Psychology Ph.D. Dissertations

Farming and Work-Family Facilitation: An Examination of Positive Spillover and Crossover Effects among a Sample of Farm Couples

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)



First Advisor

Steve Jex

Second Advisor

Russell Matthews (Committee Member)

Third Advisor

Harold Rosenberg (Committee Member)

Fourth Advisor

Marc Simon (Committee Member)


This study expands upon the contextualization of the work-family interface by examining positive work-family experiences within the agricultural industry. Both spillover and crossover effects were examined among a sample of 217 married dyads in which farming was the primary occupation of the husband. Results indicated that both husbands and wives experienced more work-family facilitation than work-family conflict. Moreover, wives tended to experience more family-to-work facilitation than work-to-family facilitation. Regarding individual spillover, multiple positive spillover effects were found for both husbands and wives. Additionally, direct crossover effects revealed that individual attitudes (husband work engagement and wife farm satisfaction) were related to partner work-family facilitation. Furthermore, husband work-family facilitation was positively related to wife psychological wellbeing, while wife work-family facilitation was not significantly related to husband psychological wellbeing. Overall, findings suggest the potential beneficial impact of the integrated work-family dynamic associated with the farming profession. Implications of these findings, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.
