Psychology Faculty Publications

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The benefits of a 6-month behavioral weight loss program were investigated by examining mood changes after a graded exercise test (GXT), changes in exercise enjoyment, and the relation of mood and enjoyment to program success. Obese, sedentary, postmenopausal women completed a demographic questionnaire, and physical and psychological measures. Women who completed the program (n = 25) significantly decreased their body weight and body mass index and reported significantly less tension and confusion post-GXT when measured both at the beginning and end of the program. Although their exercise enjoyment increased, their exercise-related mood changes appeared to be independent of enjoyment. Finally, women who completed the program initially reported more positive mood changes post-GXT than did dropouts (n = 7). In conclusion, mood alteration may be a factor leading to successful completion of a behavioral weight loss program by obese women. © 2010 ISSP.

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Publication Title

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

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Psychology Commons
