National Center for Family and Marriage Research Family Profiles
This series brings together Family Profiles that focus on the latest NCFMR analyses of American families. The profiles draw on recently released, national data sources to provide the most up to date information about U.S. families, showcasing select themes that are research and policy relevant.
Submissions from 2021
FP-21-16 Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2019, Lisa Carlson
FP-21-17 Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers under 40, 1980-2018, Karen B. Guzzo
FP-21-18 The U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2019: Trends and Geographic Variation by Gender, Leslie Reynolds
FP-21-19 Recent (2019) Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Marital History and Age at Marriage, Krista K. Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-21-20 Recent Marriages to Same-sex and Different-sex Couples: Mobility, Region, Home Ownership, and Household Income, Krista K. Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-21-21 Stepfamilies among Currently Cohabiting and Married Women Under 45, 1988 and 2017, Karen B. Guzzo
FP-21-22 Variation in Stepfamilies among Currently Cohabiting and Married Men and Women Under 50, Karen B. Guzzo
FP-21-23 Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007-2021, Adrianne R. Brown
FP-21-24 Marital Experiences in the U.S., 1996 & 2018, Krista K. Payne
FP-21-25 Relationship Status Trends According to Age and Gender, 2019-2021, Adrianne R. Brown and Wendy D. Manning
FP-21-26 Children’s Family Structure-2021, Krista K. Westrick-Payne and Corrine E. Wiborg
Submissions from 2020
FP-20-01 First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-02 First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2018, Colette A. Allred and Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-03 Union and Childbearing Characteristics of Women 40-44, 2000-2018, Karen Benjamin Guzzo and Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-04 Number of Children to Women Aged 40-44, 1980-2018, Karen Benjamin Guzzo and Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-05 Age at Entry into Motherhood and Mothers’ Sociodemographic Characteristics, 2015-2018, Lisa Carlson
FP-20-06 Age at First Birth Among Mothers 40-44, 1990 & 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer and Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-20-07 Recently Divorced Adults with Resident Minor Children, 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-08 The Geography of Marriage & Divorce: Rates by Quartile for the U.S., Krista K. Payne and Wendy D. Manning
FP-20-09 Distributions of Age at First Marriage, 1960-2018, Paul Hemez
FP-20-10 Distributions of Age at Remarriage, 1960-2018, Paul Hemez
FP-20-11 Distributions of Age at First Birth, 1960-2018, Valerie J. Schweizer and Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-20-12 Age Variation in Cohabitation, 2018, Leslie Reynolds and Susan L. Brown
FP-20-13 Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-14 Fatherhood in the U.S.: The Decoupling of Marriage and Childbearing, Lisa Carlson
FP-20-15 Married & Living Apart Together, Krista K. Payne, Colette A. Allred, and Susan L. Brown
FP-20-16 Median Duration of Marriages in the U.S., 2018, Krista K. Payne
FP-20-17 Women Who Gave Birth Within the Past 12 Months, 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-18 Median Age at First Divorce, 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-19 First Marriage vs. Remarriage: Demographic Characteristics, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-20 Ten Years of Change in the U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2008 & 2018, Leslie Reynolds
FP-20-21 Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-22 Divorce: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-23 Widowhood: Decades of Change, 1940-2018, Lisa Carlson and Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-20-24 Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019, Leslie Reynolds
FP-20-25 Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019, Leslie Reynolds
FP-20-26 Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019, Leslie Reynolds
FP-20-27 Thirty Years of Changing Cohabitation Experience in the U.S., 1987-2017, Wendy D. Manning
FP-20-28 Stepfamilies in First Marriages, Lisa Carlson
FP-20-29 Marriage in the U.S.: Twenty-five Years of Change, 1995-2020, Lisa Carlson
Submissions from 2019
FP-19-01 Cohabitors Raising Shared Children, Kasey J. Eickmeyer
FP-19-02 Composition of Cohabitating Families, Kasey J. Eickmeyer
FP-19-03 Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-04 Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007 & 2018, Krista K. Payne
FP-19-05 Age Variation in the First Marriage Rate, 1990 & 2017, Kasey J. Eickmeyer
FP-19-06 Median Age at First Marriage, 2017, Krista K. Payne
