Psychology Ph.D. Dissertations

The influence of goal orientation on Karasek's (1979) job demands-control model

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)



First Advisor

Steve Jex (Committee Chair)

Second Advisor

Mike Zickar (Committee Member)

Third Advisor

Rob Carels (Committee Member)

Fourth Advisor

Dan Bragg (Committee Member)


The purpose of this study was to examine whether goal orientation influences the interaction between job demands and job control in predicting physical symptoms and job satisfaction. Two-way interactions were predicted between job demands and performance-avoidance goal orientation with physical symptoms and job satisfaction as outcomes. Three-way interactions were also predicted between job demands, control, and mastery-approach goal orientation for both outcomes, and between job demands, control, and performance-approach goal orientation in predicting job satisfaction. None of these hypotheses were supported using either self-report measures or O*NET measures of job demands and control. However, main effects were found for self-reported job demands in predicting physical symptoms, for self-reported job demands and control in predicting job satisfaction, and for O*NET independence (control) in predicting job satisfaction. Additionally, two-way interactions were found indicating low self-reported control strengthened the negative relationship between self-reported job demands and job satisfaction, performance-approach goal orientation strengthened the positive relationship between self-reported control and job satisfaction, and mastery-approach goal orientation strengthened the relationship between O*NET independence (control) and physical symptoms.
