insurmountably challenging, and this issue features two pieces on mental and physical health and one piece on the exploitation of Black athletes. These topics mirror larger issues that affected-- and continue to affect-- all students.

The WRIT editorial team thanks every student who submitted a manuscript. Although we were not able to include all submissions, students’ recent submissions will be reviewed for the opportunity to be featured in the next issue of WRIT. Additionally, UWP acknowledges that in accordance with the BGSU Institutional Review Board, the works including primary research are for educational purposes only. They are not systematic research studies. UWP administration and faculty value educating students about writing research and the requirements for research involving human subjects.

We hope you enjoy the works included in this issue as much as we did. Past, present, and future WRIT students are invited to submit work for the next issue of WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing.

Happy reading,

Emma Guthrie, Editor
Neil Baird, University Writing Program Director

2021-2021 WRIT Editorial Team: Annie Cigic, Consuela Jones, Elena Aponte, Laura Menard, Rachel Flynn, Renee Drouin, Sherrel McLafferty, Tiffany Scarola, and Turner Wilson