FP-19-07 Median Age at First Marriage: Geographic Variation, 2017, Krista K. Payne
FP-19-08 First Marriage vs. Remarriage in the U.S., 2017, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-09 Characteristics of Foster Children in the U.S., 2016-2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-10 High School Seniors’ Attitudes Toward Cohabitation as a Testing Ground for Marriage, 2017, Colette A. Allred
FP-19-11 High School Seniors’ Expectations to Marry, 2017, Colette A. Allred
FP-19-12 High School Seniors’ Ideal Time to Marry, 2017, Colette A. Allred
FP-19-13 Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2017, Colette Allred
FP-19-14 Marriage by the Numbers, Wendy D. Manning and Krista K. Payne
FP-19-15 Family Formation Experiences: Shares of Women Who Married and had a Birth, 1979 & 2016, Paul Hemez
FP-19-16 Family Formation Experiences: Women’s Median Ages at First Marriage and First Birth, 1979 & 2016, Paul Hemez
FP-19-17 The Retreat from Remarriage, 1950-2017, Valerie Schweizer
FP-19-18 Parental Bereavement in Mid- to Late-Life: The Death of a Child After Age 50, Kagan A. Mellencamp
FP-19-19 Coresidence Among Older Adults and Their Adult Children, Kasey J. Eickmeyer and Susan L. Brown
FP-19-20 Gray Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017, Colette Allred
FP-19-21 Resident Single Parents: Mothers & Fathers, Colette Allred
FP-19-22 Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018, Colette Allred
FP-19-23 Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018, Colette Allred
FP-19-24 Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-25 Children’s Family Structure, 2019, Krista K. Payne
FP-19-26 Single, Cohabiting, & Married Households: 1995, 2012, & 2019, Paul Hemez
FP-19-27 Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Demographic Variation, 2018, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-28 30 Years of Change in Men’s Entry into Fatherhood, 1987-2017, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-29 Fatherhood in the U.S.: Number of Children, 1987-2017, Valerie J. Schweizer
FP-19-30 Older Adults’ Living Arrangements and Citizenship Status, Colette Allred
Submissions from 2018
FP-18-01 Grandchildren Living in a Grandparent-Headed Household, Huijing Wu
FP-18-02 Coresident Grandparents: Caregivers versus Non-Caregivers, Huijing Wu
FP-18-03 Prevalence of Grandparenthood in the U.S., Huijing Wu
FP-18-04 Grandparents' Characteristics by Age, Huijing Wu
FP-18-05 Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandchildren, Huijing Wu
FP-18-06 Fathers with Resident Minor Children, 2016, Kasey J. Eickmeyer
FP-18-07 Childbearing Among Women 40 and Older, Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-18-08 Characteristics of First-Time Mothers Aged 40 and Older, Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-18-09 Childbearing Desires, Intentions, and Attitudes Among Women 40-44, Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-18-10 Attitudes On Women’s Roles in the Home: 1986-2016, Colette A. Allred
FP-18-11 Job Satisfaction and Interference with Family Life Among Mothers and Fathers, Colette A. Allred
FP-18-12 Men's Birth Expectations, Colette A. Allred and Karen Benjamin Guzzo
FP-18-13 Attitudes Towards Births Outside of Marriage, 1988 & 2012, Samantha Nousak
FP-18-14 First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2016, Krista K. Payne
FP-18-15 First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2016, Krista K. Payne
FP-18-16 Change in the U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2008 and 2016, Krista K. Payne
FP-18-17 Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2016, Colette A. Allred
FP-18-18 Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 2016, Huijing Wu
FP-18-19 Living with a Sibling or Roommate in Older Adulthood, 1990 & 2016, Huijing Wu
FP-18-20 Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017, Valerie Schweizer
FP-18-21 Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017, Valerie Schweizer
FP-18-22 Young Adulthood: Cohabitation, Birth, and Marriage Experiences, Paul Hemez
FP-18-23 Young Adulthood: Number & Type of Family Formation Events, Paul Hemez
FP-18-24 Young Adulthood: Sequencing of Union Experiences Relative to First Birth, Paul Hemez
FP-18-25 Average Age at First Birth, 1970 & 2017, Karen Benjamin Guzzo and Krista K. Payne
FP-18-26 Young Adults Living Alone, with Siblings, or with Roommates, Valerie Schweizer and Krista K. Payne
Submissions from 2017
FP-17-01 Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015, Huijing Wu
FP-17-02 Over Twenty-five Years of Change in Cohabitation Experience in the U.S., 1987-2013, Paul Hemez and Wendy D. Manning
FP-17-03 Median Age at First Divorce, 2015, Lydia R. Anderson
FP-17-04 Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers, 1980-2014, Huijing Wu