School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy Faculty Publications


Perceptions of Effective Teaching: Teacher Candidates, Novice Teachers, and Teacher Educators Describe Effectiveness

Document Type



In this qualitative, grounded theory study, five preservice teachers, two early career inservice teachers, and two teacher educators were interviewed about their beliefs about teacher effectiveness. Participants identify four themes related to effectiveness: 1) that effective teaching is complex and requires sufficient skill in several different essential capacities (content knowledge, pedagogy, classroom management, and social and emotional support); 2) that effective teachers know their students and their unique individual situations, interests, and needs; 3) that effective teachers foster learning in each student through individualized, relevant, and engaging instruction; and 4) that effective teachers continually improve through reflective practice, professional development, and collaboration. Participants reveal that their understandings of effective teaching are consistent with prominent research in the field and that they want to continually improve through reflection on detailed and informative feedback.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journals
